Town halls gone wild

Yet more lies from the right-wing propaganda machine.

So predictable.

It's quite obvious that it's right-wing nutjobs like yourself that are riling up a hornet's nest. All this strong-arming and propaganda would make Hitler proud of you. Congratulations.

I've got bad news for you though, the left aren't the effeminate wimps you think they are. We have a lot of highly energized young people in our ranks.

Take your face out of the Obama Kool Aid can for a second and read this:

Ultimately, the complete lives system does not create 'classes of Untermenschen whose lives and well being are deemed not worth spending money on,' but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible." -- Ezekiel Emanuel Director of Obama Health Care Final Solution

"but rather empowers us to decide fairly whom to save when genuine scarcity makes saving everyone impossible"

So? The operative words are "...does not create 'classes of Untermenschen whose lives and well being are deemed not worth spending money on." If, God Forbid, we are ever hit with a major flu pandemic with hospitals full of sick and dying people and there is only so much medicine available to treat it, who do you think will get it? The sick or the dying? This is a tough one for a person with your comprehension capacity, I know.

What you and others like you don't seem to get is that it won't be an 'emergency' situation where these tactics are used. There will be scarcity EVERY DAY, and these tactics will be used every day. I like how it was stated above that the quote was taken out of context. Is the implication here that Emanuel is not a proponent of eugenics?
Maybe you should rethink your worldview if you're embarrassed by the company it puts you in?

Leaders of modern Corporations are just as bad, if not worse than national dictators of the past. They just hide it better.

Wars are fought in their names, just through proxies instead of directly.

Your support for selling organs, causing global warming, or starting wars for corporate profit, is just as bad as any supporter of Mao, Stalin, or Hitler.

Your just working for the Corporate Oligarchy, instead of the Totalitarian political regime.

At least public servants are supposed to be looking out for the public good. Corporations have no such pretenses, they're just in it for pure profit.
So which one are you? Mengele? Stalin?

How sad, you just turned out to be another anti-capitalist, class warfare looney. :cuckoo:I gave you more credit than that at the beginning. Thanks for showing your true colors so I don't have to waste my time anymore.
Now despite your flaccid projection to the contrary, I am perfectly relaxed; and I am perfectly at ease with the ridiculous future you idiots are driving us towards; and I am well trained as well as prepared for, comfortable with the uneviable task which will be required of myself and every other American, when you idiots inevitably find your Ft. Sumter and kick off the looming civil war; you're going to find that we, your opposition are Americans, Sis; and that we're not subject to intimidation...

And that when that day comes, you're gonna be needing somethign a tad more tangible than fallacious argument, inane quip, or a snappy slogan to survive... with absolutely no CHANCE of prevailing.

Feel better?

If you're not already on the watch list you soon will be.


Well, if I'm NOT, then please don't tell me otherwise; as I'd just be CRUSHED to know that I didn't make the cut by wacking the cranks on this message board...

But I'd wager that IF I'm NOT!... it's just because the Hussein Regime feels that they would fair better if they tee'd it up. Which they wouldn't of course...

The Left NEEDS the illusion of intellectual superiority... and this is because where it comes down to an actual contest... THEY LOSE!
how many innocent people this country has killed and we never batted an eye? The Native Americans? Vietnam? Hiroshima? Nagaski?

I'm with you on Native Americans and even Vietnam to the extent my conscience will allow - but Hiroshima? Nagasaki? Unfortunate - but VERY necessary imho.

If you are trying to equate 9/11 bombings with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then (imho) you lack perspective.
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How sad, you just turned out to be another anti-capitalist, class warfare looney.

Simply a hyperbolic response to your hyperbolic statement.

Now perhaps we can get on with speaking rationally instead of calling each other names?
How sad, you just turned out to be another anti-capitalist, class warfare looney.

Simply a hyperbolic response to your hyperbolic statement.

Now perhaps we can get on with speaking rationally instead of calling each other names?

Anyone that participates in class/corporate warfare isn't rational.
Winning an election does not provide one with the right to usurp the rights of others.

And how exactly is this the case, hmm?

Mr Obama and the Democrats in congress promised to try to put in place a "public option" to try and give coverage to every one. They made no secret about it, it was part of their platform. And people voted for them. A majority of Americans voted for them in fact.

Now, they're trying to implement their promises. *Gasp* Heaven forbid a politician should try and keep a campaign promise.

Now, after a hailstorm of right-wing media propaganda, partly financed by the private health care interests, the Democratic Congressmen are trying to return to their districts to explain what the new bill entails in an open forum format. Seems like the right thing to do to me.

But Right-wingers and the health care industry don't want that to happen. They don't want an informed populace, they just want a populace that has heard nothing but their propaganda.

So they organize mobs, THAT ARE NOT CONSTITUENTS OF THE CONGRESSMEN INVOLVED, to go to these TownHall meetings and stop people from hearing from their representatives.

That is, specifically, "usurping the rights of others". By denying citizens access to their representatives they are in fact denying them their constitutional right to have such access.

The fact that most of the people in the mobs are not from the congressman's districts gives them no good reason to be there in the first place, except to disrupt the meetings and deny said access.
Anyone that participates in class/corporate warfare isn't rational.

Anyone who equates someone who wants a public health care option to STALIN, clearly isn't rational.

And in so doing you are also engaging in class warfare.
Why don't they do it without disrupting everyone else's insurance then? It's not about 'helping' anyone, it's about control and power.
Why don't they do it without disrupting everyone else's insurance then?

That is exactly what they are trying to do. People might know this if they had heard from their congressmen.

You know, in like a "Town Hall" format or something like that.
You still haven't read the Final Solution Health Care Bill have you?

Frank, you CLEARLY haven't read the bill, aside from some right-wing interpretation of what it actually says.
Why don't they do it without disrupting everyone else's insurance then?

That is exactly what they are trying to do. People might know this if they had heard from their congressmen.

You know, in like a "Town Hall" format or something like that.

No, it is not what they are doing. You may convince the little lemmings out there, but you're falling flat with those who are paying attention. Why do you defend the lies is the better question?

And why don't they just vote it in if they know what's best for everyone? If it's only a small minority that is opposed to it, why don't they just vote it in?
Why don't they do it without disrupting everyone else's insurance then?

That is exactly what they are trying to do. People might know this if they had heard from their congressmen.

You know, in like a "Town Hall" format or something like that.

No, it is not what they are doing. You may convince the little lemmings out there, but you're falling flat with those who are paying attention. Why do you defend the lies is the better question?

And why don't they just vote it in if they know what's best for everyone? If it's only a small minority that is opposed to it, why don't they just vote it in?
You need to make up your minds...either our congress comes and does town hall meetings for imput or else they do not need town hall meetings for imput.
That is exactly what they are trying to do. People might know this if they had heard from their congressmen.

You know, in like a "Town Hall" format or something like that.

No, it is not what they are doing. You may convince the little lemmings out there, but you're falling flat with those who are paying attention. Why do you defend the lies is the better question?

And why don't they just vote it in if they know what's best for everyone? If it's only a small minority that is opposed to it, why don't they just vote it in?
You need to make up your minds...either our congress comes and does town hall meetings for imput or else they do not need town hall meetings for imput.

I believe you mean 'input'.

They don't need to do townhall meetings.
No, it is not what they are doing. You may convince the little lemmings out there, but you're falling flat with those who are paying attention. Why do you defend the lies is the better question?

And why don't they just vote it in if they know what's best for everyone? If it's only a small minority that is opposed to it, why don't they just vote it in?
You need to make up your minds...either our congress comes and does town hall meetings for imput or else they do not need town hall meetings for imput.

I believe you mean 'input'.

They don't need to do townhall meetings.

They don't listen anyhow so what's the point?
Why don't they do it without disrupting everyone else's insurance then?

That is exactly what they are trying to do. People might know this if they had heard from their congressmen.

You know, in like a "Town Hall" format or something like that.

No, it is not what they are doing. You may convince the little lemmings out there, but you're falling flat with those who are paying attention. Why do you defend the lies is the better question?

And why don't they just vote it in if they know what's best for everyone? If it's only a small minority that is opposed to it, why don't they just vote it in?

You are making unsupported accusations, just like the right-wing media has been doing.

If you accuse someone of lying, you must back it up with proof. So, what "lies" am I defending, and what is your proof that they are in fact "lies".

Again, simply stating an opposite opinion, or quoting someone else's opinion does not prove something to be a "lie".

And I never said anything about a "small" minority, Republicans were a minority in the recent elections, but by no means a "small" minority, which is why they still retain 40 seats in the Senate.

Plus all the "Blue Dog" democrats have been bought by the private health care industry.
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No, it is not what they are doing. You may convince the little lemmings out there, but you're falling flat with those who are paying attention. Why do you defend the lies is the better question?

And why don't they just vote it in if they know what's best for everyone? If it's only a small minority that is opposed to it, why don't they just vote it in?
You need to make up your minds...either our congress comes and does town hall meetings for imput or else they do not need town hall meetings for imput.

I believe you mean 'input'.

You're right. Thank you.
They don't need to do townhall meetings.
I think townhall meetings are a great idea, as long as you don't get your eardrums pierced by the shouter downers.

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