Tragic: Every Single Bump Stock In Nation Suddenly Lost In Boating Accident

It was time to own them, and now it's time to hide them. When was it time to use them?
Never....They're a novelty.
Then I wonder why people are scared of them?
Because there's a big false narrative built around them being responsible for the high rate of fire in the Las Vegas massacre.....That and stupid people not knowing what they are wringing their hands and being a-skeered over too many "PEWS" per second.
Mine is tied up ... er LOST, near buoy 43 at an undisclosed harbor!...Asudden guest of wind took it, while I was shooting sharks!

In a rash of tragedies all across the United States, every single bump stock in the nation was tragically lost in various boating accidents earlier this week.

Coincidentally, the bump stocks have just been banned by the Trump administration. Since all the bump stocks have been destroyed, it's now impossible for the ATF to confiscate them or fine people who did not destroy them.

"Well, I guess our job is done," an ATF representative said. "We were gonna have to make sure people complied with this unilateral executive order, but now I guess we can just harrass gun owners for other stuff.

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You FBIes listening?

Gotta guy confessing to a federal crime here.

Also implying he's part of a larger conspiracy to commit a federal crime.
ROTFLMFAO.....they do nothing about the 2 groups I listed think they are going to go after a lone 70 year are such fun!....LOLOLOL MY ENTERTAINMENT!
Sorry, I forgot republicans have no sense of humor.
Banning bump stocks is a meaningless gesture meant to make fools feel good and nothing more.

Agreed. It was a throw away gesture. I have never even seen a bump stock. Nobody I know has one, nor wants one. It was to appease the SHEEPLE. Nothing more.
Mine is tied up ... er LOST, near buoy 43 at an undisclosed harbor!...Asudden guest of wind took it, while I was shooting sharks!

In a rash of tragedies all across the United States, every single bump stock in the nation was tragically lost in various boating accidents earlier this week.

Coincidentally, the bump stocks have just been banned by the Trump administration. Since all the bump stocks have been destroyed, it's now impossible for the ATF to confiscate them or fine people who did not destroy them.

"Well, I guess our job is done," an ATF representative said. "We were gonna have to make sure people complied with this unilateral executive order, but now I guess we can just harrass gun owners for other stuff.

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Where will you buy more bump stocks? Lol oops
--------------------------------------- bump stocks will likely last a hundred years . Course i don't know for sure but they should last a long time same as people regularly shoot Guns that are over a hundred years old BFlag .
and whats going to happen is that just like the invention of the BUMPSTOCK , there will be more 'rapid fire' inventions and techniques developed that will be LEGAL .
You can make your own bump stock with a rubber band, but who the heck would want to shoot like that anyway? Mall Ninjas?
Bump stocks are completely irrelevant.

But you don't see it........ they have now set the precedent that if something increases the fire rate of a gun, it is now something that can be banned..... the next step will be banning any modification to any gun that improves the rate of fire in any a factory trigger that sucks, want to replace it with an APEX trigger...too bad, that will be a felony since it turns your pistol into an instrument of mass murder......because you can now shoot it faster......

They will never stop.....
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I could care less about bump stocks, it's just lip service bullshit they're doing to please the idiots who don't know what they are, however, if you give an inch they will take a mile. I've watched it in my lifetime in nearly every fucking compromise that was given to the left. You can't trust them because they need a constant flow of "problems" to fix in order to get elected, if that means distorting reality and lying, they're more than happy to do it.

they have now set the precedent that if something increases the fire rate of a gun, it is now something that can be banned..... the next step will be banning and modification to any gun that improves the rate of fire in any a factory trigger that sucks, want to replace it with an APEX trigger...too bad, that will be a felony since it turns your pistol into an instrument of mass murder......because you can now shoot it faster......
Most of you don't understand it is just another grab at your rights......perhaps this might help. Like everything in America, as soon as something is used for a nefsrnefa purpose, some assholecwants to eliminate this day of violence purpettrated by groups like BLM. and ANTIFA, Iit will come down to these people attacking other citizens, especially when you disagree with them....think it is not coming?



It was the way the national socialists in Germany came to power..... anyone who spoke up was beaten, and their businesses were targeted....we have now had antifa sieze control of streets in Portland, and the police were told to stand down......we have had black lives matter engage in riots...and the police were told to stand down. antifa has forced Republicans and Conservatives out of public spaces with threats of violence..........Soon, anyone who speaks out will be a target of physical violence...
Mine is tied up ... er LOST, near buoy 43 at an undisclosed harbor!...Asudden guest of wind took it, while I was shooting sharks!

In a rash of tragedies all across the United States, every single bump stock in the nation was tragically lost in various boating accidents earlier this week.

Coincidentally, the bump stocks have just been banned by the Trump administration. Since all the bump stocks have been destroyed, it's now impossible for the ATF to confiscate them or fine people who did not destroy them.

"Well, I guess our job is done," an ATF representative said. "We were gonna have to make sure people complied with this unilateral executive order, but now I guess we can just harrass gun owners for other stuff.

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Where will you buy more bump stocks? Lol oops
--------------------------------------- bump stocks will likely last a hundred years . Course i don't know for sure but they should last a long time same as people regularly shoot Guns that are over a hundred years old BFlag .
----------------------------------- smile if you like but what i said is true . See the AR in 'kalifornia' where just the removal of the 'flash hider' made an illegal gun legal BFlag .
At some point gun owners will practice civil disobedience. It is happening already in places like NY, NJ, CA, and other Fascist states. Unless the police are willing to spend the time, money, and manpower to get warrants for every citizen, and go door to door searching homes, people will have whatever they want. Standard capacity magazines, semi auto sporting rifles, etc.

This is the United States, not Europe. At least half the country still believes we are Americans, and different from the rest of the world.
and YOU are a foolish person . But like i said . Real Americans are an innovative bunch BFlag .

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