Trannies and Sexual Identity

I just posted links to prove it was, and you ignored them.

Normal people will never allow children to be raped legally. We all love our children and the young kids in our own families. Humanity would never accept that. It's ridiculous. Everybody hates pedophiles.
By arguing contra our point that it is harmful to kid, you silly ding dong.
I have not argued anything in this thread other than that it's ridiculous to believe pedophilia could become publicly acceptable. You're gaslighting me because you're an unstable narcissist.
We live in a country where the "woman of the year" is a man and chosen BECAUSE he is actually a man.

If somebody were to have told me 20 years ago that this would happen, I would have thought they were absolutely crazy.

It seems the entirety of the left is now suffering from a group psychosis
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Normal people will never allow children to be raped legally. We all love our children and the young kids in our own families. Humanity would never accept that. It's ridiculous. Everybody hates pedophiles.
Until society shifts what it is to be "normal."

That is the point of the discussion here. It won't be considered, "rape." In queer theory, folks actually believe, that children have agency. You only bleev that everyone hates pedophiles. This is not true though.

Your ignorance on this topic, whether willful, or accidental, is sad. :sigh2:


Teachers' concern at the sexualization of children​

Sexualized Violence Against Women and Children: A Psychology and Law Perspective​

" .. . According to Foucault, sexology has tried to exert itself as a "science" by referring to the material (the body). In contrast to this, Foucault argues that sexology is a pseudoscience, and that "sex" is a pseudo-scientific idea. For Foucault the idea of a natural, biologically grounded and fundamental sexuality is a normative historical construct that has also been used as an instrument of power. By describing sex as the biological and fundamental cause to peoples' gender identity, sexual identity and sexual behavior, power has effectively been able to normalize sexual and gendered behavior. This has made it possible to evaluate, pathologize and "correct" peoples' sexual and gendered behavior, by comparing bodies behaviors to the constructed "normal" behavior. For Foucault, a "normal sexuality" is as much of a construct as a "natural sexuality". Therefore, Foucault was also critical of the popular discourse that dominated the debate over sexuality during the 1960s and 1970s. During this time, the popular discourse argued for a "liberation" of sexuality from a cultural, moral and capitalistic oppression. Foucault, however, argues that peoples' opinions about and experiences of sexuality are always a result of cultural and power mechanisms. To "liberate" sexuality from one group of norms only means that another group of norms takes its place. This, however, does not mean that Foucault considers resistance to be futile. What Foucault argues for is rather that it is impossible to become completely free from power, and that there is simply no "natural" sexuality. Power always involves a dimension of resistance, and therefore also a possibility for change. Although Foucault considers it impossible to step outside of power-networks, it is always possible to change these networks or navigate them differently.[207]

Views on underage sex

Foucault argued that children could give sexual consent.[186] In 1977, along with Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, and other intellectuals, Foucault signed a petition to the French parliament calling for the decriminalization of all "consensual" sexual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen, the age of consent in France.[187][188]

Allegations of child sex abuse

Foucault has been accused, by Guy Sorman, of being a paedophile who raped Arab children while living in Tunisia in the late 1960s.[189][190][191] Faced with some inaccuracies in his claim, Sorman later adapted his statement, admitting having only a "convergence of troubling evidence".[192] Mark R.G. Kelly, writing in Telos, argues that Sorman's claims are without merit.[193]"

When did I do that? You're the one arguing that it will be normalized. I'm saying it won't.
The Biden administration has been all ABOUT normalizing trannies.

Heck, one was appointed to a prominent governmental position for that very reason.

Do you just not pay attention to anything?
The Biden administration has been all ABOUT normalizing trannies.

Heck, one was appointed to a prominent governmental position for that very reason.

Do you just not pay attention to anything?
We're talking about normalizing pedophiles.
The leftist P.C. term is now "minor attracted persons":
I work at a prison right now. Gonna transition into different avenues of law enforcement after my contract is done. Anyway, I see pedophiles every day at work and I have literally never heard that term before. We call them chomos, short for child molesters.
I have not argued anything in this thread other than that it's ridiculous to believe pedophilia could become publicly acceptable. You're gaslighting me because you're an unstable narcissist.
Then why are you arguing with me?
The leftist P.C. term is now "minor attracted persons":

That also includes pederasty, and whatever the female/female version of pederasty is.

True pedophilia is attraction to pre-pubescents, and is usually not sex selective. Those who prey on pubescents and post pubescents are usually sex selective, and still criminals, just not pedophiles.

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