Train Robbery the New Thing in Leftist Controlled California

Wow. $15.8 billion to keep criminals from terrorizing and murdering law abiding citizens.

California is spending $100 billion for a choo choo nobody will ride.

A choo choo that will never even exist.

I don't know if any actual track has been laid, but I think it is well established that there are, at this point, no plans to acquire any rolling stock for this scam.

(A quick not of Googling, just now, seems to indicate that as of this time, no track has been laid. Not a single rail, not a single tie. And a set of required specifications for the rolling stock, that no manufacturers has indicated any ability to meet. Tens of billions of dollars squandered, and we have nothing at all to show for it. It is way past time to shut this scam down once and for all, and start arresting the criminals involved in this scam, trying them for fraud and malfeasance, and throwing their asses in prison.)
This shouldn't be complicated. A separate, fully-functioning, carefully maintained, closed circuit informational, political, behavioral, and sociological universe that creates its own reality as it goes and breathes along with the whims of one profoundly weak and damaged individual.

The name of the person is irrelevant. If this happened around a guy named Smith, it would "Smithism". The issue is, how we can be so damaged that this could happen here.
Trump’s message will have to be closed circuit in the future thanks to libs in the media who shut him out of the normal channels of communication

so you have created the situation that you complain about
What utter bullshit. I'm so fucking tired of you assholes who keep trying to push the responsibility for that ill-raised black child onto everyone but the two people who are actually responsible! Just fucking stop it and stop it now or you will not like what's coming!

Check your privilege buddy. You and others on this board have had all the advantages of being raised white in this country and a lot of you STILL come off like sociopaths.

Wow. $15.8 billion to keep criminals from terrorizing and murdering law abiding citizens.

California is spending $100 billion for a choo choo nobody will ride.

That's 100 billion over decades.. compared to 16 billion a year for prisons
You openly, unabashedly, take the side of criminals against that of human beings. Always, without fail.

You're pretty much the ideal model of a sociopath.
Your policies create criminals.... you own them.

Turning criminals loose on the streets punishes innocent people

and thats what libs are doing

Nope. Conservatives did that when they didn't address the underlying causes of crime but failed to provide adequate prison facilities to house all the resulting criminals.

Again- California had to let all those people loose because SCOTUS ruled that the prisons were overcrowded.
The only way that it is possible for @CrimIncel Joe to live in a shithole like Shitcago, and to hold and express the opinions that it does, is if it is itself a criminal, and is among those committing all the various crimes for which Shitcago is renounced, and favors policies that allow it to continue committing such crimes with impunity.

I have to call complete and total bullshit on any claim that @CrimIncel Joe is anything similar at all like a law-abiding human being. A human being would want to be protected from criminals.

I totally want to be protected. It's how you GET to protection that's the issue.

A Prison-Industrial Complex doesn't protect me.

What would protect me.

Sensible gun control. Way too easy for criminals and crazy people to get guns.
Programs to treat mental illness and addiction.
Addressing the grinding poverty that still exists in the richest country in the world.

But locking people up in brutal prisons until you have to use that cell for the next guy you want to brutalize... that's just crazy.
Your policies create criminals.... you own them.

Nope. Conservatives did that when they didn't address the underlying causes of crime but failed to provide adequate prison facilities to house all the resulting criminals.

Again- California had to let all those people loose because SCOTUS ruled that the prisons were overcrowded.
Yeah, like it's the fork's fault that you're fat.

And it's my fault that you're a tattling bitch.

No personal responsibility left in your world. We get it, you spoiled child.

Criminals all think somebody else made them do it.

Thanks for fucking up America with that bullshit.

Get your booster.
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Yeah, like it's the fork's fault that you're fat.

And it's my fault that you're a tattling bitch.
Wow, wait. There's rules on this forum, you broke them, and now you are bitching you were held accountable? What was that you were saying about personal responsibility?

No personal responsibility left in your world. We get it, you spoiled child.

Not at all. You see, here's the thing. Unlike some fantasies, I've never committed a crime. Never anything more serious than moving violation. Why? I grew up in a middle class white household when we still had those. I had the opportunity to go to college. After serving in the military, I got preferences in hiring (partially from being a vet, mostly from being a white male). I've never gone to bed hungry, never had to worry about not having a roof over my head. It's easy to be a saint in paradise.

If there was a God, I would consider myself blessed.... The problem is, people who live in the same country aren't as blessed. And when some of them go wrong, we should be looking at ourselves. How did we let it go this wrong?

Criminals all think somebody else made them do it.

Thanks for fucking up America with that bullshit.

Uh, that isn't what fucks up America
What fucked up America is that the one percenters got you all upset about Crime and scary black people and used it to demolish your nice white middle class.

Republicans have been using your fear of crime since Tricky Dick talked about "Law and Order". (Ironic, because he was the only president forced to resign for criminal activity.) Yet here we are, 50 years later, 50 more years of Republican fearmongering... Most of you are working two jobs to keep the same level of lifestyle... and still cowering in fear clinging to your gun and your bible.
Wow, wait. There's rules on this forum, you broke them, and now you are bitching you were held accountable? What was that you were saying about personal responsibility?

Not at all. You see, here's the thing. Unlike some fantasies, I've never committed a crime. Never anything more serious than moving violation. Why? I grew up in a middle class white household when we still had those. I had the opportunity to go to college. After serving in the military, I got preferences in hiring (partially from being a vet, mostly from being a white male). I've never gone to bed hungry, never had to worry about not having a roof over my head. It's easy to be a saint in paradise.

If there was a God, I would consider myself blessed.... The problem is, people who live in the same country aren't as blessed. And when some of them go wrong, we should be looking at ourselves. How did we let it go this wrong?

Uh, that isn't what fucks up America
What fucked up America is that the one percenters got you all upset about Crime and scary black people and used it to demolish your nice white middle class.

Republicans have been using your fear of crime since Tricky Dick talked about "Law and Order". (Ironic, because he was the only president forced to resign for criminal activity.) Yet here we are, 50 years later, 50 more years of Republican fearmongering... Most of you are working two jobs to keep the same level of lifestyle... and still cowering in fear clinging to your gun and your bible.
Words I'm not bothering to read because all they say is that you support criminals. Anyone who supports criminals is as evil as they are, tattling bitch.
Duly noted you can't refute the point.
Which point? I read your post and all I saw was a dramatic little soliloquy that didn't say much except more of the same, to wit, it isn't the criminal's fault.

If nothing is a criminal's fault, then rules just don't exist, so any violation of TOS was not my fault and you're a small thinking spoiled tattletale bitch.

Go get your booster.
Bring back railway bulls.....With PPSh-41s. ;)

I am a 67 year old woman who worked hard, as did my late husband, for everything we ever owned and I happen to have a very expensive purchase being shipped to me right now via UPS. I want to know where are all the men in this country who ever felt that it was their responsibility to help the young, the disabled and the elderly widows live quality lives? Anyone who supports this predation by not denouncing it must also be a predator.
Which point? I read your post and all I saw was a dramatic little soliloquy that didn't say much except more of the same, to wit, it isn't the criminal's fault.

If nothing is a criminal's fault, then rules just don't exist,,,,,

Go get your booster.

Um, no, that's kind of a logical fallacy. Of course, rules exist. The problem here is that they are kind of meaningless if you are desperate enough.

You, I and Mormon Bob have never known any real desperation. Heck, I've never gone to bed hungry once in my life. I doubt you have.

the problem, of course, that if you want to talk about "the Rules", then Rush Limbaugh should have gone to the same prison as the poor addict. They both broke the rules and acquired drugs they shouldn't have been taking. Instead, Mr. Limbaugh got a plea deal that involved rehab and the poor person got prison time. Felicity Huffman got 11 days behind bars for falsifying her kid's entry into college, while a poor black mother who used the wrong address to get her kid out of a dangerous school got five years.

You support an unjust system and then complain about unjust results.
Um, no, that's kind of a logical fallacy. Of course, rules exist. The problem here is that they are kind of meaningless if you are desperate enough.

You, I and Mormon Bob have never known any real desperation. Heck, I've never gone to bed hungry once in my life. I doubt you have.

the problem, of course, that if you want to talk about "the Rules", then Rush Limbaugh should have gone to the same prison as the poor addict. They both broke the rules and acquired drugs they shouldn't have been taking. Instead, Mr. Limbaugh got a plea deal that involved rehab and the poor person got prison time. Felicity Huffman got 11 days behind bars for falsifying her kid's entry into college, while a poor black mother who used the wrong address to get her kid out of a dangerous school got five years.

You support an unjust system and then complain about unjust results.
I hear wind rushing past my head.
I am a 67 year old woman who worked hard, as did my late husband, for everything we ever owned and I happen to have a very expensive purchase being shipped to me right now via UPS. I want to know where are all the men in this country who ever felt that it was their responsibility to help the young, the disabled and the elderly widows live quality lives? Anyone who supports this predation by not denouncing it must also be a predator.

So let's look at this. Let's say that your very expensive purchase doesn't arrive. What do you do. You call Amazon (or whoever) and say, "my stuff didn't arrive" and they'll ship it again.

Amazon has calculated the costs of lost and stolen packages into their business model. And Jeff Bezos still makes enough money to buy himself a Dick Rocket and fly into space with Captain Kirk.

But your package got delayed a couple of days....


Here's the thing. They don't have anywhere NEAR these levels of problems in Japan or the European Union? Why? Because they have social programs to keep the truly poor from resorting to crime. They have extensive programs for addicts and the mentally ill. Their criminal justice system is based on rehabilitation instead of punishment. Oh, yeah, and they make it very hard for people to get guns.

I'll say this again... if locking people up were the answer, we'd have solved the problem.

Um, no, that's kind of a logical fallacy. Of course, rules exist. The problem here is that they are kind of meaningless if you are desperate enough.

You, I and Mormon Bob have never known any real desperation. Heck, I've never gone to bed hungry once in my life. I doubt you have.

the problem, of course, that if you want to talk about "the Rules", then Rush Limbaugh should have gone to the same prison as the poor addict. They both broke the rules and acquired drugs they shouldn't have been taking. Instead, Mr. Limbaugh got a plea deal that involved rehab and the poor person got prison time. Felicity Huffman got 11 days behind bars for falsifying her kid's entry into college, while a poor black mother who used the wrong address to get her kid out of a dangerous school got five years.

You support an unjust system and then complain about unjust results.
so you forgot to mention the plea deal Bill Clinton took for rape?
so you forgot to mention the plea deal Bill Clinton took for rape?

Except no one charged him with rape. Ken Starr repeated 20 year old rape accusations and then admitted they had no credibility. (So why did he include them in the first place?)

He was charged with lying to a judge (over a matter the judge had ruled immaterial to the case at hand, and ruled the case itself had no merit under Federal Law.)

So let me get this straight.

Inciting a riot that gets people killed isn't a criminal offense.
Starting a war over weapons that don't exist isn't a criminal offense.
BUT lying about getting a blow job from a chubby intern is.

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