Train Robbery the New Thing in Leftist Controlled California

I don't think they yet realize the magnitude of their losses in November. They are starting too, but they really do not. From county level all the way up. It's going to be cataclysmic.

I might go vote Republican, and I really can't believe I'm saying that. I'm left wing on many issues, but I'm not crazy. The Democrats need to understand that reasonable people are getting fed up. There needs to be a reckoning so they learn and do better.

Do you understand that when the consequences for crime go down it will happen more often? Not getting arrested for $900 theft is outrageous. I can't believe you support this. The Democrats really are losing their minds. I can't contribute to this madness by voting for them.

Dude, crime is a symptom. As long as we refuse to address the underlying causes - poverty, racism, mental illness, addiction, gun proliferation- we are going to just have to learn to live with it.

First, people are being arrested for theft, they just aren't being prosecuted and imprisoned, because THERE IS NO MORE ROOM IN THE PRISONS.

Since we are talking about California in particular, a CONSERVATIVE Supreme Court ruled that California housing prisons at 200%+ of capacity in Brown v. Plata constitutes cruel and unusual punishment and must go down to a mere 137% capacity has kind of forced California's hand.

In a 48-page opinion, Kennedy laid out some of the facts of the case. Prisoners are not only doubled and tripled up in 6-by-9 cells but are stacked in bunks in areas meant to be gymnasiums, classrooms and even clinics. As many as 54 prisoners use one toilet, breeding disease, and medical care is so deficient that one prisoner dies needlessly every six to seven days. On the mental health side, prisoners awaiting care are often housed in "tiny, phone-booth sized cages," with some inmates falling into hallucinations and catatonic states, and suicides well above national norms.

Justice Kennedy pointed out that the state had repeatedly agreed to fix these conditions by building more prisons, but the Legislature didn't provide the money, and the overcrowding just grew worse. Given California's ongoing budgetary crisis, Kennedy observed, there is no possibility the state can "build itself out of" its overcrowding problem, so the state will have to choose a combination of other methods, even perhaps release of nonviolent prisoners to reduce the state prison population.

So now realizing you can't overcrowd the prisons, and you aren't building any new cells, what are your options? You have to make a decision on who gets locked up because he is truly dangerous, and who gets let go because his crime, while a pain in the ass, was non-violent.
I might go vote Republican, and I really can't believe I'm saying that. I'm left wing on many issues, but I'm not crazy. The Democrats need to understand that reasonable people are getting fed up. There needs to be a reckoning so they learn and do better.

By reasonable people, you mean White People getting all scared because they saw something on TV or Facebook, and they are really, really scared. Whooooooo....
I might go vote Republican, and I really can't believe I'm saying that. I'm left wing on many issues, but I'm not crazy. The Democrats need to understand that reasonable people are getting fed up. There needs to be a reckoning so they learn and do better.

They have not only lost you, they have lost a LOT of women, independent and leftist women, over their policy on school closures and Covid mitigations. I follow many of these trends in other places.

Do not mess with people's CHILDREN.

Especially mother's children.

I really think they have no idea.
It brought out the TOTALITARIAN IN THEM............FOR ALL TO SEE.........

There is an interesting, rather add, and distinctly Orwellian twist to all this.

For all the totalitarianisms that the left left want to impose on human beings, they are, at the same time, taking a rather laissez-faire approach to criminals.

Not really surprising, really. Of course criminals will take the side of their own kind, against that of human beings. But it makes for an interesting contrast.
There is an interesting, rather add, and distinctly Orwellian twist to all this.

For all the totalitarianisms that the left left want to impose on human beings, they are, at the same time, taking a rather laissez-faire approach to criminals.

Not really surprising, really. Of course criminals will take the side of their own kind, against that of human beings. But it makes for an interesting contrast.
Communist always destroy things to take control later............Which is normal in history. Always follows the same steps.
They have not only lost you, they have lost a LOT of women, independent and leftist women, over their policy on school closures and Covid mitigations. I follow many of these trends in other places.

Do not mess with people's CHILDREN.

Especially mother's children.

I really think they have no idea.

And don't forget their efforts to drag children into the depraved homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda.

We should have started putting these pieces of shit to death, as soon as it became clear that they were going to try to cross that line.
They have not only lost you, they have lost a LOT of women, independent and leftist women, over their policy on school closures and Covid mitigations. I follow many of these trends in other places.

Do not mess with people's CHILDREN.

Especially mother's children.

I really think they have no idea.

Yes, because playing on the fears of white people always works... it's how we lost the middle class...

Oh my God. That's even worse. You have lost me. I will never vote for anybody that supports this insane shit.
That's nice. I see you ignored the part where I clearly pointed out that the SUPREME COURT has ruled that prison overcrowding is unacceptable.

We can't just "lock them all up" anymore, buddy. We don't have places to put them. Or did you ignore that part because you didn't have a fucking intelligent response.

I'm Latin. Don't be a bigot.

Sure you are... sure you are...

Its hard to believe that even a lib could say something as dumb as you just quoted @JoeB131

It's hard to believe that you guys ignore the point.

We lock up 2 million people. Locking people up isn't a solution. Especially when you aren't building enough prisons to hold them all and most people really don't want to be corrections officers.

If anything, the prison system makes things WORSE. You throw a kid in prison for a petty larceny charge. Wonderful. Then he has to throw in with a gang or the Aryan Brotherhood to keep from being sodomized on a regular basis. He gets out and he has that following him around for years. Now you've turned someone who MIGHT have turned his life around into a career criminal.
The democrat party is way out there, void of anything. I cannot morally vote for a billionaire who has zero notta in common with me. Therefore I will not vote for a dem nor a rethugs in the next election. Run an average ordinary American candidate who isn't rich and you have my attention.
And don't forget their efforts to drag children into the depraved homosexual/transsexual/pedophile agenda.

We should have started putting these pieces of shit to death, as soon as it became clear that they were going to try to cross that line.

Wow, seriously, I'd usually blame your sociopathy on the whacky cult you belong to, but frankly, I've talked to other Mormons and they aren't as nutty as you are.

So one more time, Bob, when did you decide you were straight? If you really think that sexual orientation can be taught, then there had to be a day you decided you liked women.
Both sides are here defending their side. More evidence that both sides are failures.
Sure you are... sure you are...

Because only scared white people will have an issue with this, right? Only scared white people vote for Republicans, right?

Why would I lie about that, bigot? I've said the same thing to your dumbass conservative counterparts. I am many things, but a liar is not one of them.

My middle name is Alvaro, after my grandfather that didn't even speak English. Go ahead and keep your head in the sand. The panicked confusion when Democrats get their dicks stomped on by voters will be amusing to watch.
Yes, because playing on the fears of white people always works... it's how we lost the middle class...

That's nice. I see you ignored the part where I clearly pointed out that the SUPREME COURT has ruled that prison overcrowding is unacceptable.

We can't just "lock them all up" anymore, buddy. We don't have places to put them. Or did you ignore that part because you didn't have a fucking intelligent response.

Sure you are... sure you are...

It's hard to believe that you guys ignore the point.

We lock up 2 million people. Locking people up isn't a solution. Especially when you aren't building enough prisons to hold them all and most people really don't want to be corrections officers.

If anything, the prison system makes things WORSE. You throw a kid in prison for a petty larceny charge. Wonderful. Then he has to throw in with a gang or the Aryan Brotherhood to keep from being sodomized on a regular basis. He gets out and he has that following him around for years. Now you've turned someone who MIGHT have turned his life around into a career criminal.
Locking up criminals results in fewer crimes than ignoring them

in california after the lib prosecutors stopped sending criminals to jail crime went up

gangs of shoplifters now brazenly enter stores and openly fill carts with stolen goods

which in turn results in major store closings and a downward spirsl of economic activity
Because only scared white people will have an issue with this, right? Only scared white people vote for Republicans, right?

Why would I lie about that, bigot? I've said the same thing to your dumbass conservative counterparts. I am many things, but a liar is not one of them.

My middle name is Alvaro, after my grandfather that didn't even speak English. Go ahead and keep your head in the sand. The panicked confusion when Democrats get their dicks stomped on by voters will be amusing to watch.

Actually, I know exactly what is going to happen.

The Republicans will take Congress in 2022 because stupid white people have the memory of a goldfish, forgetting why they voted Republicans out in the first place. This is what happened in 1994 and what happened in 2010. Then the Republicans will remind everyone that they are crazy people. Which will allow Biden to win a second term because that's easier than voting the crazies out once you've voted them in. This is how Clinton and Obama easily won second terms.

Oh, you STILL haven't addressed the issue that it was a CONSERVTIVE Supreme Court that ruled that California's overcrowding of prisons violated the clause against Cruel and Unusual Punishment and ORDERED a reduction in the prison population. Instead, you sit there and mewl about about how we aren't imprisoning shoplifters because we barely have enough prison cells for the murderers and rapists.
Locking up criminals results in fewer crimes than ignoring them

in california after the lib prosecutors stopped sending criminals to jail crime went up

gangs of shoplifters now brazenly enter stores and openly fill carts with stolen goods

which in turn results in major store closings and a downward spirsl of economic activity

You mean the prosecutors stopped doing that AFTER they were told that they had to stop overcrowding the prisons.

Why is it you guys ALL avoid that topic? The prosecutors stopped prosecuting property crimes because they didn't have anywhere to send these prisons when the Federal Government mandated a 30% reduction in the prison population
Actually, I know exactly what is going to happen.

The Republicans will take Congress in 2022 because stupid white people have the memory of a goldfish, forgetting why they voted Republicans out in the first place. This is what happened in 1994 and what happened in 2010. Then the Republicans will remind everyone that they are crazy people. Which will allow Biden to win a second term because that's easier than voting the crazies out once you've voted them in. This is how Clinton and Obama easily won second terms.

Oh, you STILL haven't addressed the issue that it was a CONSERVTIVE Supreme Court that ruled that California's overcrowding of prisons violated the clause against Cruel and Unusual Punishment and ORDERED a reduction in the prison population. Instead, you sit there and mewl about about how we aren't imprisoning shoplifters because we barely have enough prison cells for the murderers and rapists.

Right, right...

There's nothing at all that can be done other than removing consequences for anything under grand theft. Hey, you go with that. Let's see how it works out. Thank God I live in Florida.

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