Traitors ... Every Stinkin' One Of 'Em


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Fat J-Nads once held this belief: "There must never be a narrowly-voted impeachment or an impeachment substantially supported by one of our major political parties and largely opposed by the other... Such an impeachment would lack legitimacy." - Jerry Nadler
Transcript: Opening statement of Rep. Nadler - December 10, 1998

And as recently as March Fancy Nancy believed: “I’m not for impeachment,” Pelosi, the top US Democrat, said in a Washington Post interview published on Monday. “Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country,” she said.
Pelosi comes out against impeaching Trump: 'He's just not worth it'

Yeah … the Desperate Dems have divided the country and yeah, this impeachment "lacks legitimacy." They get no politics-as-usual free pass for their perfidy. Impeaching a POTUS is as serious as a massive heart-attack and our petulant House Dem children treat it like a play toy. They aren't just inveterate liars and an embarrassment to all Americans, they are traitors … every freakin' one of 'em, and any Senator - Dem or Repub - who treats their charade with anything more than the disdain and ridicule it so richly deserves is a traitor.
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Trump's popularity is growing.
No one at the townhalls gives a rat's ass about their bullshit impeachment
The democrat's impeachment sham backfired.
They should have focused on better policies and a real presidential candidate.
A strong and healthy distaste for politicians is a good thing. Democrats are behaving very badly with this impeachment, but they don’t have a monopoly on bad behavior. The impeachment of Clinton was on par with what the Dems are doing now. Politics is a business for thick skinned people unhindered by a sense of decency and shame.
Trump's popularity is growing.
No one at the townhalls gives a rat's ass about their bullshit impeachment
The democrat's impeachment sham backfired.
They should have focused on better policies and a real presidential candidate.
The Democratic Party is anathema to American republicanism. They cannot produce a real presidential candidate.
A strong and healthy distaste for politicians is a good thing. Democrats are behaving very badly with this impeachment, but they don’t have a monopoly on bad behavior. The impeachment of Clinton was on par with what the Dems are doing now. Politics is a business for thick skinned people unhindered by a sense of decency and shame.
My point, and that of both Fat J-Nads and Fancy Nancy, is that a hyper-partisan impeachment such as that playing out in real time is both "divisive" and "lacks legitimacy."

As ugly as the Clinton impeachment was - I opposed it - it was bipartisan, and even at that it does not excuse what bitter Dems have foisted on this country the last 3 years. In fact, a rational adult would have learned something from that mistake. This ain't politics … it's bitter, vindictive, petulant sour grapes and this country needs those we send to WashDC to at least pretend to be rational adults.

Pelosi, I would remind you, is 3rd in the line of succession to the presidency. Woo. :cool:
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Trump's popularity is growing.
No one at the townhalls gives a rat's ass about their bullshit impeachment
The democrat's impeachment sham backfired.
They should have focused on better policies and a real presidential candidate.
The Democratic Party is anathema to American republicanism. They cannot produce a real presidential candidate.
And they know it, thus their current Kabuki Theater.

A month prior to Hillary's defeat - Oct 7, 2016 to be exact - a remarkably prescient article in US News & World Report noted the Dem's predicament.
For the last year, all eyes have been focused on the future of the Republican Party. Pundits love to talk about the collapse of the party, the fractures between social and fiscal conservatives, the number of party leaders who say they will not vote for the GOP nominee and what the party will do to rebuild the day after the election – in the wake of what the media now believes will be the defeat of Donald Trump. But here's what no one is talking about – the one awkward subject that will stop a Washington dinner party cold and send guests into stunned silence – and that is, what if Hillary Clinton loses the election?

...The final, and most important, reason the Democrats are in trouble if Clinton loses (and even if she wins, really) is the lack of future Democratic candidates. This year, the Republicans originally fielded 17 candidates for president in the primaries, compared to three Democrats and an aging Socialist on the left. The Democrats don't have nearly the deep bench that Republicans do across the country

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