Trannies and Sexual Identity

I remember the good old days back when all this goofball sex bullshit was kept in the closet where it belongs. I guess I am ok with these freaks parading in publics in their panties and such, but only if there are no children around. Their demonstrations are patently sexual in nature, just like the queers (a much less radical group these days it seems). If you ID as a "tranny", then you are necessarily putting your whack-job sexuality at the forefront of who you are. This essentially means that you are openly declaring yourself to be a deviant pervert.

But ok, fine. Be a open pervert. What the fuck do I care? As long as I do not have to look at it or be present in that world, then let the fuckers prance around pretending to be something they are not. I was content with this live-and-let-live approach for a long time. But then these pervs started targeting children. As I stated, ID-ing as a tranny means that you disproportionately ID with your sexuality. I mean, I am a hetero male. My finishing move is to pull the chick back by her hair while in doggy formation (not violently, but passionately), and paint her face white. But I do not identify as a facialist because that would be sick. However, the trannies do. They think they are women, so they go around in public dressed like sluts. If the heterosexual corollary was true, then I would be carrying a jug of milk around to dump in chicks' faces to express WHO I AM. But I do not. Why? Because MY SEXUALITY DOES NOT DEFINE WHO I AM!!! If your sexuality defines who you are, then you are fucked up. You are also dangerous, because this social trend apparently makes it ok to publicly project your sexuality. This means if you think little boys in drag are cute, thus making you a fucking pedophile, then you are going to push having that in public and normalizing it. LOW AND BEHOLD!!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE AT TODAY.

Sex should stay behind closed door, not on the street where it can be exposes to children. Exposing children to anything sexual is immoral and may very well result in irreparable hard to them. These drag shows with kids is maybe one of the most disgusting things to ever be held on the face of this Earth in all of human history. Dudes with schlongs gyrating in public in front of little kids. Frankly, I am perfectly fine with being labeled a "Nazi" when it comes to this. All such fuckers need to be rounded up and removed from civil society.

Again, this is not an attack on trannies. Instead, it is merely an attack on trannies who involve children in their sick little worlds. Go be gay in panties all you fucking want. But do it behind closed doors with only consenting adults. I know you leftist vermin are going to say, "Not all trannies are child molesters". You are correct. However, a lot of trannies are child molesters, and it is all being encouraged by allowing for an open environment that encourages these freaks to project their weirdness into the public consciousness.

Here is the problem. We shouldn't tolerate them at all. Even you shouldn't tolerate them.

We are where we're at now because we let gays get married.

When we let gays get married we lowered the bar on American standards, values and morals. Everytime you lower the bar for one group all you do is set the bar closer to the group below that. Then the whole alphabet people started coming out and we lowered the bar for them. Then the drag queens and we lowered the bar for them. Then the trannies came out and we lowered the bar again. Now the pedophiles are trying to grab the bar because it was once unreachable for them, but now we lowered it so much it's within their reach.

If you let a fringe group go mainstream all you do is make it easier for the fringe group below them to be next to go mainstream.
When did I do that? Gaslighting is a strong indicator of somebody with NPD.
My last post was a little too cajarbled. What I meant to say is that you seem to be presenting a virulent defense to the trannies and their questionable judgment. Go gaslight your own ass.
Pedophilia will never be publicly acceptable. You're retarded if you think otherwise.
I used to believe this too.

Sadly, queer theory does seem to be making inroads, because it is closely aligned with one of our two major parties, and there are partisans who do think like you, which is, denying that it is being promoted, that such things are insane, makes more sense than acknowledging what is going on.

IMO, it is a form of, "ideological subversion." In many ways, it is really not a lot different than cognitive dissonance. When folks have a world view, but evidence is presented to them that conflicts with that, they have to choose. So most, will have to refuse to believe their own senses in order to maintain their own sense of ego self-identity, because they have made parts of society part of their own identity.

But the evidence is right there, in front of you. If you deny it? Then it is because you don't want to face a truth to painful to admit.


I remember the good old days back when all this goofball sex bullshit was kept in the closet where it belongs. I guess I am ok with these freaks parading in publics in their panties and such, but only if there are no children around. Their demonstrations are patently sexual in nature, just like the queers (a much less radical group these days it seems). If you ID as a "tranny", then you are necessarily putting your whack-job sexuality at the forefront of who you are. This essentially means that you are openly declaring yourself to be a deviant pervert.

But ok, fine. Be a open pervert. What the fuck do I care? As long as I do not have to look at it or be present in that world, then let the fuckers prance around pretending to be something they are not. I was content with this live-and-let-live approach for a long time. But then these pervs started targeting children. As I stated, ID-ing as a tranny means that you disproportionately ID with your sexuality. I mean, I am a hetero male. My finishing move is to pull the chick back by her hair while in doggy formation (not violently, but passionately), and paint her face white. But I do not identify as a facialist because that would be sick. However, the trannies do. They think they are women, so they go around in public dressed like sluts. If the heterosexual corollary was true, then I would be carrying a jug of milk around to dump in chicks' faces to express WHO I AM. But I do not. Why? Because MY SEXUALITY DOES NOT DEFINE WHO I AM!!! If your sexuality defines who you are, then you are fucked up. You are also dangerous, because this social trend apparently makes it ok to publicly project your sexuality. This means if you think little boys in drag are cute, thus making you a fucking pedophile, then you are going to push having that in public and normalizing it. LOW AND BEHOLD!!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHERE WE ARE AT TODAY.

Sex should stay behind closed door, not on the street where it can be exposes to children. Exposing children to anything sexual is immoral and may very well result in irreparable hard to them. These drag shows with kids is maybe one of the most disgusting things to ever be held on the face of this Earth in all of human history. Dudes with schlongs gyrating in public in front of little kids. Frankly, I am perfectly fine with being labeled a "Nazi" when it comes to this. All such fuckers need to be rounded up and removed from civil society.

Again, this is not an attack on trannies. Instead, it is merely an attack on trannies who involve children in their sick little worlds. Go be gay in panties all you fucking want. But do it behind closed doors with only consenting adults. I know you leftist vermin are going to say, "Not all trannies are child molesters". You are correct. However, a lot of trannies are child molesters, and it is all being encouraged by allowing for an open environment that encourages these freaks to project their weirdness into the public consciousness.

"Trannies" are straight men who like to wear womens clothes.

Also, 85% or more of pedophiles are heterosexuals. And most of them are married with their own kids.

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