Trannies are sane, wonderful people

lol okay got me...i was gonna post....that i have known trannies and they are not sane, wonderful people..they are forced to make a hard decisions...if they go thru the entire sex change....they can no longer climax.....the whole thing tends to make them rather upset most of the time.....

nosteve i got a film for you.....

mr. buck....about buck angel

here ya go honey this will give you nightmares for the day

10 Handsome Men (Who Were Born Female) (male to female transformation) - ODDEE
lol okay got me...i was gonna post....that i have known trannies and they are not sane, wonderful people..they are forced to make a hard decisions...if they go thru the entire sex change....they can no longer climax.....the whole thing tends to make them rather upset most of the time.....

nosteve i got a film for you.....

mr. buck....about buck angel

here ya go honey this will give you nightmares for the day

10 Handsome Men (Who Were Born Female) (male to female transformation) - ODDEE

Novasteve gets a lot of grief for pointing out the obvious. No doubt the little boy in the crowd in the Allegory of The Emperor's New Clothes was also rebuked severely for noticing what was right in front of his face and "calling it out".

There's definitely something that needs to come "out of the closet" in all this: THE TRUTH. The truth is being systematically closeted so that LGBT cultees don't have to remain in a closet of mental illness. The proper thing to do is to name what transsexuals do as patently insane, because self-amputation is, and then begin suing doctors and psychologists for aiding and abetting mutilation of healthy human tissue.

From there these poor miserable souls can go into therapy they so desperately need and discover why they hate their own gender. One tranny I debated with at length finally admitted that he hated being a male because of some crap he saw his father do and because of some pressure he encountered at school from other boys. So, it wasn't that he identified as a girl [though that idea mesmerized him and allowed him to manipulate doctors and shrinks...he also was very intelligent. a thing geeks who are picked on often are..]. He actually knew full well he was a male but didn't like being male.

So he had the amputation surgery. He as the previous poster said, had lost all sensation to achieve orgasm, became incontinent as well and after all that was still obviously disturbed and not a happy person at all. He measured his "happiness" in his mutliated state, still with a protruding adam's apple and obvious male features, because he said he could now wear perfume and shop for frilly lady clothes and wear makeup. He even had a skewed idea of what it means to be female as well. He was married still to his wife. When I asked him to tell me then if that meant he was now a lesbian in his mind, he freaked out and insisted this wasn't the case. He was so mixed up and the situation was so bizarre that to mainstream these behaviors and allow the crazies to run the American Psychological Association is beyond the pale.

This is a movement, an aggressive insane movement on par with fascist Germany just before WWII. There are so many parallels that it isn't a cliche' to compare the two. It's downright scary.
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SMFH :lol:

Nova is definitely a latent homosexual. I cant imagine the anguish the dude lives in everyday. He is consumed with gay people.
SMFH :lol:

Nova is definitely a latent homosexual. I cant imagine the anguish the dude lives in everyday. He is consumed with gay people.

No, you said previously he is consumed with transexuals which is different. Sort of.

Anyone who sees a transexual or hears about one is revolted. If they aren't revolted, they are as insane as the transexual is. Amputation of health organs to try to play at something your not is a spectacle. A macabre spectacle. :cuckoo:

Nova Steve is just "babysitting" that spectacle to make sure it doesn't falsely get tagged as "normal"..

He is fulfilling a very important role at this crux in human history. Mark my words.
So liberals expect us to ignore the insanity being forced on us, and if we don't we are gay.
So are posters who post transvestite threads over and over and over again.
April fools! This tranny wants to fuck the insured over because prisoners can get sex changes

Lawsuit aims to make insurers cover transgender surgery | Boston Herald

Your life/world must be pretty good given that the only thing you have to complain about are people who get sex change operations.

Transgendered people are like any other human group (Catholics, Russians, Jews, Baseball Players, etc) - there's kind, unselfish, nice ones and there's mean and unfriendly ones.
C'mon ... Richard Speck was a "trannie" jailbird and he wasn't such a bad guy.




He was just born with a special gene that made him do "special" things. In the famous words of Rodney King -- "why can't we all just get along."

Oh ... and Speck was born with a special gene that turned him into a serial killer.

Just leave the LGBT/NAMBLA folks alone. They're special people with special needs and special genes.
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April fools! This tranny wants to fuck the insured over because prisoners can get sex changes

Lawsuit aims to make insurers cover transgender surgery | Boston Herald

Your life/world must be pretty good given that the only thing you have to complain about are people who get sex change operations.

Transgendered people are like any other human group (Catholics, Russians, Jews, Baseball Players, etc) - there's kind, unselfish, nice ones and there's mean and unfriendly ones.

Do other groups get to sue you if you don't deny reality?
April fools! This tranny wants to fuck the insured over because prisoners can get sex changes

Lawsuit aims to make insurers cover transgender surgery | Boston Herald

Your life/world must be pretty good given that the only thing you have to complain about are people who get sex change operations.

Transgendered people are like any other human group (Catholics, Russians, Jews, Baseball Players, etc) - there's kind, unselfish, nice ones and there's mean and unfriendly ones.

Do other groups get to sue you if you don't deny reality?

Lol, yes.

People get sued - all the time - for strange, absurd reasons. Remember the thief that broke into a house, hurt himself in the process and sued the family who owned the house he was breaking into?
What reality denial was involved I. That case?

The reality is when someone is breaking into your home and they hurt themselves, the homeowner should not be liable to pay for personal liabilities, because they are (obviously) not responsible for the actions of the thief.
What reality denial was involved I. That case?

The reality is when someone is breaking into your home and they hurt themselves, the homeowner should not be liable to pay for personal liabilities, because they are (obviously) not responsible for the actions of the thief.

That's completely different then allowing men into the women's bathroom
April fools! This tranny wants to fuck the insured over because prisoners can get sex changes

Lawsuit aims to make insurers cover transgender surgery | Boston Herald

Your life/world must be pretty good given that the only thing you have to complain about are people who get sex change operations.

Transgendered people are like any other human group (Catholics, Russians, Jews, Baseball Players, etc) - there's kind, unselfish, nice ones and there's mean and unfriendly ones.

Do other groups get to sue you if you don't deny reality?

Yes. And if that's what it takes to get the equal rights they are legally entitled to, so bit it.

Maybe the whole board could chip in and buy you a frikken life because you seem to have nothing but your own INSANE obsessive hate for people you don't know, will never know and who have no impact whatsoever on your life.
What reality denial was involved I. That case?

The reality is when someone is breaking into your home and they hurt themselves, the homeowner should not be liable to pay for personal liabilities, because they are (obviously) not responsible for the actions of the thief.

That's completely different then allowing men into the women's bathroom

Just keep a close eye on your own tiny pee pee and you won't have to see anyone elses.

And believe me, no one is interested in yours.

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