Train Robbery the New Thing in Leftist Controlled California

Understated, to be frank. It broke his brain, sadly. And then he goes around projecting on half the nation--Trump voters--that it broke OUR brain.

Very sad, but idk. Trump really broke a lot of Lefties.
People I respect went nuts. I know once reasonable lefties that think we should put Trump on his knees and put lead in the back of his head.
Bring back railway bulls.....With PPSh-41s. ;)



The video is now sensored.........REMOVED from youtube...............wonder why? Beating an old lady with a 2 x 4 who's only crime is trying to defend her business from thugs. BURN LOOT AND MURDER THUGS.

The DNC gaslite the country and then goes they are the PEACEFUL ONES..............hmmm MAC

Do you like seeing old woman beaten by 2 x 4s because of the LEFT'S CLASS WARFARE CAMPAIGN STRATEGIES............

Now you compare this to the 6th............lmao
The laws being passed in left wing areas are ridiculous. You agree with no arrest for anything under $960? Are you insane?

I think it's more like "pragmatic". The cost of processing an arrest for $960.00 is a lot higher than the value of the material, and we don't have room in the prisons for the petty thieves.

Ask our Mac what I heard on the TV last night:

Would he rather move to a city where 90% of the residents vote Democrat, or a city where 90% of the residents vote Republican?

Man up and tell us, Mac

I wouldn't want to live in either...
One more time, for people like Mac:

I do not personally like Donald Trump. I do not think he is an admirable husband, for one thing. If he came near my beautiful daughter I would break both his kneecaps, no question.

Unlike most women, (really), and too many men, I vote like a job interview, not like I'm voting for a spouse, best friend, pastor, favorite neighbor, etc. So although I do not think Donald Trump is a particularly admirable PERSON, I looked at his politics and his positions and decided, yep, best person for the job. And he undoubtedly was. Great economy, energy independence, secured border, great foreign policy. Etc.

It is LEFTISTS like MAC who seem unable to do that. And then project that all over US.

So there it is. Refer to this post over and over. I don't know how else to explain it to weepy Leftists.
Matters concerning Trump definitely seem to be Mac's weak point.
As I've said many times, this isn't about Trump. This is about Trumpism.

This is a crisis entirely separate from the traditional, tedious Left vs. Right paradigm. This is a profound cultural/sociological warning.

No matter how many times I say it, some folks just don't want to see it.
Couldn't tell you.
Sure you can. Again you run from the always.............But i've seen your lying ass in other threads about the JANUARY 6TH and how EVIL IT WAS......How violent the right is.

Hell before you had nothing.........NOW IT'S THE GREAT FIRE EXTINGUISHER attack on DEMOCRACY.

Hell if this were a movie it wouldn't even classify as a D flick

Now put up or shut up.

violence........WHO IS WORSE.........and they ARE YOUR SIDE.

I can post their VIOLENCE ALL DAY about you.


People I respect went nuts. I know once reasonable lefties that think we should put Trump on his knees and put lead in the back of his head.

What you will find on the Left, and only rarely on the Right, is that Leftists really do make politics their religion. Which is why you get reactions like that when their politics are upset.

It is a rare person like you who is not religious and yet objective and clear-eyed politically. Probably pretty lonely sometimes....
I think it's more like "pragmatic". The cost of processing an arrest for $960.00 is a lot higher than the value of the material, and we don't have room in the prisons for the petty thieves


Do you understand that when the consequences for crime go down it will happen more often? Not getting arrested for $900 theft is outrageous. I can't believe you support this. The Democrats really are losing their minds. I can't contribute to this madness by voting for them.
One more time, for people like Mac:

I do not personally like Donald Trump. I do not think he is an admirable husband, for one thing. If he came near my beautiful daughter I would break both his kneecaps, no question.

Unlike most women, (really), and too many men, I vote like a job interview, not like I'm voting for a spouse, best friend, pastor, favorite neighbor, etc. So although I do not think Donald Trump is a particularly admirable PERSON, I looked at his politics and his positions and decided, yep, best person for the job. And he undoubtedly was. Great economy, energy independence, secured border, great foreign policy. Etc.

Wow, Islamophobic Twat, so what you are saying is that you wouldn't marry an awful person like Trump, but you'd have no problem hiring him knowing he is an awful person?

This argument would be fine if your side didn't jump over 10 or so qualified Republicans who were good people and still would have given you 90% of what you wanted policy-wise (and probably would have accomplished a lot more).

You voted for Trump because he hates Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did!
As I've said many times, this isn't about Trump. This is about Trumpism.

This is a crisis entirely separate from the traditional, tedious Left vs. Right paradigm. This is a profound cultural/sociological warning.

No matter how many times I say it, some folks just don't want to see it.
It's called the Fuck the left and their FASCISM........on anything...........

but TRUMP..............lmao..............Lives in your head everyday........why I loved him so much.........Rattling the fake ass media and making people like you lose it.

As I've said many times, this isn't about Trump. This is about Trumpism.

This is a crisis entirely separate from the traditional, tedious Left vs. Right paradigm. This is a profound cultural/sociological warning.

No matter how many times I say it, some folks just don't want to see it.

And thus, because you are STILL obsessed with Trump, you are actually missing the entire cultural moment.

Trump broke your brain, Mac. I voted for him twice, but he broke YOUR brain. You are missing it entire.

Do you understand that when the consequences for crime go down it will happen more often? Not getting arrested for $900 theft is outrageous. I can't believe you support this. The Democrats really are losing their minds. I can't contribute to this madness by voting for them.

I don't think they yet realize the magnitude of their losses in November. They are starting too, but they really do not. From county level all the way up. It's going to be cataclysmic.
Understated, to be frank. It broke his brain, sadly. And then he goes around projecting on half the nation--Trump voters--that it broke OUR brain.

Very sad, but idk. Trump really broke a lot of Lefties.
It brought out the TOTALITARIAN IN THEM............FOR ALL TO SEE.........

We already knew it............more saw it now........and now they desperate to pass a HR 1 to cheat all future elections because the people hate their asses over Covid and Biden.
As I've said many times, this isn't about Trump. This is about Trumpism.

This is a crisis entirely separate from the traditional, tedious Left vs. Right paradigm. This is a profound cultural/sociological warning.

No matter how many times I say it, some folks just don't want to see it.
Just for clarification can we define Trumpism please?
Just for clarification can we define Trumpism please?
This shouldn't be complicated. A separate, fully-functioning, carefully maintained, closed circuit informational, political, behavioral, and sociological universe that creates its own reality as it goes and breathes along with the whims of one profoundly weak and damaged individual.

The name of the person is irrelevant. If this happened around a guy named Smith, it would "Smithism". The issue is, how we can be so damaged that this could happen here.

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