Train Robbery the New Thing in Leftist Controlled California

Leftist regions are all like a Mad Max or Escape from New York movie.

It's all intentional too!

Every Progressive run place eventually devolved into slaves and their Overlords. The USMB Lefties Posters who support this are Useful Idiots destined for slavery but have deluded themselves into thinking they will be the Overlords
Oops. You left out the rest of your post. You can never say anything negative about the left without a BUT TRUMP

“And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.”

Violence on our nations Capitol! What a hoot!
I gave you exactly what you challenged me on.

You tried. You failed. I laughed.

Too bad, sheep. I'm not like you. Thank goodness.
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Good thing plastic bags were outlawed! Democrats addressed the HARD DIFFICULT ISSUES.
Gee, I wonder what would happen if we showed this video to Amazon. This makes me want to quit buying anywhere but in local stores.
Lol, that would be a great improvement for our daily lives. Yes we need to put in infrastructure that would allow communities to be more self sufficient. Let's face it fresh food is just better. I would a great deal more comfortable knowing a friend or neighbor were the ones making and handling the products I buy.
What I don't understand is why the Dems aren't having hearings galore and all these speeches and what-not against the far, far worse riots by the blacks and antifas last year, with the huge fires, and lootings and shootings and injuring and killing police, and attempts to invade white suburbs and freeways. All that is so much more of a problem than the harmless demonstration at the Capitol! And will probably happen again and again, but they make no effort to stop this widespread rioting that causes real harm and danger.
Because lefties talk out of both sides of their mouth

they just want power so yhat they can do things like fire workers who dont get the covid shot

or arrest hair salon owners who refuse to shut down their business and go bankrupt

its all about petty little dictators holding power over people
California has had 11 years since the SCOTUS decision to build more prisons... and they haven't.
Then defy the courts if they have to in order to maintain law and order

Let the demigods in black robes come to california and personally release all the criminals

or have the judges throw out all the legislators in california and appoint an administrator to straighten the libs out

anything except the totally insane idea of letting criminals run wild

because choosing to punish the public instead of the criminals is wrong
anything except the totally insane idea of letting criminals run wild
because choosing to punish the public instead of the criminals is wrong

It depends on whether you're on the side of criminals, or on the side of human beings.

Nearly everything that CrimIncel Joe says makes perfect sense, if you assume the side of criminals, against the side of human beings.
Then defy the courts if they have to in order to maintain law and order

Let the demigods in black robes come to california and personally release all the criminals

or have the judges throw out all the legislators in california and appoint an administrator to straighten the libs out

anything except the totally insane idea of letting criminals run wild

because choosing to punish the public instead of the criminals is wrong

Okay, that all sounds nice, until you realize the real problem is that the people of California really don't want to pay for more prisons. Nor do most of them want to be prison guards.

I mean, I know you are sputtering in your desire to punish people, I guess, but you are looking at the results of your own policies.
It depends on whether you're on the side of criminals, or on the side of human beings.

Nearly everything that says makes perfect sense, if you assume the side of criminals, against the side of human beings.

Just because you're a sociopath doesn't mean the rest of us have to support psycho policies.

We've seen the results of 40 years of Lock Them Up policies... and they don't work. Time to try something different.
The difference is I want to punish criminals while libs like you want to punish innocent citizens

Treating people decently doesn't punish other people.

The Prison-Industrial Complex puts innocent people in danger. When you take the black kid who made a mistake at 17 and at 25 he's been in and out of the system with no job prospects, then you are the one who has put the rest of us in danger.

We have 2 million people in prison, we have another 7 million on probation or parole. 100 Million Americans have a police record.

We also have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

Now, I realize that you and Mormon Bob are angry and scared, but what you are doing DOESN'T WORK!!!!

It's really not more complicated than that. Throwing people in prison for life for stealing a slice of pizza just meant you ended up with crowded prisons the feds had to crack down on.
Good thing California Leftards banned plastic grocery bags and nobody gets arrested unless they steal over $960 value.
This area was cleaned up 30 days ago. More in the thread.
View attachment 587742

Everyone needs to realize that the people who run California (and other dystopian blue shitholes) LOVE this kind of thing. They absolutely fucking LOVE it. It keeps people scared, poor, and easy to control.

There's a reason why the state does nothing about the fact that in many cities in California, people don't go out because they know they'll get attacked by homeless junkies, violent leftist thugs, or illegal alien gangbangers, and the "law enforcement" apparatus won't do a thing about it.

This is what they want, and this is what the people who live there voted for. Let them have it.
Treating people decently doesn't punish other people.

The Prison-Industrial Complex puts innocent people in danger. When you take the black kid who made a mistake at 17 and at 25 he's been in and out of the system with no job prospects, then you are the one who has put the rest of us in danger.

We have 2 million people in prison, we have another 7 million on probation or parole. 100 Million Americans have a police record.

We also have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world.

Now, I realize that you and Mormon Bob are angry and scared, but what you are doing DOESN'T WORK!!!!

It's really not more complicated than that. Throwing people in prison for life for stealing a slice of pizza just meant you ended up with crowded prisons the feds had to crack down on.
What utter bullshit. I'm so fucking tired of you assholes who keep trying to push the responsibility for that ill-raised black child onto everyone but the two people who are actually responsible! Just fucking stop it and stop it now or you will not like what's coming!
California has had 11 years since the SCOTUS decision to build more prisons... and they haven't. Not that they would have guards to work at them, anyway.

What I support is addressing the underlying causes of crime, but since we aren't going to do that as a country, we are just going to have to learn to live with shoplifters or people stealing Amazon packages off of doorsteps.

I'm sure you can prosecute them to your heart's content... but without any meaningful punishment, what's the point? California was ordered to reduce their prison population by 30% by the Federal Government.... Something has to give.

California spent 15.8 BILLION on prisons in 2020. 1/6 of all prison spending in the country.

They are spending less than 2 billion a year on the high speed rail project. If that project ever gets completed.
Wow. $15.8 billion to keep criminals from terrorizing and murdering law abiding citizens.

California is spending $100 billion for a choo choo nobody will ride.
Same in Chicago. They're not holding/prosecuting people here either for many things, so we're seeing the smash and grab gangs and these people stealing from the train yards.

The only way that it is possible for CrimIncel Joe to live in a shithole like Shitcago, and to hold and express the opinions that it does, is if it is itself a criminal, and is among those committing all the various crimes for which Shitcago is renounced, and favors policies that allow it to continue committing such crimes with impunity.

I have to call complete and total bullshit on any claim that CrimIncel Joe is anything similar at all like a law-abiding human being. A human being would want to be protected from criminals.
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