Town halls gone wild

Medicare and Medicaid are Socialism, so are the Roads and bridges you drive on, the Airports you fly out of, the public School System that educates your children, The public transportation that you take to work, and so on and so on. All paid for with your taxes therefore Socialism.
I say bravo to the folks on the conservative side organizing the protesters. You got what you wanted, short-term. Media coverage, us talking about you, and an end to debate. Long-term, personally I doubt the ends will have justified the means. Americans in general may not practice politeness like they used to, but they still value it in others. Standing outside holding signs and chanting slogans is one thing, but disruptive behavior inside the meeting itself crosses that line.
But hey, by all means scream away! I'll defend to the death your right to do it and try not to tsk tsk too much when it explodes in your faces. Honestly.
No town hall meetings scheduled in Virginia. I've sent emails to all of my Representatives and basically they said their mind is made up and they don't need to hear from their constituents.

The Virginia town hall meeting website is shut down.

Here is the current scheduled that I was able to obtain from the website, it's a few days ago:

U.S. Senators:
- Sen. Jim Webb (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Sen. Mark Warner (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled

U.S. Congressmen:
- Rep. Rob Whittman (R-1st CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Robert Scott (D-3rd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Randy Forbes (R-4th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-6th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) - Schedule is currently being compiled
- Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th CD) - Townhall with Howard Dean. Tuesday, August 25, 2009. 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. South Lakes High School Auditorium, 11400 South Lakes Dr., Reston, Virginia.
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th CD) - Two 9:00 am weekday meetings scheduled but nothing else ... no times when working folks can attend.
- Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-10th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled but staff said they are working on the schedule
- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled

These's people hopefully will be voted out in the next few elections.

Aww, what's the matter, nobody's going to give you the chance to ham it up on the camera anymore?

People wised up and said, well if they want to be a bunch of spoiled children, then we'll just close up the playground.

You have got to be kidding right? You don't remember the Japeneese Concentration Camps that Roosevelt ordered opened here in the US in ww2 or the nuclear bombs that killed thousands of innocent people that we dropped on Japan?

That was 65+ years ago, what does any of that have to do with Obama? or Socialism for that matter?

Hey, I heard Lincoln did some bad things during the Civil War too.

In fact, he was just about one of the most totalitarian presidents in the history of the country.
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Medicare and Medicaid are Socialism, so are the Roads and bridges you drive on, the Airports you fly out of, the public School System that educates your children, The public transportation that you take to work, and so on and so on. All paid for with your taxes therefore Socialism.

All true. And I don't think anyone would deny that these are good things, except for crazy right-wing loonies.
No town hall meetings scheduled in Virginia. I've sent emails to all of my Representatives and basically they said their mind is made up and they don't need to hear from their constituents.

The Virginia town hall meeting website is shut down.

Here is the current scheduled that I was able to obtain from the website, it's a few days ago:

U.S. Senators:
- Sen. Jim Webb (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Sen. Mark Warner (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled

U.S. Congressmen:
- Rep. Rob Whittman (R-1st CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Robert Scott (D-3rd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Randy Forbes (R-4th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-6th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) - Schedule is currently being compiled
- Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th CD) - Townhall with Howard Dean. Tuesday, August 25, 2009. 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. South Lakes High School Auditorium, 11400 South Lakes Dr., Reston, Virginia.
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th CD) - Two 9:00 am weekday meetings scheduled but nothing else ... no times when working folks can attend.
- Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-10th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled but staff said they are working on the schedule
- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled

These's people hopefully will be voted out in the next few elections.

Aww, what's the matter, nobody's going to give you the chance to ham it up on the camera anymore?

People wised up and said, well if they want to be a bunch of spoiled children, then we'll just close up the playground.


Oooohh sure... of course... why in the HELL should our filthy elected jack asses from the gold ole boys club give a FUCK about the people they're supposed to WORK FOR...

Sometimes the stupidity on this board reaches levels that even amaze me...

... where in the FUCK did this latest crop of MORON LIBERALS come from?
It does when you use coercion to force you neighbor to pay for you do-goodery.

See, now the above statement is almost OK. It describes how public health care is a form of redistribution of wealth, like socialism, but then you follow it with:

Also, authoritarian socialists despots are world renowned for cowering behind the poor, elderly, infirm and the holy cheeeelllldrrreeeennnn as political props for their authoritarian cram downs

Which just goes right back to the whole Hyperbole thing.

You see you people are slightly right, public health care is socialist in nature. There's no denying that. Of course, so is Medicare, Social Security, and the VA.

But then you always go too far and try to associate it with totalitarianism, or facism. That's when people stop listening, because it's obvious at that point that your crazy.

You see, people hate Nazi Germany and the USSR, right? But they don't hate them for "socialism".
They hate it because they:
1. invaded other countries,
2. had single autocratic non-democratic governments,
3. inundated their country with horrible propaganda,
4. curtailed the free speech rights of their citizens,
5. spied on their citizens turning neighbor against neighbor, and
6. imprisoned or killed lots of innocent people.

Democrats may be a bit socialist, but they don't do or plan to do any of the above.

On the other hand, under the Bush administation practiced every one of the above except point 2.

We associate them because they are alike.

And people today don't despise the memory of Germany, the USSR & Mussolini because they invaded. We despise them because THEY KILLED THEIR OWN PEOPLE in order to establish fascist tyrants.

You will always find people get uneasy when they see history repeating itself. When assholes like you tell us we're too stupid to understand what's going on...we should do the world a favor and shut up, step aside, die and/or kill our babies, and camoflauging the truth with feel-good branding, we get uneasy. Because we aren't stupid. And that is the biggest mistake you are making. Assuming everyone who hasn't been brainwashed like you, or won't be brainwashed by you, is stupid.

It's a huge mistake. Never underestimate your enemy.
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No town hall meetings scheduled in Virginia. I've sent emails to all of my Representatives and basically they said their mind is made up and they don't need to hear from their constituents.

The Virginia town hall meeting website is shut down.

Here is the current scheduled that I was able to obtain from the website, it's a few days ago:

U.S. Senators:
- Sen. Jim Webb (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Sen. Mark Warner (D) - No townhall meetings scheduled

U.S. Congressmen:
- Rep. Rob Whittman (R-1st CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Robert Scott (D-3rd CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Randy Forbes (R-4th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled
- Rep. Tom Perriello (D-5th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-6th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled
- Rep. Eric Cantor (R-7th CD) - Schedule is currently being compiled
- Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th CD) - Townhall with Howard Dean. Tuesday, August 25, 2009. 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:00 pm. South Lakes High School Auditorium, 11400 South Lakes Dr., Reston, Virginia.
- Rep. Rick Boucher (D-9th CD) - Two 9:00 am weekday meetings scheduled but nothing else ... no times when working folks can attend.
- Rep. Frank Wolfe (R-10th CD) - No townhall meetings currently scheduled but staff said they are working on the schedule
- Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11th CD) - No townhall meetings scheduled

These's people hopefully will be voted out in the next few elections.

Aww, what's the matter, nobody's going to give you the chance to ham it up on the camera anymore?

People wised up and said, well if they want to be a bunch of spoiled children, then we'll just close up the playground.


Oooohh sure... of course... why in the HELL should our filthy elected jack asses from the gold ole boys club give a FUCK about the people they're supposed to WORK FOR...

Sometimes the stupidity on this board reaches levels that even amaze me...

... where in the FUCK did this latest crop of MORON LIBERALS come from?

Hey genius, that's what "TownHall" meetings are for, you know, the ones that you are screaming so much during that no-one else can have a conversation?

And you should watch that filthy mouth of yours boy, it'll get you in trouble one day.

Besides the "protestors" at the TownHall meetings have been organized thanks to our Corporate overlords.

You think POLITICIANS run this country? You've got another thing coming.
PI2 wrote,
Medicare and Medicaid are Socialism, so are the Roads and bridges you drive on, the Airports you fly out of, the public School System that educates your children, The public transportation that you take to work, and so on and so on. All paid for with your taxes therefore Socialism.

Medicare and medicaid are technically socialist but to claim tranportation and infrastucture as socilism because they are paid for via taxation is a stretch at best. Both are covered under the constitution and are the responsibility of local, regional, state and federal jurisdictions. It's called Classical Liberalism and it's derivitives.

The only thing that makes Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid socialist is manditory taxation to cover cost for programs that are contitutionally questionable. The original law called for voluntary participation but was changed to make it manditory. Technically this could be challange as unconstitutional but to the best of my knowlege no one has tried this option.
It does when you use coercion to force you neighbor to pay for you do-goodery.

See, now the above statement is almost OK. It describes how public health care is a form of redistribution of wealth, like socialism, but then you follow it with:

Which just goes right back to the whole Hyperbole thing.

You see you people are slightly right, public health care is socialist in nature. There's no denying that. Of course, so is Medicare, Social Security, and the VA.

But then you always go too far and try to associate it with totalitarianism, or facism. That's when people stop listening, because it's obvious at that point that your crazy.

You see, people hate Nazi Germany and the USSR, right? But they don't hate them for "socialism".
They hate it because they:
1. invaded other countries,
2. had single autocratic non-democratic governments,
3. inundated their country with horrible propaganda,
4. curtailed the free speech rights of their citizens,
5. spied on their citizens turning neighbor against neighbor, and
6. imprisoned or killed lots of innocent people.

Democrats may be a bit socialist, but they don't do or plan to do any of the above.

On the other hand, under the Bush administation practiced every one of the above except point 2.

We associate them because they are alike.

And people today don't despise the memory of Germany, the USSR & Mussolini because they invaded. We despise them because THEY KILLED THEIR OWN PEOPLE in order to establish fascist tyrants.

You will always find people get uneasy when they see history repeating itself. When assholes like you tell us we're too stupid to understand what's going on...we should do the world a favor and shut up, step aside, die and/or kill our babies, and camoflauging the truth with feel-good branding, we get uneasy. Because we aren't stupid. And that is the biggest mistake you are making. Assuming everyone who hasn't been brainwashed like you, or won't be brainwashed by you, is stupid.

It's a huge mistake. Never underestimate your enemy.

They're all alike eh? I don't think you have any damn idea what the hell you're talking about. You need to get yourself back to school and study history a little better friend.

Tell me genius, who exactly have the Democrats "killed" to establish "facist tyrants"? Hmmm?

You know what you are pal, you're a TRAITOR to the United States of America. Mr Obama is your ELECTED representative, through the DEMOCRATIC PROCESS.

He stated, clearly, during the campaign season, EXACTLY what he wanted to do with health care, and, wouldn't you know it, people voted for him. He hasn't hidden any agenda, he's left it out in front of your face the entire time.

There was no "brainwashing" needed, because he told people the damn truth, and now he's TRYING TO ENACT HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISES.

Wow, what a crazy concept, right? Who does THAT?
Aww, what's the matter, nobody's going to give you the chance to ham it up on the camera anymore?

People wised up and said, well if they want to be a bunch of spoiled children, then we'll just close up the playground.


Oooohh sure... of course... why in the HELL should our filthy elected jack asses from the gold ole boys club give a FUCK about the people they're supposed to WORK FOR...

Sometimes the stupidity on this board reaches levels that even amaze me...

... where in the FUCK did this latest crop of MORON LIBERALS come from?

Hey genius, that's what "TownHall" meetings are for, you know, the ones that you are screaming so much during that no-one else can have a conversation?

And you should watch that filthy mouth of yours boy, it'll get you in trouble one day.

Besides the "protestors" at the TownHall meetings have been organized thanks to our Corporate overlords.

You think POLITICIANS run this country? You've got another thing coming.

Eat shit and die you cocky little punk ass bitch. I'll say what I when I want on this board within the rules, and telling you off isn't breaking any rules. So stick it where your butt buddy uses you ya filthy little two bit piece of low rent trailer trash shit bag. You got that BOY?!

And I know exactly what's going on here. The filthy liberals are hearing things they don't want to hear, so they're simply refusing to go listen, plain and simple. I hope they keep this shut down going. It'll only help to get their stinking, liberal, worthless , out of touch, fuck the people, asses voted out in 2010.
Medicare and Medicaid are Socialism, so are the Roads and bridges you drive on, the Airports you fly out of, the public School System that educates your children, The public transportation that you take to work, and so on and so on. All paid for with your taxes therefore Socialism.

All true. And I don't think anyone would deny that these are good things, except for crazy right-wing loonies.

Right I wish they would put their money where their mouth is and stay off the roads and out of the airports and if my children don't have to be exposed to their foul spawn all the better.
PI2 wrote,
Medicare and Medicaid are Socialism, so are the Roads and bridges you drive on, the Airports you fly out of, the public School System that educates your children, The public transportation that you take to work, and so on and so on. All paid for with your taxes therefore Socialism.

Medicare and medicaid are technically socialist but to claim tranportation and infrastucture as socilism because they are paid for via taxation is a stretch at best. Both are covered under the constitution and are the responsibility of local, regional, state and federal jurisdictions. It's called Classical Liberalism and it's derivitives.

The only thing that makes Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid socialist is manditory taxation to cover cost for programs that are contitutionally questionable. The original law called for voluntary participation but was changed to make it manditory. Technically this could be challange as unconstitutional but to the best of my knowlege no one has tried this option.

See, now this is the start a rational discussion.

So, what part of the constitution specifically makes Social Security unconstitutional?

Cause I've never encountered any language in the constitution that would do this.
Oooohh sure... of course... why in the HELL should our filthy elected jack asses from the gold ole boys club give a FUCK about the people they're supposed to WORK FOR...

Sometimes the stupidity on this board reaches levels that even amaze me...

... where in the FUCK did this latest crop of MORON LIBERALS come from?

Hey genius, that's what "TownHall" meetings are for, you know, the ones that you are screaming so much during that no-one else can have a conversation?

And you should watch that filthy mouth of yours boy, it'll get you in trouble one day.

Besides the "protestors" at the TownHall meetings have been organized thanks to our Corporate overlords.

You think POLITICIANS run this country? You've got another thing coming.

Eat shit and die you cocky little punk ass bitch. I'll say what I when I want on this board within the rules, and telling you off isn't breaking any rules. So stick it where your butt buddy uses you ya filthy little two bit piece of low rent trailer trash shit bag. You got that BOY?!

And I know exactly what's going on here. The filthy liberals are hearing things they don't want to hear, so they're simply refusing to go listen, plain and simple. I hope they keep this shut down going. It'll only help to get their stinking, liberal, worthless , out of touch, fuck the people, asses voted out in 2010.

Yeah, you're a smart one, aren't you? You really know how to have an intelligent debate, don't you?

I don't care if it's within the "rules" or not, it's just plain rude, and frankly, makes you look like a jackass, but please, feel free to continue to make a fool out of yourself, you don't seem to need any help from me.

Aww, what's the matter, nobody's going to give you the chance to ham it up on the camera anymore?

People wised up and said, well if they want to be a bunch of spoiled children, then we'll just close up the playground.


Oooohh sure... of course... why in the HELL should our filthy elected jack asses from the gold ole boys club give a FUCK about the people they're supposed to WORK FOR...

Sometimes the stupidity on this board reaches levels that even amaze me...

... where in the FUCK did this latest crop of MORON LIBERALS come from?

Hey genius, that's what "TownHall" meetings are for, you know, the ones that you are screaming so much during that no-one else can have a conversation?

And you should watch that filthy mouth of yours boy, it'll get you in trouble one day.

Besides the "protestors" at the TownHall meetings have been organized thanks to our Corporate overlords.

You think POLITICIANS run this country? You've got another thing coming.

PPL like you who don't think for themselves can't understand that people will by and of themselves take action. Without being herded by Corporate Overlords.

But nice terminology. I guess that makes us the serfs, which tells us exactly what you think of the people of this country.
PPL like you who don't think for themselves can't understand that people will by and of themselves take action. Without being herded by Corporate Overlords.

But nice terminology. I guess that makes us the serfs, which tells us exactly what you think of the people of this country.

Funny that we've all known about this since the campaign season, but it took corporate funding and organization to get people to do this then, isn't it?

One would think people would have just gotten up on their own and done it, but no, that wasn't the case.

As far as "thinking for myself" goes, you people have been herded into shooting yourself in the foot by your right-wing media talking heads, who work for your corporate overlords.

Or did you think it was coinicidence that right-wingers don't do anything until Ruuush Limbaugh tells them to?

Hey, did you notice that for the past 8 years you were in lock-step behind GEORGE W BUSH, as he ran up the deficit by 5 TRILLION DOLLARS??? And that's not even including the cost of the aftermath of the 2 wars he started.

Oh yeah, you're all "free-thinkers" alright. ROFL.
Join Date: May 2004
Location: In a house, down by the river.

Got flood insurance for that house down by the river?
So, what part of the constitution specifically makes Social Security unconstitutional?

Actually I said constitutionally questionable and challengable both based on the writings of the founding fathers when explaining what the constitution meant. Before asking how these writings matter, most Supreme Court rulings are based wholly or in part on these writings. The founding fathers where (for the most part) Classical Liberalists who believed each citizen was reponsible for their own personal well being and the Federal government had no jurisdiction in this area. Hence my statement, constitutionally questionable.
One question before I go is Flood insurance just one more example of socialism?

I'll check back tomorrow and see if any of you Righties can come up with the correct answer.

And with that I bid you all a Good Night.
We associate them because they are alike.

And people today don't despise the memory of Germany, the USSR & Mussolini because they invaded. We despise them because THEY KILLED THEIR OWN PEOPLE in order to establish fascist tyrants.

You will always find people get uneasy when they see history repeating itself. When assholes like you tell us we're too stupid to understand what's going on...we should do the world a favor and shut up, step aside, die and/or kill our babies, and camoflauging the truth with feel-good branding, we get uneasy. Because we aren't stupid. And that is the biggest mistake you are making. Assuming everyone who hasn't been brainwashed like you, or won't be brainwashed by you, is stupid.

It's a huge mistake. Never underestimate your enemy.

They're all alike eh? I don't think you have any damn idea what the hell you're talking about. You need to get yourself back to school and study history a little better friend.

Tell me genius, who exactly have the Democrats "killed" to establish "facist tyrants"? Hmmm?

You know what you are pal, you're a TRAITOR to the United States of America. Mr Obama is your ELECTED representative, through the DEMOCRATIC PROCESS.

He stated, clearly, during the campaign season, EXACTLY what he wanted to do with health care, and, wouldn't you know it, people voted for him. He hasn't hidden any agenda, he's left it out in front of your face the entire time.

There was no "brainwashing" needed, because he told people the damn truth, and now he's TRYING TO ENACT HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISES.

Wow, what a crazy concept, right? Who does THAT?

Fucking retard. No, they don't kill initially. That comes after you drink the garbage you're shoving into your cock suckers as fast as you can.

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