Toxoplasmosis is a reality unknown...


Apr 1, 2011
CDC - Toxoplasmosis

" Toxoplasmosis is considered to be a leading cause of death attributed to foodborne illness in the United States. More than 60 million men, women, and children in the U.S. carry the Toxoplasma parasite, but very few have symptoms because the immune system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness. Because toxoplasmosis is associated with impoverished people it is considered a Neglected Infection of Poverty (NIP). "

I went further to read on how those with toxoplasmosis have an especially interesting personalities...

" The subjects with latent toxoplasmosis had higher intelligence, lower guilt proneness, and possibly also higher ergic tension. The difference in several other factors (desurgency/surgency, alaxia/protension, naivete/shrewdness, and self sentiment integration) concerned changes in the variances, rather then the mean values of the factors. "

Considering all the amplifications of political agendas, religious boasting/hosting, "It's the Rich vs. the Poor" thought slung over everything presented...

It seems very likely that we are all indeed potential puppets under a puppet master, we just vastly disagree as to what powers hold the true strings.
sure... to a point, I suppose... but it seems it's effects go completely unrecognized as being what they potentially are, or could be

we still hospitalize our clinically insane boasting it to be a safety precaution for our public, when by fact it is more likely that it is for the safety of the insane individual as it is the public masses that are distorted accordingly to spiritual depths
sure... to a point, I suppose... but it seems it's effects go completely unrecognized as being what they potentially are, or could be

we still hospitalize our clinically insane boasting it to be a safety precaution for our public, when by fact it is more likely that it is for the safety of the insane individual as it is the public masses that are distorted accordingly to spiritual depths

you wanna run that last part by me again....type real slow.....but that makes no sense to me...

the clinically insane varies a great deal from the person rocking in the the person who kills 5 people for the fun of it....
there are always differences of course ...

People 'guilty' of physical acts of violence are in a different class, a different level than those who have not. *hearts*
I don't guess that it has been observed to have been said to be a FOODBORNE illness. AND the link to such and the impoverished. It seems quite seriously that there are conversations not had that perhaps should be. OR do 'we' as a whole society not have issues with being psychologically demeaned to such levels of perceived weak/meek personality traits?

Eh, yeah, I suppose this could predictably be placed in the crazed section of the forum, afterall... we do such to provoking individuals that cause a stir instead of addressing the potential issue(s) at hand.

Fact is fact and chemicals may come to be the only cure for what could be the majority of infected individuals if a lifestyle of rebellion does not make the necessary impact in change. It seems there could an ulterior motive behind those that support limiting the pharmaceutical companies. It is ironically always said to be about money, when in fact it is least likely about money, ultimately.

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