Train Robbery the New Thing in Leftist Controlled California

What I don't understand is why the Dems aren't having hearings galore and all these speeches and what-not against the far, far worse riots by the blacks and antifas last year, with the huge fires, and lootings and shootings and injuring and killing police, and attempts to invade white suburbs and freeways. All that is so much more of a problem than the harmless demonstration at the Capitol! And will probably happen again and again, but they make no effort to stop this widespread rioting that causes real harm and danger.
Whites burning down dozens of black owned businesses is a feature, not a bug, for Democrats.
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I don't know. You don't think it would be useful anywhere?

Are you at all familiar with the California High Speed Fail fiasco?

The point has been reached where no one with any vestige of credibility believes or claims that it will ever be operational, that it will ever carry so much as one paying passenger form anywhere to anywhere. But we have spent billions of taxpayer dollars on it, and are continuing to spend taxpayer dollars on it.

It is way past time to shut the whole thing down, and to throw all the crooks in prison who had anything to do with it. But we wont. Instead we continue to allow them to openly defraud and steal from the California taxpayers, with impunity, knowing that we will never get anything of any value back in return.
The answer cannot be to remove consequences for anything under grand theft. There needs to be more funding and more prisons built if there's not enough room or staff. What you support is insane.
California has had 11 years since the SCOTUS decision to build more prisons... and they haven't. Not that they would have guards to work at them, anyway.

What I support is addressing the underlying causes of crime, but since we aren't going to do that as a country, we are just going to have to learn to live with shoplifters or people stealing Amazon packages off of doorsteps.

Translation don't prosecute smash and grab, shoplifting, and other crimes spiraling out of control.

I'm sure you can prosecute them to your heart's content... but without any meaningful punishment, what's the point? California was ordered to reduce their prison population by 30% by the Federal Government.... Something has to give.


The liberal democrats running california choose not to build more prisons

they prefer to spend the money on boondoggles like high-speed rail instead
California spent 15.8 BILLION on prisons in 2020. 1/6 of all prison spending in the country.

They are spending less than 2 billion a year on the high speed rail project. If that project ever gets completed.
California has had 11 years since the SCOTUS decision to build more prisons... and they haven't. Not that they would have guards to work at them, anyway.

What I support is addressing the underlying causes of crime, but since we aren't going to do that as a country, we are just going to have to learn to live with shoplifters or people stealing Amazon packages off of doorsteps.

I'm sure you can prosecute them to your heart's content... but without any meaningful punishment, what's the point? California was ordered to reduce their prison population by 30% by the Federal Government.... Something has to give.

California spent 15.8 BILLION on prisons in 2020. 1/6 of all prison spending in the country.

They are spending less than 2 billion a year on the high speed rail project. If that project ever gets completed.
Funny how you support violent felons, it’s almost as if you’re a Democrat.
Are you at all familiar with the California High Speed Fail fiasco?

The point has been reached where no one with any vestige of credibility believes or claims that it will ever be operational, that it will ever carry so much as one paying passenger form anywhere to anywhere. But we have spent billions of taxpayer dollars on it, and are continuing to spend taxpayer dollars on it.

It is way past time to shut the whole thing down, and to throw all the crooks in prison who had anything to do with it. But we wont. Instead we continue to allow them to openly defraud and steal from the California taxpayers, with impunity, knowing that we will never get anything of any value back in return.
You didn't answer my question.
We already are very vividly seeing how it works out.

Of course the one who is a criminal, and is on the side of criminals, against that of human beings, approves of this result.

But who is responsible for this result?

Who created the Prison-Industrial Complex that turns petty offenders into career criminals.
Who demolished the middle class in this country?
Who failed to address issues of lack of job opportunities in the inner cities?

We could give every person in the prison system a full time job doing something useful for what it costs to incarcerate someone. We don't.

I am not approving of a result, just saying "I told you so!"
But who is responsible for this result?

Who created the Prison-Industrial Complex that turns petty offenders into career criminals.
Who demolished the middle class in this country?
Who failed to address issues of lack of job opportunities in the inner cities?

We could give every person in the prison system a full time job doing something useful for what it costs to incarcerate someone. We don't.

I am not approving of a result, just saying "I told you so!"
Call me when innocent people are locked up.
No shock you support violent felons to control the streets.
I can list all kinds of shit the Left does that I don't like. I can list all kinds of things and behaviors and issues the Left agrees with that I don't like. I can list all kinds of things I don't like about Biden or any other Dem politician.

Can you do the same about the GOP and Trump? No. Because you have no balls, no original, independent thought, no honor, and you are a mindless sheep.

Thanks for asking.
Yet you never do. Odd.
The Left has always been more violent. The insurrection was certainly an anomaly, but very possibly a sign of what's to come.

As you guys keep telling us.

Are you this unhinged in real life?
Where are all the Deplorable Domestic Terrorists? I know there may be Klan people and some Stormfront or others. But they number in the thousands in a nation of 330 million or so. I did not see the National Police State people doing due diligence with Antifa and BLM. And there are many questions about January 6th. The Shadow on the Land is growing and getting darker. Getting what you want and having what you want you will find out is two different things.
Link to one post of you condemning the leftist policies that’s allowed crime to skyrocket in Dem controlled regions.

{Game Over}
Holy shit, easy.

Post 237: The one good thing about the capitol insurrection.

"They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence."

You lose, rube. Thanks for playing.

Holy shit, easy.

Post 237: The one good thing about the capitol insurrection.

"They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence."

You lose, rube. Thanks for playing.

Oops. You left out the rest of your post. You can never say anything negative about the left without a BUT TRUMP

“And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.”

Violence on our nations Capitol! What a hoot!

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