Town halls gone wild

First of all, I said the articles "backed up" my assertions, not "proved" my assertion.

Second of all, they were paid large sums of money by the insurance companies, much more than other Democrats in fact, and now they are doing exactly what the insurance companies want them to do.

While that's not infallible proof that they have been "bought", it's certainly a strong indicator that they have.

Thus my claim is in fact partially substantiated. They took the money and are now doing their bidding.

Even if the evidence is circumstantial, it is evidence.
have you ever donated money to a politician or a cause?

Yes, I have. My point was not that the congressmen in question received money, but that they received substantially more than their counterparts from particular sources.
so, you bought influence? or did you donate because they already had expressed opinions you supported?
No town hall meetings scheduled in Virginia. I've sent emails to all of my Representatives and basically they said their mind is made up and they don't need to hear from their constituents.

The Virginia town hall meeting website is shut down.

Here is the current scheduled that I was able to obtain from the website, it's a few days ago:

U.S. Senators:
- Sen. Jim Webb (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Sen. Mark Warner (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled

U.S. Congressmen:
- Rep. Rob Whittman (R-1st CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Robert Scott (D-3rd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Randy Forbes (R-4th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-6th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) - Schedule is currently being compiled
- Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th CD) - Townhall with Howard Dean. Tuesday, August 25, 2009. 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. South Lakes High School Auditorium, 11400 South Lakes Dr., Reston, Virginia.
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th CD) - Two 9:00 am weekday meetings scheduled but nothing else ... no times when working folks can attend.
- Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-10th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled but staff said they are working on the schedule
- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled

These's people hopefully will be voted out in the next few elections.

Aww, what's the matter, nobody's going to give you the chance to ham it up on the camera anymore?

People wised up and said, well if they want to be a bunch of spoiled children, then we'll just close up the playground.

and i also hope they all get voted OUT
Before we start with "vote them out" mantra check out their position on the health care bill. I know Frank Wolfe is opposed to it, he's in the district next to mine. Also if the post is read in it's entirety one will notice the phrase: None currently scheduled, not none planned.
No town hall meetings scheduled in Virginia. I've sent emails to all of my Representatives and basically they said their mind is made up and they don't need to hear from their constituents.

The Virginia town hall meeting website is shut down.

Here is the current scheduled that I was able to obtain from the website, it's a few days ago:

U.S. Senators:
- Sen. Jim Webb (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Sen. Mark Warner (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled

U.S. Congressmen:
- Rep. Rob Whittman (R-1st CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Robert Scott (D-3rd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Randy Forbes (R-4th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-6th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) - Schedule is currently being compiled
- Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th CD) - Townhall with Howard Dean. Tuesday, August 25, 2009. 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. South Lakes High School Auditorium, 11400 South Lakes Dr., Reston, Virginia.
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th CD) - Two 9:00 am weekday meetings scheduled but nothing else ... no times when working folks can attend.
- Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-10th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled but staff said they are working on the schedule
- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled

These's people hopefully will be voted out in the next few elections.

I have to say after reading much of this town hall stuff I understand the anger and concern people opposed to Obamacare have (I'm one of them), and letting your Congresscritters and Reps know this is fine . . . done within reason and within boundaries. I don't understand screaming your Rep off the stage or initiating or joining in a 'mob mentality'. What purpose does that serve? The fact that all your Reps don't have any meetings scheduled (will they?) makes me think that the opposition just screwed itself out of some prime opportunities to be heard. Stupid of the opposition if you ask me.

Having said that --- They work for us . . . where the hell do they get the balls to refuse to hold town hall meetings to hear opposition to the plan? It's their job! What a bunch of assholes.
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Divecon, it will be a sunami in the 2010 elections. My two senators both democrats have not scheduled their town halls either, the chicken shits. I guess they all think they are the ruling class and don't have to answer to the people who sent them there in the first place.

Good news, Fox news is on this coverage like a wet blanket, their ratings have sky-rocketed, the news is getting out there and people are waking up to the Obama coma that they have been in. No one likes being called Un-american, carrying swasticas, Pelosi and her left wing nut cases are just digging a deeper and deeper hole. Hell, Obama is going to be lameducked by a bunch of scared democrats from his own party before we get the chance to vote them all out and kick them to the curb. There's will be a hard landing on their asses on the astroturf.
Hey genius, that's what "TownHall" meetings are for, you know, the ones that you are screaming so much during that no-one else can have a conversation?

And you should watch that filthy mouth of yours boy, it'll get you in trouble one day.

Besides the "protestors" at the TownHall meetings have been organized thanks to our Corporate overlords.

You think POLITICIANS run this country? You've got another thing coming.

Eat shit and die you cocky little punk ass bitch. I'll say what I when I want on this board within the rules, and telling you off isn't breaking any rules. So stick it where your butt buddy uses you ya filthy little two bit piece of low rent trailer trash shit bag. You got that BOY?!

And I know exactly what's going on here. The filthy liberals are hearing things they don't want to hear, so they're simply refusing to go listen, plain and simple. I hope they keep this shut down going. It'll only help to get their stinking, liberal, worthless , out of touch, fuck the people, asses voted out in 2010.

Yeah, you're a smart one, aren't you? You really know how to have an intelligent debate, don't you?

I don't care if it's within the "rules" or not, it's just plain rude, and frankly, makes you look like a jackass, but please, feel free to continue to make a fool out of yourself, you don't seem to need any help from me.


You've got no fucking clue how this board works cherry, so you're talking out your newbie ass.

But while you're learning about this board, and you're puking out your liberal crap everywhere, grow a pair and quit whining. There's people that have been here for YEARS like myself, and we're not about to take SHIT from some little cherry FUCK LIBERAL who thinks they're going to come in here, spew your SHIT, and then tell us all who've been here for years HOW TO BEHAVE. Number one, IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING JOB, number two, QUIT WHINING ya little pussy.

Now, I can debate with any fucking person on this board, especially about politics. So you can also take your holier than thou attitude and fuck off.

Get the chip off your shoulder and act like a normal person, and that's what you'll get in return.

But what you're trying to do here is just all too familiar... kind of like... what all the rest of you fucking liberals are doing to normal, upset, passionate Americans pissed off about the dems ramming bills down their throats they don't read, turning America into a socialistic state, and spending so much money an eminent catastrophe is on the way from the debt, and then the dems tell them to shut up, call them nazi's and shut them out.... kind of like the trick you thought you were going to pull on me here, but you got an ear full instead.

WELL GET USED TO IT CHERRY, because that's the way we do things here.
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No town hall meetings scheduled in Virginia. I've sent emails to all of my Representatives and basically they said their mind is made up and they don't need to hear from their constituents.

The Virginia town hall meeting website is shut down.

Here is the current scheduled that I was able to obtain from the website, it's a few days ago:

U.S. Senators:
- Sen. Jim Webb (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Sen. Mark Warner (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled

U.S. Congressmen:
- Rep. Rob Whittman (R-1st CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Robert Scott (D-3rd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Randy Forbes (R-4th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-6th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) - Schedule is currently being compiled
- Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th CD) - Townhall with Howard Dean. Tuesday, August 25, 2009. 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. South Lakes High School Auditorium, 11400 South Lakes Dr., Reston, Virginia.
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th CD) - Two 9:00 am weekday meetings scheduled but nothing else ... no times when working folks can attend.
- Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-10th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled but staff said they are working on the schedule
- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled

These's people hopefully will be voted out in the next few elections.

I have to say after reading much of this town hall stuff I understand the anger and concern people opposed to Obamacare have (I'm one of them), and letting your Congresscritters and Reps know this is fine . . . done within reason and within boundaries. I don't understand screaming your Rep off the stage or initiating or joining in a 'mob mentality'. What purpose does that serve? The fact that all your Reps don't have any meetings scheduled (will they?) makes me think that the opposition just screwed itself out of some prime opportunities to be heard. Stupid of the opposition if you ask me.

Having said that --- They work for us . . . where the hell do they get the balls to refuse to hold town hall meetings to hear opposition to the plan? It's their job! What a bunch of assholes.

Peaceful protest at a meeting site is a healthy thing. Asking hard questions of your employee at a town hall is a healthy thing. Voicing displeasure in a reasonable way is a healthy thing. But you're 100% right about the mob mentality. It's ultimately destructive to your cause. Your cause is not mine, but I'll cheer you on in exercizing your rights as long as it doesn't tread on somebody else's. My point is I don't want to hear the people engaging in these tactics complain if it starts to bite the movement in the ass. They do it, they need to own it.

And I'll never disagree with anybody who calls Congress a bunch of assholes.
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This anger is not just about health care, it started with the bailouts of the banks the take over of GM, the signing of the no stimulus stimulus bill that no read before they signed it, the cap and trade a major job killer and tax hiker and then health care. It's been building and if this health care plan is shoved down America's throat without the consent of the majority of Americans, no one will be able to guarantee the safety of those congressmen and senators that voted for it.

The American people are not easily intimidated as our enemy's have found out, the more we are pushed the more we push back. Nancy Pelosi and her comments are the match, the unions and acorn are the fuel and it could turn out to be a raging bonfire that even Obama and his smooth talking while reading the teleprompter will not be able to put out.:eusa_shhh:
This anger is not just about health care, it started with the bailouts of the banks the take over of GM, the signing of the no stimulus stimulus bill that no read before they signed it, the cap and trade a major job killer and tax hiker and then health care. It's been building and if this health care plan is shoved down America's throat without the consent of the majority of Americans, no one will be able to guarantee the safety of those congressmen and senators that voted for it.

The American people are not easily intimidated as our enemy's have found out, the more we are pushed the more we push back. Nancy Pelosi and her comments are the match, the unions and acorn are the fuel and it could turn out to be a raging bonfire that even Obama and his smooth talking while reading the teleprompter will not be able to put out.:eusa_shhh:

I don't disagree with anything you posted, Maple. But I think we do ourselves more harm than good by acting tumultuous and booing our employees off the stage.

If we want them to listen us they need to hear us first. Angry mob scene isn't the way to get 'er done.
Peaceful protest at a meeting site is a healthy thing. Asking hard questions of your employee at a town hall is a healthy thing. Voicing displeasure in a reasonable way is a healthy thing. But you're 100% right about the mob mentality. It's ultimately destructive to your cause. Your cause is not mine, but I'll cheer you on in exercizing your rights as long as it doesn't tread on somebody else's. My point is I don't want to hear the people engaging in these tactics complain if it starts to bite the movement in the ass. They do it, they need to own it.

And I'll never disagree with anybody who calls Congress a bunch of assholes.

I agree with everything you posted.

Why look at that -- opposite views agreeing on something!
And that's why this is so momentous. People across the board are alarmed, in huge, huge numbers.
Peaceful protest at a meeting site is a healthy thing. Asking hard questions of your employee at a town hall is a healthy thing. Voicing displeasure in a reasonable way is a healthy thing. But you're 100% right about the mob mentality. It's ultimately destructive to your cause. Your cause is not mine, but I'll cheer you on in exercizing your rights as long as it doesn't tread on somebody else's. My point is I don't want to hear the people engaging in these tactics complain if it starts to bite the movement in the ass. They do it, they need to own it.

And I'll never disagree with anybody who calls Congress a bunch of assholes.

I agree with everything you posted.

Why look at that -- opposite views agreeing on something!

Happens once in a while. I won't tell if you don't. ;)
No town hall meetings scheduled in Virginia. I've sent emails to all of my Representatives and basically they said their mind is made up and they don't need to hear from their constituents.

The Virginia town hall meeting website is shut down.

Here is the current scheduled that I was able to obtain from the website, it's a few days ago:

U.S. Senators:
- Sen. Jim Webb (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Sen. Mark Warner (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled

U.S. Congressmen:
- Rep. Rob Whittman (R-1st CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Robert Scott (D-3rd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Randy Forbes (R-4th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-6th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) - Schedule is currently being compiled
- Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th CD) - Townhall with Howard Dean. Tuesday, August 25, 2009. 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. South Lakes High School Auditorium, 11400 South Lakes Dr., Reston, Virginia.
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th CD) - Two 9:00 am weekday meetings scheduled but nothing else ... no times when working folks can attend.
- Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-10th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled but staff said they are working on the schedule
- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled

These's people hopefully will be voted out in the next few elections.

I have to say after reading much of this town hall stuff I understand the anger and concern people opposed to Obamacare have (I'm one of them), and letting your Congresscritters and Reps know this is fine . . . done within reason and within boundaries. I don't understand screaming your Rep off the stage or initiating or joining in a 'mob mentality'. What purpose does that serve? The fact that all your Reps don't have any meetings scheduled (will they?) makes me think that the opposition just screwed itself out of some prime opportunities to be heard. Stupid of the opposition if you ask me.

Having said that --- They work for us . . . where the hell do they get the balls to refuse to hold town hall meetings to hear opposition to the plan? It's their job! What a bunch of assholes.
Excuse me but I mailed Webb and other's before any town-hall meeting took place. He responded basically with TOUGH SHIT, I'm VOTING FOR THE BILL....this again was before any of the so called MOB came on the TUBE.

EDIT to Add: This isn't just Virginian's getting that smug shut up attitude from our local officials and people don't get why people are showing anger. Phone calls, email, snail mail, doesn't matter...they don't think they work for the People, they think they work for the DNC/RNC only.
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I have to say after reading much of this town hall stuff I understand the anger and concern people opposed to Obamacare have (I'm one of them), and letting your Congresscritters and Reps know this is fine . . . done within reason and within boundaries. I don't understand screaming your Rep off the stage or initiating or joining in a 'mob mentality'. What purpose does that serve? The fact that all your Reps don't have any meetings scheduled (will they?) makes me think that the opposition just screwed itself out of some prime opportunities to be heard. Stupid of the opposition if you ask me.

Having said that --- They work for us . . . where the hell do they get the balls to refuse to hold town hall meetings to hear opposition to the plan? It's their job! What a bunch of assholes.

Excuse me but I mailed Webb and other's before any town-hall meeting took place. He responded basically with TOUGH SHIT, I'm VOTING FOR THE BILL....this again was before any of the so called MOB came on the TUBE.

Didn't realize that was the case, Terry. Like I said all the mob stuff made me think they cancelled because of that; didn't realize your guys cancelled prior to this.

EDIT to Add: This isn't just Virginian's getting that smug shut up attitude from our local officials and people don't get why people are showing anger. Phone calls, email, snail mail, doesn't matter...they don't think they work for the People, they think they work for the DNC/RNC only.

I still stand by my original views that ganging up on them in these meetings (if they hold them) doesn't accomplish what it should and could likely backfire. Points, emotions, and concerns can be made with language and action but booing them off the stage and such . . . not the way to go, imo.

I completely agree about them thinking they are above the fray and that they don't work for us. They are arrogant s.o.b.'s, no doubt about that. People need to continue to call, mail, show up, etc. and voice their concerns, regardless of the reaction (or lack of) they receive. Then . . . . they need to vote them out!
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Eat shit and die you cocky little punk ass bitch. I'll say what I when I want on this board within the rules, and telling you off isn't breaking any rules. So stick it where your butt buddy uses you ya filthy little two bit piece of low rent trailer trash shit bag. You got that BOY?!

And I know exactly what's going on here. The filthy liberals are hearing things they don't want to hear, so they're simply refusing to go listen, plain and simple. I hope they keep this shut down going. It'll only help to get their stinking, liberal, worthless , out of touch, fuck the people, asses voted out in 2010.

Yeah, you're a smart one, aren't you? You really know how to have an intelligent debate, don't you?

I don't care if it's within the "rules" or not, it's just plain rude, and frankly, makes you look like a jackass, but please, feel free to continue to make a fool out of yourself, you don't seem to need any help from me.


You've got no fucking clue how this board works cherry, so you're talking out your newbie ass.

But while you're learning about this board, and you're puking out your liberal crap everywhere, grow a pair and quit whining.

Blah, blah, liberal, blah blah, (random insult), blah blah (random invective), blah, blah Socialist... That's all you got, isn't it?

You're sorry, when was I whining? Seems like you folks are the whiners, going into TownHall meetings and screaming your fool heads off cause you don't like that the opposition won the election.

There's people that have been here for YEARS like myself, and we're not about to take SHIT from some little cherry FUCK LIBERAL who thinks they're going to come in here, spew your SHIT, and then tell us all who've been here for years HOW TO BEHAVE.

I don't care if you've been on this particular posting board since the invention of the internet, you're still rude and obnoxious and a terrible debater.

I myself have been on many boards, moving on only if they shut down, including the NY Times board, MSNBC's Board, the board (though I got tired of being the only liberal there), and lately the FoxNews Board, just for fun.

Number one, IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING JOB, number two, QUIT WHINING ya little pussy.

You're the one who's screaming and cursing your fool head off, not I. That's because you're getting all emotional about things.

What's the matter, do you need to go somewhere private to cry?

Now, I can debate with any fucking person on this board, especially about politics. So you can also take your holier than thou attitude and fuck off.

I'm sure you can, since, by this example, you seem to consider insults and curses to be "debating". But, hey, keep on going, you're looking worse with every line.

Get the chip off your shoulder and act like a normal person, and that's what you'll get in return.

A "normal" person being one who agrees with what you say? And "chip on my shoulder"? again, I'm not the one who's cursing and getting all emotional, that would be you.

But what you're trying to do here is just all too familiar... kind of like... what all the rest of you fucking liberals are doing to normal, upset, passionate Americans pissed off about the dems ramming bills down their throats they don't read, turning America into a socialistic state, and spending so much money an eminent catastrophe is on the way from the debt, and then the dems tell them to shut up, call them nazi's and shut them out.... kind of like the trick you thought you were going to pull on me here, but you got an ear full instead.

WELL GET USED TO IT CHERRY, because that's the way we do things here.

No, I am stating my opinion, and putting up facts and links to back it up, then people contradict my opinion.

When people attack me, I respond in kind.

What YOU are doing, is getting upset because:

1. I don't agree with you


2. Whenever someone throws an offensive statement at me, I hit them right back. This is something you personally don't expect from Liberals because you think we're all a bunch of latte-drinking wimps. Well, I'm here to show you how wrong you are bud.

I'm real sorry that a bunch of liberal who have a set of balls have invaded your cozy little space here, but that's what makes a political debate interesting, having different viewpoints.
Divecon, it will be a sunami in the 2010 elections. My two senators both democrats have not scheduled their town halls either, the chicken shits. I guess they all think they are the ruling class and don't have to answer to the people who sent them there in the first place.

Good news, Fox news is on this coverage like a wet blanket, their ratings have sky-rocketed, the news is getting out there and people are waking up to the Obama coma that they have been in. No one likes being called Un-american, carrying swasticas, Pelosi and her left wing nut cases are just digging a deeper and deeper hole. Hell, Obama is going to be lameducked by a bunch of scared democrats from his own party before we get the chance to vote them all out and kick them to the curb. There's will be a hard landing on their asses on the astroturf.

Until the next good looking blonde girl goes missing in Aruba.
I have to say after reading much of this town hall stuff I understand the anger and concern people opposed to Obamacare have (I'm one of them), and letting your Congresscritters and Reps know this is fine . . . done within reason and within boundaries. I don't understand screaming your Rep off the stage or initiating or joining in a 'mob mentality'. What purpose does that serve? The fact that all your Reps don't have any meetings scheduled (will they?) makes me think that the opposition just screwed itself out of some prime opportunities to be heard. Stupid of the opposition if you ask me.

Having said that --- They work for us . . . where the hell do they get the balls to refuse to hold town hall meetings to hear opposition to the plan? It's their job! What a bunch of assholes.

If a TownHall meeting is simply a screaming match between two partisan camps, then it is a pointless endeavor and a waste of time and the taxpayer money.

Besides, Town hall meetings have actually come along rather recently. They pretty much didn't exist for the most part until a few decades ago.

Excuse me but I mailed Webb and other's before any town-hall meeting took place. He responded basically with TOUGH SHIT, I'm VOTING FOR THE BILL....this again was before any of the so called MOB came on the TUBE.

Did you vote for Senator Webb? I'm willing to bet you probably didn't, but I may be wrong.

And you must remember that you are only one voice among the millions of residents of Virginia. If Mr Webb has heard from a majority of them that they want health care, he's not going to just shut it all down because you say so. Or because a couple of hundred of crazy right-wing fanatics mob a TownHall don't like the plan.

EDIT to Add: This isn't just Virginian's getting that smug shut up attitude from our local officials and people don't get why people are showing anger. Phone calls, email, snail mail, doesn't matter...they don't think they work for the People, they think they work for the DNC/RNC only.

Or for corporate interests that back either the DNC or the RNC.
Yes, I have. My point was not that the congressmen in question received money, but that they received substantially more than their counterparts from particular sources.
so, you bought influence? or did you donate because they already had expressed opinions you supported?

Frankly I donated because I was alarmed at the funding provided by Corporations and Special Interests, and felt that the only way to get any word in edgewise was to personally support a candidate of my choice financially.

If this were not a pre-existing necessity, I would not have donated at all.

But small donations from private citizens seem to be the only way to keep the tables balanced, and to keep DEMOCRACY in action.

When a Corporation donates millions, however, they are buying large chunks of a representatives attention, and representing a relatively small group of people. This is about as un-democratic as you can get.

Personally I'd rather see ALL donations done away with to campaigns.
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McCaskill just stated that she read the Senate bill then in the next sentence stated, there is no senate bill...WTF...we pay these stupid idiots?
Divecon, it will be a sunami in the 2010 elections. My two senators both democrats have not scheduled their town halls either, the chicken shits. I guess they all think they are the ruling class and don't have to answer to the people who sent them there in the first place.

Good news, Fox news is on this coverage like a wet blanket, their ratings have sky-rocketed, the news is getting out there and people are waking up to the Obama coma that they have been in. No one likes being called Un-american, carrying swasticas, Pelosi and her left wing nut cases are just digging a deeper and deeper hole. Hell, Obama is going to be lameducked by a bunch of scared democrats from his own party before we get the chance to vote them all out and kick them to the curb. There's will be a hard landing on their asses on the astroturf.

2010 elections eh? Good luck with that one Maple. I think you may be in for quite a surprise.

And I love how you're going on about FoxNews' "ratings".

There is a minority of Republicans in this country, but they still make up a very large number of people.

A great number of them will only watch FoxNews (because they refuse to listen to any viewpoiont but one they agree with), and everyone else splits their viewership between a variety of media sources. So FoxNews gets good ratings. Good for them.

Doesn't mean squat as far as national popular majorities go.

And as far as Pelosi and company talking about "Swastikas"?

Your nasty right-wing propaganda machine has been calling Democrats Nazis and Stalinists for some time now. Even calling the preseident of the United States a "racist", a "facist" and a "communist".

And now you're complaining about name-calling? LOL.

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