Traffic tickets mean more revenue for cash-strapped towns


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
The recession may be claiming a new victim: the 5-10-mph "cushion" police and state troopers across the USA have routinely given motorists exceeding the speed limit.

As cities and states scramble to fill budget gaps with revenue from traffic citations, "not only are the (speeding) tolerances much lower, but the frequency of a warning instead of a ticket is way down," says James Baxter, president of the National Motorists Association, a Wisconsin-based drivers' rights group that helps its members fight speeding tickets.

"Most people, if they're stopped now, are getting a ticket even if it's only a minor violation of a few miles per hour," Baxter says. He cites anecdotal evidence of drivers being pulled over at slower speeds.

Speeding 'cushion' may dwindle due to recession -

Should have seen this one coming... And check this out. What do y'all think of this stupid law?

"Yield" has been replaced by "Stop." A state new law goes into effect today requiring motorists to come to a complete stop for pedestrians, even when they are at unmarked crosswalks. The change was a response by lawmakers to the growing number of pedestrian fatalities in New Jersey, approximately 150 per year since 2004, according to public safety officials. Pedestrians are also required to use crosswalks wherever possible and obey traffic signals.

Motorists who fail to stop face a $200 fine and potentially two points on their licenses, although Dow said there would be a grace period when motorists will receive warnings as municipalities change their street signage. The grace period will also allow motorists to adjust to the new law.

Good old NJ. :evil:
The recession may be claiming a new victim: the 5-10-mph "cushion" police and state troopers across the USA have routinely given motorists exceeding the speed limit.

As cities and states scramble to fill budget gaps with revenue from traffic citations, "not only are the (speeding) tolerances much lower, but the frequency of a warning instead of a ticket is way down," says James Baxter, president of the National Motorists Association, a Wisconsin-based drivers' rights group that helps its members fight speeding tickets.

"Most people, if they're stopped now, are getting a ticket even if it's only a minor violation of a few miles per hour," Baxter says. He cites anecdotal evidence of drivers being pulled over at slower speeds.

Speeding 'cushion' may dwindle due to recession -

Should have seen this one coming... And check this out. What do y'all think of this stupid law?

"Yield" has been replaced by "Stop." A state new law goes into effect today requiring motorists to come to a complete stop for pedestrians, even when they are at unmarked crosswalks. The change was a response by lawmakers to the growing number of pedestrian fatalities in New Jersey, approximately 150 per year since 2004, according to public safety officials. Pedestrians are also required to use crosswalks wherever possible and obey traffic signals.

Motorists who fail to stop face a $200 fine and potentially two points on their licenses, although Dow said there would be a grace period when motorists will receive warnings as municipalities change their street signage. The grace period will also allow motorists to adjust to the new law.

Good old NJ. :evil:

I'm glad that NJ will be spending local taxpayers $$s to make yet more money outta their citizens.
The recession may be claiming a new victim: the 5-10-mph "cushion" police and state troopers across the USA have routinely given motorists exceeding the speed limit.

As cities and states scramble to fill budget gaps with revenue from traffic citations, "not only are the (speeding) tolerances much lower, but the frequency of a warning instead of a ticket is way down," says James Baxter, president of the National Motorists Association, a Wisconsin-based drivers' rights group that helps its members fight speeding tickets.

"Most people, if they're stopped now, are getting a ticket even if it's only a minor violation of a few miles per hour," Baxter says. He cites anecdotal evidence of drivers being pulled over at slower speeds.

Speeding 'cushion' may dwindle due to recession -

Should have seen this one coming... And check this out. What do y'all think of this stupid law?

"Yield" has been replaced by "Stop." A state new law goes into effect today requiring motorists to come to a complete stop for pedestrians, even when they are at unmarked crosswalks. The change was a response by lawmakers to the growing number of pedestrian fatalities in New Jersey, approximately 150 per year since 2004, according to public safety officials. Pedestrians are also required to use crosswalks wherever possible and obey traffic signals.

Motorists who fail to stop face a $200 fine and potentially two points on their licenses, although Dow said there would be a grace period when motorists will receive warnings as municipalities change their street signage. The grace period will also allow motorists to adjust to the new law.

Good old NJ. :evil:

Gotta squeeze every single drop of blood from that turnip.
Not only that

In the once great state of MA if you are wrongly given a ticket and you fight it you have to pay a fee for the privilege of contesting the ticket even if you are found not responsible.

In other words you have to pay to have free access to the courts for legal redress.

Nice huh?
Certainly sometimes cops go from protectors of their society to predators of it.

Looks to me like that's likely to happen as the economy puts police budgets on the line.

They'll be generating revenues to justify their donut eating do little and wait for retirement lifestyles now.
I hate pretense. One I hate more than all the rest is this pretense that traffic laws exist to make driving in traffic safer for all. Horse pucky. Traffic laws are revenue generating laws, nothing more.
around here they're putting in cameras at the lights and in the school zones...a quick easy way to get more money and they don't even have to waste manpower.....

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