A Dictator?

Biden/Fauci during Covid is probably the closest we can get to a dictatorship.
You can't dismiss that a lot of that started while Trump was still President.
And that is because it wasn't the President, it was the state governors and city mayors that got so power hungry.
I live in Indiana. Our governor didn't go so batshit crazy over covid like blue states did.
We had mask mandates for a pretty short time, and even during them, a lot of people stopped complying within a month or so.
I remember my wife and I went to Virginia and I couldn't believe people were still wearing masks.
No one made up any laws. Trump assumed he was above his law like most dictators.
As usual, you are wrong. Misdemeanors well past their chargeable dates had passe3d t make up q charge that no one still knows the nature of proves that you are lying, again.
Yu kids continue to boggle my mind with this shit.

None of that is true of course.
Don't you have to have a functioning mind to have it boggled? And then you lie about the conclusions and attack them because they don't agree with your crap.

Typical of a Biden idiot.
Lol, spoken like a retard to think the pandemic happened under the Biden administration. You ducking right wing retards might wanna check some dates. Hilarious
Hey genius, when the majority of deaths and lies about the pandemic occur? It was under Biden. But those like you just reject truth because your liberal masters tell you to.
As usual, you are wrong. Misdemeanors well past their chargeable dates had passe3d t make up q charge that no one still knows the nature of proves that you are lying, again.
Of course we know the nature of the charges. You don’t because you are kept ignorant by your wanna be dictator.
With the term "dictator" being thrown around so freely, what qualifies to you as an action of a dictator?

Here are a few examples:

Forcing people to comply with an action that they are given no choice but to comply with

Being told what they can and cannot purchase with their own money

Being forced to submit themselves to untested drugs (ie covid shots)

Having free speech curtailed

Being forced to comply with government demands like EVs

These are but some of the actions of the Biden administration while claiming to defend freedom while they demand to decide what is allowed.

That is a dictatorship in my opinion

TRump and associates aka the entire Fascist RINO party are of dictatorship mentality bordering on communism.

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Due to his insurrection activity Trump is an illegal candidate according to rules set forth by the democratic and republican parties. He is a nat'l security risk, he is a risk to the USA economy, he has committed perjury, he tried to cover his payment to a woman for sex using campaign money and he still has not returned all of the documents he stole from the USA.

Trump should never never have been approved as a presidential candidate if for no other reasons than his many investments abroad and activity with Russian mob who saved him from bankruptcy. Now with indictments under his belt.

A sitting president of the United States is granted immunity for Official Acts taken as President. It is under legal dispute whether they also enjoy immunity from criminal liability or prosecution. Neither civil nor criminal immunity is explicitly granted in the Constitution or any federal statute.

Time to terminate the Supreme Court in the interest of LAW ENFORCEMENT, the American quality of life, in the interest of our economy and job market and the American dream.
So he knew Epstein was a pedophile and did nothing.

I guess we know why.
Everyone knew Epstein was a pedophile and did nothing. Bill Clinton did nothing either and he was a frequent island visitor. Hoax democrats should give up those flight logs and visitor lists.
It is clear that enemy democrats want nothing less than the complete destruction of this country. They will bring us to 1984. One party rule and total tyranny.
Everyone knew Epstein was a pedophile and did nothing. Bill Clinton did nothing either and he was a frequent island visitor. Hoax democrats should give up those flight logs and visitor lists.
I never heard about him until the Miami Herald published their expose.

Trump could have put a stop to him decades ago but never did.
I never heard about him until the Miami Herald published their expose.

Trump could have put a stop to him decades ago but never did.
It's because hamas democrats believe that democrats have the power to bless with their ducks.

Release the flight logs, visitor lists and address book.
Of course we know the nature of the charges. You don’t because you are kept ignorant by your wanna be dictator.
What are the exact nature of the charges since you insist to know? Cite the law allegedly violated, other than not being a democrat. Hurry and make up something good.
TRump and associates aka the entire Fascist RINO party are of dictatorship mentality bordering on communism.

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Due to his insurrection activity Trump is an illegal candidate according to rules set forth by the democratic and republican parties. He is a nat'l security risk, he is a risk to the USA economy, he has committed perjury, he tried to cover his payment to a woman for sex using campaign money and he still has not returned all of the documents he stole from the USA.

Trump should never never have been approved as a presidential candidate if for no other reasons than his many investments abroad and activity with Russian mob who saved him from bankruptcy. Now with indictments under his belt.

A sitting president of the United States is granted immunity for Official Acts taken as President. It is under legal dispute whether they also enjoy immunity from criminal liability or prosecution. Neither civil nor criminal immunity is explicitly granted in the Constitution or any federal statute.

Time to terminate the Supreme Court in the interest of LAW ENFORCEMENT, the American quality of life, in the interest of our economy and job market and the American dream.
Err, have you noticed that there has not been a charge against Trump citing insurrection? Probably because there wasn't one. Even your precious democrats are starting to admit it was a setup and is falling apart. But you go right on parroting whateveer those that do your thinking for you tell you to believe.

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