TPP Passes: Obama now a Dictator

Can you explain that to me, Sunni man? Someone sent me this video the other day and I know that Alex Jones gets out ahead of himself and borders on the sensational at times. Is this true, partially true or not true at all? What does it mean and if it were true why wouldn't it be reported by major news media networks? Your thoughts are?
Can you explain that to me, Sunni man? Someone sent me this video the other day and I know that Alex Jones gets out ahead of himself and borders on the sensational at times. Is this true, partially true or not true at all? What does it mean and if it were true why wouldn't it be reported by major news media networks? Your thoughts are?
The media is just the political arm of the secular illuminati who rule the country.

Much like how Goebbels ran the propaganda ministry for the Third Reich.

In reality it doesn't matter if it's Bush and the Republicans or Obama and the Democrats. They are just puppets doing the bidding of their masters. And could care less about the country. ...... :cool:
So you believe the report was legitimate, Sunni man? I do not doubt it but I am not informed about what TPP is and such. This is the first I am hearing of it. Thanks for your response.

One thing I can tell you - that I have believed since the day Obama stepped into office - that he won't leave in 2016. He will do whatever he has to do to stay in power. I have never believed he would leave. I know many people have laughed at me for saying this as I have been saying it for years now - but it's true. I cannot see any scenario in which he would leave in 2016.
This entire charade will come crashing down, and I mean someday soon, and on a global scale.

GREED will be the ruin of man, just as the Bible has predicted.
LOL The President has had a very good two weeks. The 'Conservatives' are beside themselves. LOL
Don't you get it, you ignorant fucking BLOW HOLE?!

This isn't about LEFT OR RIGHT, this about losing a NATION.

Get a fucking clue, you bubble headed little JACK OFF.
Can you explain that to me, Sunni man? Someone sent me this video the other day and I know that Alex Jones gets out ahead of himself and borders on the sensational at times. Is this true, partially true or not true at all? What does it mean and if it were true why wouldn't it be reported by major news media networks? Your thoughts are?

That is actually an excellent question. In my opinion it is apparent, the media is nothing more then the propaganda arm of whomever the hell is now running the country and the world.

It plays out like a movie script which I would not believe if i saw it on the big screen.America giving away sovereignty. The left wing fights it, then a shooting in Charleston. A flap over a flag. The WH lit in rainbow colors. The SCOTUS writes laws. All perfect cover for the bastards passing secret legislation. Never mind that Obama promised all legislation would be posted on the Internet for 72 hours prior to signing.

I did what I could do and became an independent. I don't want to hear from one of those bastards from either party. I don't know whom I might support but I suspect it really doesn't matter.
Several thousand Americans who will no longer have to go to work every day will surely thank their liberator-messiah for saving them from drudgery.

And so they will continue until their kids start crying that they're hungry.
Can you explain that to me, Sunni man? Someone sent me this video the other day and I know that Alex Jones gets out ahead of himself and borders on the sensational at times. Is this true, partially true or not true at all? What does it mean and if it were true why wouldn't it be reported by major news media networks? Your thoughts are?

That is actually an excellent question. In my opinion it is apparent, the media is nothing more then the propaganda arm of whomever the hell is now running the country and the world.

It plays out like a movie script which I would not believe if i saw it on the big screen.America giving away sovereignty. The left wing fights it, then a shooting in Charleston. A flap over a flag. The WH lit in rainbow colors. The SCOTUS writes laws. All perfect cover for the bastards passing secret legislation. Never mind that Obama promised all legislation would be posted on the Internet for 72 hours prior to signing.

I did what I could do and became an independent. I don't want to hear from one of those bastards from either party. I don't know whom I might support but I suspect it really doesn't matter.

Very sad day for America.
LOL The President has had a very good two weeks. The 'Conservatives' are beside themselves. LOL

He may have had a good couple of weeks, he may even have a good year but what will that profit him when he leaves this earth and ends up in hell for all eternity? What will it be worth to him then? A couple of good weeks, a good year, the world at his feet even - in exchange for eternity in hell? How foolish can a person be?
Save your hell for yourself. And when did God appoint you judge and jury of men's souls? You are a fake Christian, all yap about religion, and care nothing about what Christ taught.
Can you explain that to me, Sunni man? Someone sent me this video the other day and I know that Alex Jones gets out ahead of himself and borders on the sensational at times. Is this true, partially true or not true at all? What does it mean and if it were true why wouldn't it be reported by major news media networks? Your thoughts are?

TPP TPA and TAA Explaining the Unexplainable Mother Jones

If, after this has passed anyone stays with the democrat or republican party they have no love for this country.

I don't know how accurate all of what he said is. I was under the impression that TPA gave congress the power to either approve or disapprove what the kenyan brewed up. Yes Barry can dream up whatever his radical little commie bubble head wants, but under TPA, it has to be submitted to congress for approval.
Save your hell for yourself. And when did God appoint you judge and jury of men's souls? You are a fake Christian, all yap about religion, and care nothing about what Christ taught.

If I were a fake Christian I'd tell you that you and your president are fine and all is well - you'll both make it to heaven. But that wouldn't be the truth, Old Rocks. You are both going to hell and the sad part is you already know it. You need to ask the LORD to help you and repent of your sins. You need to get right with God while you still have time to do it. Hell has no exits. You'll be remembering this warning throughout eternity in hell if you refuse to listen. Do not be a fool. Repent and turn to God now.

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