Town halls gone wild

I think it is all to easy to say someone who disagrees with your position has been "bought" or is a lemming, or an Obamabot, or a Nazi, ....

It's much easier than looking at what they are proposing and offering critiques, improvements and/or alternatives.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat - I've probably voted for more Republicans in my life than Democrats but right now, I think my views line up more closely with Blue Dogs than with any other factions - but I still have areas of disagreement even with them.

I agree with this statement, it is an easy accusation to make, but to me, the circumstantial evidence is pretty damning. Others may have their own opinions.

Be that as it may, I am willing to hear them out, but not when they say that they will "not accept a public option" which would make this entire legislation pointless.
I think it is all to easy to say someone who disagrees with your position has been "bought" or is a lemming, or an Obamabot, or a Nazi, ....

It's much easier than looking at what they are proposing and offering critiques, improvements and/or alternatives.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat - I've probably voted for more Republicans in my life than Democrats but right now, I think my views line up more closely with Blue Dogs than with any other factions - but I still have areas of disagreement even with them.

I agree with this statement, it is an easy accusation to make, but to me, the circumstantial evidence is pretty damning. Others may have their own opinions.

Be that as it may, I am willing to hear them out, but not when they say that they will "not accept a public option" which would make this entire legislation pointless.

Public option Socialism the same thing STATIST:evil::evil::evil:
The Silent Majority is awakening - and no longer remaining so silent.

All politicians - Democrat and Republican alike, best realize the playing field is undergoing considerably changes...

I think whoever in the House or Senate(D, I or R) that supports this bill or any bill like it will be putting the final nail on the coffin of their political career.
no, you are the stupid one
it was a NEWS event
so the NEWS covered it

WOW you really are retarded aren't you? They didn't merely COVER the event they became PART of the event. The event actually adjusted their schedule to suit hannity's program and hannity brought an entertainer to help draw in more of a crowd with a free performance.

This is an excellent point, and even more so, FoxNews PROMOTED the event by telling people over and over again where to get information and when it was happening.

I seriously don't know how it can be spelled out any better so that you can understand.

You're talking about one event out of how many tea parties?

Actually, represensentatives of FoxNews were at several of the events doing roughly the same thing.

They were bascially hosting the damn thing, and who can blame them after all the promotion they did?
Public option Socialism the same thing STATIST

Yes, of course. Providing medical insurance for poor people obviously makes one a Socialist.

Not to mention a Communist on par with Stalin, right?
Yes, of course. Providing medical insurance for poor people obviously makes one a Socialist.

Not to mention a Communist on par with Stalin, right?

Of course not, but (two varying degrees), government provided health care is socialist by it's very description). Just because some people have "communistic" or "fascist" type solutions for the countries ills doesn't nessecitate they (the person) are of either persuation. It also doesn't alter the fact that those same ideas aren't what they truely are, communitic or facist in nature.
I would be very angry if I was attempting to ask a question and wanted to hear my representatives answer, and some group of people were yelling over me.

I don't think they are winning very many friends or influencing very many people with these tactics anyway. As you say, people generally don't like to be shouted down and being treated rudely.

If THAT is your political strategy - I think you're gonna lose.

The ones that are gonna lose are the ones who aren't going to get to have their town hall meeting where they should have the right to voice their opinion. But instead, the dems are running away and cancelling their commitments so that they don't have to face opposition. It's easier to call outspoken American's "unruley mobs" than it is to be honest with them and give straight forward answers.

Have you read it yet?
I think the real issue here is that you have a bunch of elitests pissed that commoners are daring to question what they are doing. Remember Harry Reid talking about how he could "smell" the tourists.. and we're surpised they think we're all a bunch of idiots?

Fuck 'em all.
Yes, of course. Providing medical insurance for poor people obviously makes one a Socialist.

No, but providing that if I ever lose my private insurance that I could never purchase private insurance again is pretty fucking stupid.
I think the real issue here is that you have a bunch of elitests pissed that commoners are daring to question what they are doing. Remember Harry Reid talking about how he could "smell" the tourists.. and we're surpised they think we're all a bunch of idiots?

Fuck 'em all.

Which "elitists" would those be now?

The rich folks that don't think the poor should belong to their "elite" group of people that can afford health insurance?

Yep, they sure are elitists. Glad you pointed that out.
I would be very angry if I was attempting to ask a question and wanted to hear my representatives answer, and some group of people were yelling over me.

I don't think they are winning very many friends or influencing very many people with these tactics anyway. As you say, people generally don't like to be shouted down and being treated rudely.

If THAT is your political strategy - I think you're gonna lose.

The ones that are gonna lose are the ones who aren't going to get to have their town hall meeting where they should have the right to voice their opinion.

See now you had me here, I totally agree with that statement.

But then...

But instead, the dems are running away and cancelling their commitments so that they don't have to face opposition. It's easier to call outspoken American's "unruley mobs" than it is to be honest with them and give straight forward answers.

You lost me.

You see, blaming Democrats who cancel their events because they have become pointless screaming matches, due to organized conservative interference, is really quite ridiculous.

Why in God's name would anyone organize an event that was nothing but a bunch of people screaming at each other? What's the point?
Public option Socialism the same thing STATIST

Yes, of course. Providing medical insurance for poor people obviously makes one a Socialist.
It does when you use coercion to force your neighbor to pay for your do-goodery.

Also, authoritarian socialists despots are world renowned for cowering behind the poor, elderly, infirm and the holy cheeeelllldrrreeeennnn as political props for their authoritarian cram downs.

Good job.
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Yes, of course. Providing medical insurance for poor people obviously makes one a Socialist.

Not to mention a Communist on par with Stalin, right?

Of course not, but (two varying degrees), government provided health care is socialist by it's very description). Just because some people have "communistic" or "fascist" type solutions for the countries ills doesn't nessecitate they (the person) are of either persuation. It also doesn't alter the fact that those same ideas aren't what they truely are, communitic or facist in nature.

But you see, that's not what the author was implying, as you can see:

Now your catching on:cuckoo::evil:

But you see, that's not what the author was implying, as you can see:

But then again, by associative logic doesn't one's solutive concepts dictate specific political leanings, in this instance communist? Interesting conundrum. Of course not all communist manifestos are stalinist in nature.
It does when you use coercion to force you neighbor to pay for you do-goodery.

See, now the above statement is almost OK. It describes how public health care is a form of redistribution of wealth, like socialism, but then you follow it with:

Also, authoritarian socialists despots are world renowned for cowering behind the poor, elderly, infirm and the holy cheeeelllldrrreeeennnn as political props for their authoritarian cram downs

Which just goes right back to the whole Hyperbole thing.

You see you people are slightly right, public health care is socialist in nature. There's no denying that. Of course, so is Medicare, Social Security, and the VA.

But then you always go too far and try to associate it with totalitarianism, or facism. That's when people stop listening, because it's obvious at that point that your crazy.

You see, people hate Nazi Germany and the USSR, right? But they don't hate them for "socialism".
They hate it because they:
1. invaded other countries,
2. had single autocratic non-democratic governments,
3. inundated their country with horrible propaganda,
4. curtailed the free speech rights of their citizens,
5. spied on their citizens turning neighbor against neighbor, and
6. imprisoned or killed lots of innocent people.

Democrats may be a bit socialist, but they don't do or plan to do any of the above.

On the other hand, under the Bush administation practiced every one of the above except point 2.
No town hall meetings scheduled in Virginia. I've sent emails to all of my Representatives and basically they said their mind is made up and they don't need to hear from their constituents.

The Virginia town hall meeting website is shut down.

Here is the current scheduled that I was able to obtain from the website, it's a few days ago:

U.S. Senators:
- Sen. Jim Webb (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Sen. Mark Warner (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled

U.S. Congressmen:
- Rep. Rob Whittman (R-1st CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Robert Scott (D-3rd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Randy Forbes (R-4th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-6th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) - Schedule is currently being compiled
- Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th CD) - Townhall with Howard Dean. Tuesday, August 25, 2009. 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. South Lakes High School Auditorium, 11400 South Lakes Dr., Reston, Virginia.
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th CD) - Two 9:00 am weekday meetings scheduled but nothing else ... no times when working folks can attend.
- Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-10th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled but staff said they are working on the schedule
- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled

These's people hopefully will be voted out in the next few elections.
Democrats may be a bit socialist, but they don't do or plan to do any of the above.

Still, does that make it or them right?

1. invaded other countries,
2. had single autocratic non-democratic governments,
3. inundated their country with horrible propaganda,
4. curtailed the free speech rights of their citizens,
5. spied on their citizens turning neighbor against neighbor, and
6. imprisoned or killed lots of innocent people.

on the other hand, under the Bush administation practiced every one of the above except point 2.

If you go back through our history each claim except #2 can be made for some of our presidents and politicians. Of course much of it is based on personal perspective not objective deduction. As for #3 both side have and continue to practice this tactic today, some of it real, most, preceived.
It does when you use coercion to force you neighbor to pay for you do-goodery.

See, now the above statement is almost OK. It describes how public health care is a form of redistribution of wealth, like socialism, but then you follow it with:

Also, authoritarian socialists despots are world renowned for cowering behind the poor, elderly, infirm and the holy cheeeelllldrrreeeennnn as political props for their authoritarian cram downs

Which just goes right back to the whole Hyperbole thing.

You see you people are slightly right, public health care is socialist in nature. There's no denying that. Of course, so is Medicare, Social Security, and the VA.

But then you always go too far and try to associate it with totalitarianism, or facism. That's when people stop listening, because it's obvious at that point that your crazy.

You see, people hate Nazi Germany and the USSR, right? But they don't hate them for "socialism".
They hate it because they:
1. invaded other countries,
2. had single autocratic non-democratic governments,
3. inundated their country with horrible propaganda,
4. curtailed the free speech rights of their citizens,
5. spied on their citizens turning neighbor against neighbor, and
6. imprisoned or killed lots of innocent people.

Democrats may be a bit socialist, but they don't do or plan to do any of the above.

On the other hand, under the Bush administation practiced every one of the above except point 2.

You have got to be kidding right? You don't remember the Japeneese Concentration Camps that Roosevelt ordered opened here in the US in ww2 or the nuclear bombs that killed thousands of innocent people that we dropped on Japan? Let me think was it a Republican or Democrat who ordered that, DEMOCRAT.
The extremist ultrarightoid wing of the GOP believes in political sharia, screaming and yelling because as a minority they can't dominate the rest of America.

Tuff titties, far rightists. Real Americans took Real America back last November, and your behavior is going to result in 2/3s Dem majorities in the 2010 elections.

You really don't get it, do you? More Americans identify with the Dem then the GOP, and the moderates (by far the largest group) hate the GOP atrocities of the Bush years.

So you scream and yell. That is called a tantrum, and the voters are going to put you in time out again next year.
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