Trannies Try to Take Blame Away from Club Q Shooter. But No One is to Blame for Terrorism But the Terrorists Themselves

Hateful rhetoric and lies from Republican politicians attempting to demonize and vilify gay and transgender Americans facilitated by social media clearly contribute to this and other crimes against those gay and transgender.

Since you're in communication with the Colorado Springs PD, why don't you fill us in on the whole story?

I couldn't care less about the queers. If they stay away from children, what they do is none of my concern.
^^ exactly the mentality that has led to the normalization of homosexuality and promoting it to children. Most homosexuals were molested as children, and then continue the cycle by recruiting young ones.
^^ exactly the mentality that has led to the normalization of homosexuality and promoting it to children. Most homosexuals were molested as children, and then continue the cycle by recruiting young ones.

A few posts back I suggested taking groomers into the public square and flogging them. I'm not exactly lax about messing with kids.
^^ exactly the mentality that has led to the normalization of homosexuality and promoting it to children. Most homosexuals were molested as children, and then continue the cycle by recruiting young ones.

It started with letting gays get married and letting them go mainstream.

Everytime you let a fringe group become normalized all you do is lower societies standards and morals bar down so it's closer to the fringe group that is below them and making it easier for them to become normalized. First we normalized gays, then we normalized drag queens, then we normalized trannies, next up is pedophiles because every group that gets normalized is worse than the one before them.

A few posts back I suggested taking groomers into the public square and flogging them. I'm not exactly lax about messing with kids.

I say execution.

2 things I say should result in immediate execution with no appeals, no prison time, no death row, just executed are, 1 people who knowingly, willingly and intentionally go out and kill someone, and 2 pedophiles. Those people can never be part of society again. And locking them up for life is just slowly killing them with jail which is very expensive.
A few posts back I suggested taking groomers into the public square and flogging them. I'm not exactly lax about messing with kids.
You're a pussy who fantasizes about flogging people online while having the nerve to call other people groomers. 😄
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It started with letting gays get married and letting them go mainstream.

Everytime you let a fringe group become normalized all you do is lower societies standards and morals bar down so it's closer to the fringe group that is below them and making it easier for them to become normalized. First we normalized gays, then we normalized drag queens, then we normalized trannies, next up is pedophiles because every group that gets normalized is worse than the one before them.

I say execution.

2 things I say should result in immediate execution with no appeals, no prison time, no death row, just executed are, 1 people who knowingly, willingly and intentionally go out and kill someone, and 2 pedophiles. Those people can never be part of society again. And locking them up for life is just slowly killing them with jail which is very expensive.
The stupid in this post is spectacular. 😄
Calling people groomers and talking big online while doing nothing in real life is exactly what makes you a pussy. Either you really believe they're groomers and you're too pussy to act or you're an online Cosplayer. Which is it?

I envision you as about 5'1" - 110 and unable to lift the 25 pound cat food sack - because someone like you sure the fuck doesn't have dogs.

But groomers need a lot more than being called what they are. Those who prey on children - though they may be your friends and political allies - are the lowest scum in society and must be dealt with as aggressively as possible.

Thankfully, we have great governors like Ron DeSantis who are shutting the groomers down. Preying on children in Florida now comes at a cost.

Does that give you a sadz?
I envision you as about 5'1" - 110 and unable to lift the 25 pound cat food sack - because someone like you sure the fuck doesn't have dogs.
Well we've already established you're big on fantasy role playing so none this is surprising. 😄
But groomers need a lot more than being called what they are. Those who prey on children - though they may be your friends and political allies - are the lowest scum in society and must be dealt with as aggressively as possible.
Yea we read the mission statement. It's just amusing that your definition of dealing with it aggressively is to cry about it like a bitch online.
Thankfully, we have great governors like Ron DeSantis who are shutting the groomers down. Preying on children in Florida now comes at a cost.

Does that give you a sadz?
Shutting them down how? Do either you or DeSantis know how the internet works? 😄
Well we've already established you're big on fantasy role playing so none this is surprising. 😄
We've also established that you're a whiny little bitch.

Most of the time, bitches like you tend to be girly men.

Yea we read the mission statement. It's just amusing that your definition of dealing with it aggressively is to cry about it like a bitch online.

Are you trying to incite violence?

Sure sounds like it, Goat Curious,

If a father caught a teacher molesting his son and started beating the shit out of the pervert, would you jump in to defend him from the father? Would you stand up for your beliefs?

Or do you only support groomers and molesters online?

Shutting them down how? Do either you or DeSantis know how the internet works? 😄

You are amazingly stupid.

What will you do to make the world safe for groomers?
We've also established that you're a whiny little bitch.

Most of the time, bitches like you tend to be girly men.

Are you trying to incite violence?

Sure sounds like it, Goat Curious,

If a father caught a teacher molesting his son and started beating the shit out of the pervert, would you jump in to defend him from the father? Would you stand up for your beliefs?

Or do you only support groomers and molesters online?

You are amazingly stupid.

What will you do to make the world safe for groomers?
So DeSantis found child groomers and all he did was fire them? They're still out there free to groom?
So DeSantis found child groomers and all he did was fire them? They're still out there free to groom?
You failed to answer:

If a father caught a teacher molesting his son and started beating the shit out of the pervert, would you jump in to defend him from the father? Would you stand up for your beliefs?

Are you too much of a pussy to defend a molester?

I couldn't care less about the queers. If they stay away from children, what they do is none of my concern.
Prog movement cannot stop. There was a time when the statement you typed was not true for many people. The concern is that it cannot end and there will be more and more depraved agendas depending on beliefs forced on us.

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