Tracking the el nino


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
CFSv2 showing the strongest El Niño event on record, with an ONI of +2.6C, higher than 1997's peak value of +2.4C

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Niño 4=+1.3ºC
Niño 3.4=+1.1ºC
Niño 3=+1.2ºC

We're heading towards a big one! ;) If this does it we will be over .8c on giss and noaa.
I don't know how you ever get any sleep. You're always freaking over the weather, climate on the earth, the environment, etc

Like you and all these politicians can wave a magic wand that will cost us taxpayers, billions of dollars.......................and CHANGE IT
Don't forget to add in the warming from the deep sea thermal vents, then we'll really be THE WARMEREST 2015 EVAHHHHHHH!!!!!
The anti-science and anti-government people are here. LOL:ack-1::alcoholic::eek-52::lame2::wtf:

Do you know just how stupid that sounds. ANTI anti anti anti SCENCE, anti Guberment stealing more OF OUR MONIES for usless crap.

seriously give it up. you can be a tool if that's what you want
Warmers, Decline Hiders, AGWCultists and EnviroMarxists lend me your ears. We've come to bury your idotic beliefs not doubt them. The science really is settled, you've been caught with your thumb on the scale for the last time. Real scientists are now looking at your "research" and asking "Dafuq is going on here?!!"
I don't know how you ever get any sleep. You're always freaking over the weather, climate on the earth, the environment, etc

Like you and all these politicians can wave a magic wand that will cost us taxpayers, billions of dollars.......................and CHANGE IT
Until everyone but him gets an electric car and a composting toilet he will never rest lol.
I don't know how you ever get any sleep. You're always freaking over the weather, climate on the earth, the environment, etc

Like you and all these politicians can wave a magic wand that will cost us taxpayers, billions of dollars.......................and CHANGE IT
Until everyone but him gets an electric car and a composting toilet he will never rest lol.
he should be a politician. or heck maybe he is...sheeesh
I don't know how you ever get any sleep. You're always freaking over the weather, climate on the earth, the environment, etc

Like you and all these politicians can wave a magic wand that will cost us taxpayers, billions of dollars.......................and CHANGE IT
Until everyone but him gets an electric car and a composting toilet he will never rest lol.
he should be a politician. or heck maybe he is...sheeesh

Paid Think Progress poster... All you have to do is look at his sources.
EL NADA is about to go away with a vengeance as cooler water is now cycling and a La Nina is building...


Were about to have a serious drop in ocean temps.. And Mathew is hoping like hell it will last through may and the Paris convention... At current rate of decline we will go negative mid May.
I don't know how you ever get any sleep. You're always freaking over the weather, climate on the earth, the environment, etc

Like you and all these politicians can wave a magic wand that will cost us taxpayers, billions of dollars.......................and CHANGE IT
I don't know how you ever get any sleep. You're always freaking over the weather, climate on the earth, the environment, etc

Like you and all these politicians can wave a magic wand that will cost us taxpayers, billions of dollars.......................and CHANGE IT

Don't you just hate it when liberals are exposed... For what they are....

This nino will be at least 1.5 at 3.4 by June. It is typical in a strong nino for the western pacific to cool as the warm water moves eastward.

I made this thread to watch possible history...Not so much to whine about global warming.
I don't know how you ever get any sleep. You're always freaking over the weather, climate on the earth, the environment, etc

Like you and all these politicians can wave a magic wand that will cost us taxpayers, billions of dollars.......................and CHANGE IT
I don't know how you ever get any sleep. You're always freaking over the weather, climate on the earth, the environment, etc

Like you and all these politicians can wave a magic wand that will cost us taxpayers, billions of dollars.......................and CHANGE IT

Don't you just hate it when liberals are exposed... For what they are....

How have you exposed anyone in this thread? I am just here to watch the developing nino and all you can do is attack. Grow up.
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The anti-science and anti-government people are here. LOL:ack-1::alcoholic::eek-52::lame2::wtf:

Do you know just how stupid that sounds. ANTI anti anti anti SCENCE, anti Guberment stealing more OF OUR MONIES for usless crap.

seriously give it up. you can be a tool if that's what you want

Thousands of people per year would die from tornadoes, hurricanes and severe weather if we didn't spend that money on our nws. Of course, you don't believe in America and don't believe in spending money outside of blowing up other countries.

How do you feel about the buoyies, satellites or even the highly weather data we enjoy. Oh'yeah,,,that is another boondoggoo!!!

How about you give it up??? I pray to god logical people laugh you out the window in 2016.

And yes, I agree with you on law enforcement and some social issues but you're getting insane otherwise. Your ideas on things as this are as dangerous as the lefts idea on law enforcement.
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OK, Billy Boob, we have your firm forecast. Cooling starting at the end of next week, and no El Nino throught the summer. I am going to remind you of this forecast every week for as long as this El Nino lasts.
Anomalies for this week, will later be official. CPC will declare Moderate Niño and BOM will declare Niño tomorrow

First +1C anomaly for the year

Niño 4=+1.3ºC
Niño 3.4=+1.0ºC
Niño 3=+1.0ºC

Only a complete idiot would think we're cooling and won't have a nino. Someone without a clue of what they're talking about!

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