Tranny 10 year old fights to remove gender from birth cert

Very easy. When that happens one set is always primary and the other vestigal or secondary. They use the bathroom of the primary set of genitals.

If those genitals are male and they feel like a female, what then? Tough luck I guess?

If their skin is white but they feel they are black, tough luck for affirmatice action I guess?

If you are born with fully functional legs, but have Body Integrity Disorder should all your medical records reflect that you are a paraplegic and have a state provided wheelchair?
B.C. transgender girl, 10, makes formal request to have gender removed from her birth certificate

We need to follow the wishes of mentally defective 10 year olds with fucked in the head liberal parents

What is it with conservatives and their inane obsession concerning birth certificates?

Otherwise, the OP and those who agree with him are yet more examples of the ignorance, hate, and stupidity found on the social right, as well as the authoritarianism common among conservatives in general, where most on the right are fearful of diversity, hostile toward expressions of individual liberty, and are contemptuous of dissent.

This individual poses a threat to no one, her request for the change is both reasonable and approved by her parents, and it is cruel to subject her to ridicule and derision.

The individual has gone beyond her private feelings and wants to change public records to reflect her innermost "feelings". Sorry. The records are what they are. After that, she's free to feel she's a jelly doughnut if she wants to. Nothing is going to change HIS chromosonal make up. Changing Bureau of Vital Statistic records CANNOT be subjected to desire by an individual or approval by parents. The records don't belong to them. They belong to the public. They are maintained by the public through the payment of public taxes for a public purpose.
Use a faculty bathroom. This isn't the case here. That thing is born one way and wants to change to another...its disgusting and fucked up. Personally if I had a kid born with both sets I would figure out which hormones were dominant and get the less dominant parts removed or just give the kid a hot reason to make it go through life fucked up.

you are a cruel fucking idiot exactly the same way as that aussie screeching vagina is.

there is no problem usually with the kid, but with the parents, as you clearly demonstrate.
hermafroditism is the least of the problems - if one waits until puberty to actually see what side is more prevalent and then decide to chose the treatment.

STFU Vox. The parents are allowing their daughter to be happy and make her own decisions - like all parents should.

Funny how we don't allow kids to make any other decisions
A ten year old is wanting their gender to be changed? This is a sick world. If people do not like the gender that they were born as, too bad. They were born as whatever they were born as for a reason.

God bless you always!!!

Too bad? So they should just get over it, and become depressed and commit suicide, which often happens when people have to deal with something like this?

Nature stuffs up sometimes. Your God stuffs up sometimes. This is one of those times.
You may believe that my God makes mistakes, but I don't.

God bless you always!!!

What bathroom should a person born with both sets of genitals use?

Very easy. When that happens one set is always primary and the other vestigal or secondary. They use the bathroom of the primary set of genitals.

If those genitals are male and they feel like a female, what then? Tough luck I guess?

I'm just wondering if they have to pick one or the other?

Is there a medical reason why ?

I mean if someone is born with both.
The poor ten year old child is a deviant. His deviancy is encouraged by mentally ill parents.
Use a faculty bathroom. This isn't the case here. That thing is born one way and wants to change to another...its disgusting and fucked up. Personally if I had a kid born with both sets I would figure out which hormones were dominant and get the less dominant parts removed or just give the kid a hot reason to make it go through life fucked up.

you are a cruel fucking idiot exactly the same way as that aussie screeching vagina is.

there is no problem usually with the kid, but with the parents, as you clearly demonstrate.
hermafroditism is the least of the problems - if one waits until puberty to actually see what side is more prevalent and then decide to chose the treatment.

STFU Vox. The parents are allowing their daughter to be happy and make her own decisions - like all parents should.

oh, piss of, you unsatisfied vagina with vocal cords. go get laid, finally, it might increase you reading comprehension skills.
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IMAP why do trannies have to 'play the role'? Why don't. 'Female' trannies wear jeans and tshirts. It's not like all real women wear dresses all the time. Trannies are caricatures of gender stereotypes libs claim to abhor

Sure, and within some feminist groups mtf (male to female) transwomen have been rejected because it has been argued that prior to transitioning the transwoman experienced gender privilege in a patriarchal male dominated culture. Transwomen argue that they understand issues feminist women are dealing with such as the right to make decisions with their own body as in abortion for example, because transwomen have been stigmatized for cross-dressing or for having reconstructive surgery.

It's really complex.

Once someone has had sex reassignment surgery they want the option to change the birth certificate to reflect that.

I am not sure why someone would change a birth certificate based on how they gender identify since gender is a social construction.

It always confuses me. Maybe someone who is trans can explain it better. :dunno:

gender is not a social construction.....

it is genetic.

no matter how much cosmetic surgery a person has to make themselves feel better... no matter how much self matter how much PC acceptance they want....

they will always be what they were born..... male or female...and in some instances.... a bit of both.

it is not that simple.
it used to be thought it is determined by 46th pair of chromosomes, but nowadays it is obvious that is not enough.

gender perception is not only social construct. it is not only genetic input. it is also a combination of gene expressions and hormonal variations, both inborn and acquired.

XX male syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
XY gonadal dysgenesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

just a brief look at what I am hinting at - because there are myriad of problems of gene expressions and variations which will result in the complicated development of the human being born that way.
For the benefit of the child it is recommended to wait until puberty finishes as there could be wild changes in physiology which will result in a reverse of self-perception or self-identification of that child, and starting early will simply confuse the process more and might do irreversible harm.

there are a number of cases and they are increasing, when the person finished transition to the desired gender and then decides to go vice verse.
B.C. transgender girl, 10, makes formal request to have gender removed from her birth certificate

We need to follow the wishes of mentally defective 10 year olds with fucked in the head liberal parents

this is insanity. you are what you are. you can't really change what you are. sure you can grow breast, cut them off, have all kinds of surgery. you look differnet but you stll are the same sex you started out to be. some women are very masculine, or some men very feminine. it doesn't make them the opposite sex.

have you heard about XXY or XYY syndromes or XX males and XY females?
IMAP why do trannies have to 'play the role'? Why don't. 'Female' trannies wear jeans and tshirts. It's not like all real women wear dresses all the time. Trannies are caricatures of gender stereotypes libs claim to abhor

Sure, and within some feminist groups mtf (male to female) transwomen have been rejected because it has been argued that prior to transitioning the transwoman experienced gender privilege in a patriarchal male dominated culture. Transwomen argue that they understand issues feminist women are dealing with such as the right to make decisions with their own body as in abortion for example, because transwomen have been stigmatized for cross-dressing or for having reconstructive surgery.

It's really complex.

Once someone has had sex reassignment surgery they want the option to change the birth certificate to reflect that.

I am not sure why someone would change a birth certificate based on how they gender identify since gender is a social construction.

It always confuses me. Maybe someone who is trans can explain it better. :dunno:

gender is not a social construction.....

it is genetic.

no matter how much cosmetic surgery a person has to make themselves feel better... no matter how much self matter how much PC acceptance they want....

they will always be what they were born..... male or female...and in some instances.... a bit of both.

The words sex and gender are commonly used interchangeably, but many linguists would argue that their usage is quite distinct. Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics, while gender refers to behaviors, roles, expectations, and activities in society.

Sex refers to male or female, while gender refers to masculine or feminine.

The differences in the sexes do not vary throughout the world, but differences in gender do.

Here are some examples of characteristics related to sex:
Females have a vagina, men don't
Males have a penis, women don't
Male newborns tend to weigh more than female newborns
Females can breastfeed their babies, males can't
Males have deeper voices than females
Females can get pregnant, males can't
Males have testicles and females have ovaries

Here are some examples of characteristics related to gender:
Women tend to do more of the housework than their spouses do
A higher percentage of US doctors are women, compared to Egypt
Nursing is often seen as a woman's job, although many men enter the profession
In some countries women have to cover their heads when they go outside the house
120 years ago women were not allowed to vote in elections
Another way of putting it is:

Sex refers to a natural or biological feature.
Gender refers to cultural or learned significance of sex.

What Is The Difference Between Sex And Gender?

What do we mean by "sex" and "gender"?

Sometimes it is hard to understand exactly what is meant by the term "gender", and how it differs from the closely related term "sex".

"Sex" refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women.

"Gender" refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.

To put it another way:

"Male" and "female" are sex categories, while "masculine" and "feminine" are gender categories.

Aspects of sex will not vary substantially between different human societies, while aspects of gender may vary greatly.

Some examples of sex characteristics :

Women menstruate while men do not
Men have testicles while women do not
Women have developed breasts that are usually capable of lactating, while men have not

World Health Organization
WHO | What do we mean by "sex" and "gender"?
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