TPP Passes: Obama now a Dictator

My, my, such language. Must be terrible to be such a loser.
Tell us how terrible it is to be so fucking STUPID. You know all about that... ya pathetic HACK.
Well, when our President passes the baton on 20Jan17 , we will probably have a market around 20,000, and unemployment rate near 5%, and a nation in good economic staights. And that just breaks the hearts of you 'Conservatives'.
So you believe the report was legitimate, Sunni man? I do not doubt it but I am not informed about what TPP is and such. This is the first I am hearing of it. Thanks for your response.
The TTP is basically a Pacific trade deal with several asian countries. Much like NAFTA with Mexico and Latin America, and we know how that turned out, with US jobs going south.

It was another "You can't read the Bill until you pass it" by the administration.....just like ObamaCare.

Oddly, several Democrats fought Obama and voted against TTP.

And even stranger, quite a few Republicans sided with Obama and voted for TTP.

The whole thing stinks to high heaven......and the American worker was stabbed in the back by both parties in Congress. ....... :cool:
Save your hell for yourself. And when did God appoint you judge and jury of men's souls? You are a fake Christian, all yap about religion, and care nothing about what Christ taught.

If I were a fake Christian I'd tell you that you and your president are fine and all is well - you'll both make it to heaven. But that wouldn't be the truth, Old Rocks. You are both going to hell and the sad part is you already know it. You need to ask the LORD to help you and repent of your sins. You need to get right with God while you still have time to do it. Hell has no exits. You'll be remembering this warning throughout eternity in hell if you refuse to listen. Do not be a fool. Repent and turn to God now.
The Great Spirit has already told me that I have nothing to fear.
I wouldn't worry about where America's Kenyan Emperor might wind up after expiration date.

Puppets have no souls so simply rot away unless disposed of in some sanitary fashion.

Obama is going to hell. He has shown no sign of repentance and is continuing to mock the LORD by his actions. He's on thin ice.
Save your hell for yourself. And when did God appoint you judge and jury of men's souls? You are a fake Christian, all yap about religion, and care nothing about what Christ taught.

If I were a fake Christian I'd tell you that you and your president are fine and all is well - you'll both make it to heaven. But that wouldn't be the truth, Old Rocks. You are both going to hell and the sad part is you already know it. You need to ask the LORD to help you and repent of your sins. You need to get right with God while you still have time to do it. Hell has no exits. You'll be remembering this warning throughout eternity in hell if you refuse to listen. Do not be a fool. Repent and turn to God now.
The Great Spirit has already told me that I have nothing to fear.

That is a demon and you had better not be listening to it's lies. You need to read the Bible and listen to what the LORD says. Not demons!
That is a demon and you had better not be listening to it's lies. You need to read the Bible and listen to what the LORD says. Not demons!
Jeri please don't turn this into a Bible thumping thread.

It's about the traitors in Congress who voted for the TTP and shafted the American people. ..... :cool:
If there is a fake Christian it is Obama.

good week for Obama?

Obamacare, it was never going to go down over the tax credits, never. Why it even went to the SCOTUS is anyone's guess. But it did and the biggest lost for AMERICA is the way the SCOTUS handled it. Good for Obama? Maybe, good for America, no way.

Gay marriage, in the end whom really cares? It adds nothing to help the country come back to greatness it does nothing except please some.

Illegal immigrants and you can't ask if they are citizens? WTF, is everything bad for America automatically good for Obama? Really? We can't even ask if a ISIS terrorist is a citizen. Wow just wow.
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That is a demon and you had better not be listening to it's lies. You need to read the Bible and listen to what the LORD says. Not demons!
Jeri please don't turn this into a Bible thumping thread.

It's about the traitors in Congress who voted for the TTP and shafted the American people. ..... :cool:

Me thinks you are right and Jeri is falling into Old Rocks' deflecting from the real topic.
I wouldn't worry about where America's Kenyan Emperor might wind up after expiration date.

Puppets have no souls so simply rot away unless disposed of in some sanitary fashion.

Obama is going to hell. He has shown no sign of repentance and is continuing to mock the LORD by his actions. He's on thin ice.
The kenyan is muslim, Jeremiah, he believes he's going to get 72 virgins when he dies.

Problem is they'll all be boys.

Course that's probably what he prefers.
Jeremiah, I remember when Pelosi said, "we have to pass ObamaCare so we can find out what's in it". And the Republicans went crazy with rage.

But when Obama said, "We need to pass TTP so we can find out what's in it". Many Republicans went along like sheep and voted for the Bill.

UnFreakin believable........ :cuckoo:
I wouldn't worry about where America's Kenyan Emperor might wind up after expiration date.

Puppets have no souls so simply rot away unless disposed of in some sanitary fashion.

Obama is going to hell. He has shown no sign of repentance and is continuing to mock the LORD by his actions. He's on thin ice.
The kenyan is muslim, Jeremiah, he believes he's going to get 72 virgins when he dies.

Problem is they'll all be boys.

Course that's probably what he prefers.

I know his birth father was reportedly Muslim but I have strong doubts about Obama really being Muslim. It would have been to his benefit perhaps to have portrayed himself as a Muslim but this is a man who parties with Satanists such as Jay Z and Beyonce. I really doubt he is a Muslim in the sense of his following the religion of Islam and abiding by it. A man is known by the company he keeps and his inner circle is more about illuminati satanists than Muslims - although perhaps by appointing some Muslims to his staff he could once again give an "appearance" of having a different inner circle - but I think its a front. I believe he is an Illuminati Satanist - same as Hillary.

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