TRAINWRECK: Ratings Are in for Jan. 6 Committee Carnival Show

Demanding that you show your work?! Haha where did you come up with that impression. I asked a simple question. Way to dodge and over react. Clearly shows that your statements are baseless
You asked my opinion. I gave it to you. It's amusing that you believe you should get to approve of my opinions. That won't work out well for you, either.
The majority of America doesn't give a shit about your show trial. The majority of America is tired of Democrat bullshit.
Simply NOT true, no matter how you spin it.
Now Dave, when you are in your circle-jerk of friends, it may appear, through all that touching, that the entire world is on your side.
Is your circle-jerk another Lastamender explosion?
You sure are angry that people are allowed to disagree with you.

Tough shit, boy.
Oh, I don't give a shit if "people" disagree with me. Afterall, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But what you, are anyone else, is not entitled to, is your own set of facts. What really bothers me, how damn gullible you morons are. How you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Like rats marching behind Pied Piper, although I suspect even those rats are smarter.

For a political event, in prime time, opposite a playoff, 20 million is a pretty big number. Intuitively, most normal people would realize that. I mean the NCAA basketball championship game had just under 17 million viewers, more than any other non-football sporting event since Game 7 of the World Series in 2019.

And we are not arguing over the 20 million number. The only reason, the absolute only reason, you and your fellow DUMBSHITS, contend that this number is small is because Redstate told you so. That is just sad, BOY.
Yet, he spelled out the disagreement and said why he disagrees.

You could only muster a typical dickless Davetantrum
This may come as a shock to you leftists, but you're not entitled to agreement.

I know, I know, you saw it in the First Amendment somewhere. Try reading the real one.
As many have said, Americans are happy swamp creatures were afraid and now with everything going down the toilet everyone wants to take that fear to the next level.

“‘Context: The evening newscasts on CBS, NBC & ABC average anywhere from 18 to 20 million viewers combined on a typical night,’ Concha explained. ‘Those newscasts do not air in primetime. The January 6 hearings airing in primetime Thursday took in just 11+ million viewers on those three same networks.’ According toNewsbusters, ‘evening newscast audiences on any given night last week were 1.6 times larger than the total number of broadcast viewers who tuned into the hearings on Thursday.’ Of course, one of the issues is that it wasn’t ‘new’; most people have seen most of it and it’s from a year-and-a-half ago. Not to mention that many don’t view it as a legitimate committee, but as a political show trial.”

I don’t much care what the ratings are. The crisis that Jan 6 created is not entertainment and if rightists want plug their ears and retreat to their echo chambers, it is their choice.

Kind of makes me think of a horrible bit of news I read today. Russia is putting Ukrainian POW’s in mock trials, and sending them to the firing squad. The audience gets to vote on execution. Bet tbe ratings are good.

Simply NOT true, no matter how you spin it.
Now Dave, when you are in your circle-jerk of friends, it may appear, through all that touching, that the entire world is on your side.
Is your circle-jerk another Lastamender explosion?
Yes, that's what your leftist Groupthink tells you.

Are you aware you are an individual? You don't have to believe what your group says you have to believe.
Oh, I don't give a shit if "people" disagree with me. Afterall, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But what you, are anyone else, is not entitled to, is your own set of facts. What really bothers me, how damn gullible you morons are. How you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever. Like rats marching behind Pied Piper, although I suspect even those rats are smarter.

For a political event, in prime time, opposite a playoff, 20 million is a pretty big number. Intuitively, most normal people would realize that. I mean the NCAA basketball championship game had just under 17 million viewers, more than any other non-football sporting event since Game 7 of the World Series in 2019.

And we are not arguing over the 20 million number. The only reason, the absolute only reason, you and your fellow DUMBSHITS, contend that this number is small is because Redstate told you so. That is just sad, BOY.
...says the guy who unquestioningly believes what the Dem Party tells him to believe.

Run along, Angry Boi.
Pelosi made it an illegitimate committee from the start when she did not allow the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to choose his members.
This turned the hearing into just another one of Pelosi's crazy conspiracy smear campaigns.
Only hardcore left wing fanatics are buying this load of BS.
Pelosi has made a spectacle of herself with her ultra partisan tactics.
History will not be kind to her.
McCarthy was offered the chance to seat 5 members to the panel, but he figured he'd pull a PR stunt & walked away.

Stop lying.
You don't want me to have critical thinking skills. You want me to swallow without question or hesitation Democrat propaganda.

The majority of America doesn't give a shit about your show trial. The majority of America is tired of Democrat bullshit.
Yet swallowing without question Republican propaganda is precisely what you do, day in and day out. Today, twice on this messageboard, without me even looking hard.
Ratings are a measure of how many people watch a television show.

It doesn't look like very many Americans are interested in Pelosi's circus.
So we can assume you watched Carlson who accused the panel of lying before the hearing even started & before he heard any statements & testimony.
Yes, that's what your leftist Groupthink tells you.

Are you aware you are an individual? You don't have to believe what your group says you have to believe.
Oh Weak Dave.
You got Zip.
This groupthink? My Public School Education and Masters Degree allow me to speak quite freely.

...says the guy who unquestioningly believes what the Dem Party tells him to believe.

Run along, Angry Boi.
I was a registered Republican until Donald Trump came along. He has destroyed the Republican party and the Conservative movement. We now have a party that wants to go back in the past and a party that wants to move forward. It is understandable that old white farts like you want to return to the past. But you will all be dead soon enough. Trump and Covid have accelerated that cleansing process.
So we can assume you watched Carlson who accused the panel of lying before the hearing even started & before he heard any statements & testimony.
No, I don't get my opinions from talking heads on the TeeVee.

Try it sometime.
Oh Weak Dave.
You got Zip.
This groupthink? My Public School Education and Masters Degree allow me to speak quite freely.

Given the quality of your posts, you have an excellent chance of suing whoever gave you a Masters for malpractice.
I was a registered Republican until Donald Trump came along.
Sorry to hear about your head trauma.
He has destroyed the Republican party and the Conservative movement. We now have a party that wants to go back in the past and a party that wants to move forward.
Which is which? Because Democrats want the United States to "progress" to the condition of the USSR circa 1964.
It is understandable that old white farts like you want to return to the past. But you will all be dead soon enough. Trump and Covid have accelerated that cleansing process.
It would have if we'd all been in New York nursing homes.

But bloody hell. You want everyone who disagrees with you to die.

Well, history's on your side. Every leftist regime with unchecked power murders people who disagree.

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