Train Robbery the New Thing in Leftist Controlled California

So, thievery is okay because insurance companies will pay for it.

Just want to be clear.
Eventually the insurance companies stop insuring these high risk losses. Or charge so much insurance is impossible. Armed guards might be cheaper. Those trains go through a lot of open land.

The thieves should make restitution. With an arm or a leg or both.
So, thievery is okay because insurance companies will pay for it.

Just want to be clear.

Nope. Just not worth spending $70,000 a year to lock someone up because they stole $950.00 worth of material that has been insured.

One could argue that it isn't "cost effective".
Eventually the insurance companies stop insuring these high risk losses. Or charge so much insurance is impossible. Armed guards might be cheaper. Those trains go through a lot of open land.

The thieves should make restitution. With an arm or a leg or both.

I know, man, Jeff Bezos might not be able to afford any more Dick Rockets.

Just remember,

When the Poor steal, it's called "Crime".
When the rich steal, it's called "Profits".
I know, man, Jeff Bezos might not be able to afford any more Dick Rockets.

Just remember,

When the Poor steal, it's called "Crime".
When the rich steal, it's called "Profits".
I hope Bezos buys enough rockets to shove one up every looter ass and light it off.
Nope. Just not worth spending $70,000 a year to lock someone up because they stole $950.00 worth of material that has been insured.

One could argue that it isn't "cost effective".
It is worth $70,000 a year to pay someone to pop off the vermin. How many rats can an exterminator eliminate?
Come to think of it, rioters like using fireworks. Wouldn't it be cost effective to shove their own fireworks up their ass or in their mouths and set it off?
Nope. Just not worth spending $70,000 a year to lock someone up because they stole $950.00 worth of material that has been insured.

One could argue that it isn't "cost effective".
Priorities like that are going to make for some good movie quality splat.
It is worth $70,000 a year to pay someone to pop off the vermin. How many rats can an exterminator eliminate?

Priorities like that are going to make for some good movie quality splat.
I guess, if you are a racist sociopath...

Me, I've actually had my house robbed. They took me for a VCR and a TV. You know what, insurance paid for those, and eventually I got better TVs and VCR's became obsolete technology. Imagine that.
I guess, if you are a racist sociopath...

Me, I've actually had my house robbed. They took me for a VCR and a TV. You know what, insurance paid for those, and eventually I got better TVs and VCR's became obsolete technology. Imagine that.
Insurance companies are right up near the top on the list of the parasite class, along with doctors, lawyers, advertisers and politicians.

You are a symptom.
Eventually the insurance companies stop insuring these high risk losses. Or charge so much insurance is impossible. Armed guards might be cheaper. Those trains go through a lot of open land.

The thieves should make restitution. With an arm or a leg or both.
Maybe a necktie party as well. Lootie will think twice when he sees his crew dangling.
Insurance companies are right up near the top on the list of the parasite class, along with doctors, lawyers, advertisers and politicians.

You are a symptom.

I can make a lot of criticism of the insurance industry. You haven't lived until you tried to get medical treatment they don't want to pay for. (It did, however, cure me of Republican stupidity.)

Maybe a necktie party as well. Lootie will think twice when he sees his crew dangling.

You know, I'd post a picture of a lynching, when they used to think the way you do, but it would probably violate USMB rules.
I can make a lot of criticism of the insurance industry. You haven't lived until you tried to get medical treatment they don't want to pay for. (It did, however, cure me of Republican stupidity.)

You know, I'd post a picture of a lynching, when they used to think the way you do, but it would probably violate USMB rules.
I did, for a condition that is so painful that approximately 50% of the people who have it choose suicide.

Cry me a fucking river.
Except not really. We increased the number of people incarcerated from a half a million in 1980 to nearly two million today, and we have not seen a signifigent drop in crime.

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The murder rate is up but is still below historical highs-----(using a chart that ends in 2016). Did you even bother to read your own chart? GEEBUS....

CRime goes down when criminals are locked up--they can't harm others so this is logical. Studies showed that locking up criminals in the 1990's cut crime by 58%.........

So then the libs started redefining crime-----
And then you got SOROS prosecutors who don't prosecute crime.....
Murder has soared----under this do not prosecute criminals, let the illegals flood over, and turn criminals loose for covid BS----the black community is getting hit the hardest.
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The murder rate is up but is still below historical highs-----(using a chart that ends in 2016). Did you even bother to read your own chart? GEEBUS....

CRime goes down when criminals are locked up--they can't harm others so this is logical. Studies showed that locking up criminals in the 1990's cut crime by 58%.........

Actually, it had no such effect.... What reduced crime was the baby boomers in the 1990's started entering their 30's and 40's, the age when you are less likely to get into that kind of trouble.

We quadrupled the prison population since the 1980's and had only a minimal impact on crime.
I did, for a condition that is so painful that approximately 50% of the people who have it choose suicide.

Cry me a fucking river.

And yet you support the party that wants to roll us back to the days where Insurance companies COULD deny you treatment for pre-existing conditions.
@JoeB131 must be wetting himself at the thought of his thieving crew getting all that merchandise.

Naw, you seem to be the one upset about lost corporate profits.... I'm sure that there will still be plenty for dick rockets and dressage horses for the rich.
Your policies create criminals.... you own them.
No personal responsibility left in your world. We get it, you spoiled child.
Criminals all think somebody else made them do it.

One more datum, similar to, but distinct from data that I have already noticed, to support my contention that CrimIncel Joe is an actual criminal, and not a human being.

Human beings understand that we are all responsible for our own behavior, and for the consequences thereof.

Criminals often try to excuse their behavior by trying to blame someone else for it.

Is CrimIncel Joe acting, here, like a human being, or is it acting like a criminal?
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