Train Robbery the New Thing in Leftist Controlled California

You mean the prosecutors stopped doing that AFTER they were told that they had to stop overcrowding the prisons.

Why is it you guys ALL avoid that topic? The prosecutors stopped prosecuting property crimes because they didn't have anywhere to send these prisons when the Federal Government mandated a 30% reduction in the prison population
Now you are just making up crap as you go along

the feds have never told california to reduce its state and local prison population
Right, right...

There's nothing to do at all other than to remove consequences for anything under grand theft. Hey, you go with that. Let's see how it works out. Thank God I live in Florida.

Okay, simple math.

You have prison capacity of 80,000 prisoners. You currently have over 160,000 prisoners in your prisons. The Federal government has just ordered you to reduce your prison population to 112,000. How do you get there without reducing the number of people you are sending to prison?

The obvious solution if you are a sociopath is "build more prisons", but that takes time, and the prisons you have now are understaffed.

Yes, even Prisons in Florida!!!!

“It’s getting so bad in Florida’s prisons that legislators are not only receiving dire warnings from Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Mark Inch. They also have heard from a cadre of state prison wardens—a much rarer occurrence in the state capitol,” the Tampa Bay Times reported on January 3. “The wardens are urging state senators to address desperate conditions with adequate funding. Those conditions include ignored routine maintenance, low salaries, routine 12-hour overtime shifts, poor working conditions and gang violence.”

In October, the Florida Phoenix reported the state paid $77 million to prison staff, “an exploding price tag stemming from the inability to hire and keep correctional officers at the state’s Department of Corrections.”
Okay, simple math.

You have prison capacity of 80,000 prisoners. You currently have over 160,000 prisoners in your prisons. The Federal government has just ordered you to reduce your prison population to 112,000. How do you get there without reducing the number of people you are sending to prison?

The obvious solution if you are a sociopath is "build more prisons", but that takes time, and the prisons you have now are understaffed.

Yes, even Prisons in Florida!!!!

“It’s getting so bad in Florida’s prisons that legislators are not only receiving dire warnings from Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Mark Inch. They also have heard from a cadre of state prison wardens—a much rarer occurrence in the state capitol,” the Tampa Bay Times reported on January 3. “The wardens are urging state senators to address desperate conditions with adequate funding. Those conditions include ignored routine maintenance, low salaries, routine 12-hour overtime shifts, poor working conditions and gang violence.”

In October, the Florida Phoenix reported the state paid $77 million to prison staff, “an exploding price tag stemming from the inability to hire and keep correctional officers at the state’s Department of Corrections.”

The answer cannot be to remove consequences for anything under grand theft. There needs to be more funding and more prisons built if there's not enough room or staff. What you support is insane.

No, it is a matter of fact. Why do you think both sides cannot be wrong? There is no logic to that at all.

what you mean is that neither side conforms to your narrow thinking on any issue

My view of things is far less narrow than yours. We know that for you everything your side does is always right, what could be more narrow that that?

but when the chips are down you all usually turn out to be more lib than you like to admit

Yet oddly enough nobody can name a "lib" position I hold on any issue.
Dude, crime is a symptom. As long as we refuse to address the underlying causes - poverty, racism, mental illness, addiction, gun proliferation- we are going to just have to learn to live with it.

First, people are being arrested for theft, they just aren't being prosecuted and imprisoned, because THERE IS NO MORE ROOM IN THE PRISONS.

Since we are talking about California in particular, a CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court ruled that California housing prisons at 200%+ of capacity in Brown v. Plata constitutes cruel and unusual punishment and must go down to a mere 137% capacity has kind of forced California's hand.

In a 48-page opinion, Kennedy laid out some of the facts of the case. Prisoners are not only doubled and tripled up in 6-by-9 cells but are stacked in bunks in areas meant to be gymnasiums, classrooms and even clinics. As many as 54 prisoners use one toilet, breeding disease, and medical care is so deficient that one prisoner dies needlessly every six to seven days. On the mental health side, prisoners awaiting care are often housed in "tiny, phone-booth sized cages," with some inmates falling into hallucinations and catatonic states, and suicides well above national norms.

Justice Kennedy pointed out that the state had repeatedly agreed to fix these conditions by building more prisons, but the Legislature didn't provide the money, and the overcrowding just grew worse. Given California's ongoing budgetary crisis, Kennedy observed, there is no possibility the state can "build itself out of" its overcrowding problem, so the state will have to choose a combination of other methods, even perhaps release of nonviolent prisoners to reduce the state prison population.

So now realizing you can't overcrowd the prisons, and you aren't building any new cells, what are your options? You have to make a decision on who gets locked up because he is truly dangerous, and who gets let go because his crime, while a pain in the ass, was non-violent.


The liberal democrats running california choose not to build more prisons

they prefer to spend the money on boondoggles like high-speed rail instead

The liberal democrats running california choose not to build more prisons

they prefer to spend the money on boondoggles like high-speed rail instead
And then this is where the Republicans lose me. We should absolutely be investing in high-tech infrastructure like Asia and Europe.
Right, right...

There's nothing at all that can be done other than removing consequences for anything under grand theft. Hey, you go with that. Let's see how it works out. Thank God I live in Florida.

We already are very vividly seeing how it works out.

Of course the one who is a criminal, and is on the side of criminals, against that of human beings, approves of this result.
And then this is where the Republicans lose me. We should absolutely be investing in high-tech infrastructure like Asia and Europe.
You just ignored how Dems spent billions on high tech rail that will never be operational.
Mac1958 are you listening?

I know you only want to talk about the capital riot last year

But this is what your side is doing to America now
What I don't understand is why the Dems aren't having hearings galore and all these speeches and what-not against the far, far worse riots by the blacks and antifas last year, with the huge fires, and lootings and shootings and injuring and killing police, and attempts to invade white suburbs and freeways. All that is so much more of a problem than the harmless demonstration at the Capitol! And will probably happen again and again, but they make no effort to stop this widespread rioting that causes real harm and danger.
The Left has always been more violent. The insurrection was certainly an anomaly, but very possibly a sign of what's to come.

As you guys keep telling us.

Are you this unhinged in real life?
The primary reason for the existence of police is to protect suspected criminals. When they no longer are serving their function for whatever reason, citizens will once again revert back to being the judicial system to protect their families and the results will not be pretty.

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