Tranny steals 18 television sets from walmart

Hey Steve

I need some advice on selecting key words for my news feeds. I put in search words like transvestite and fuuny stories and hot ---- but all I get is crap on Rue Paul... How do you do this day after day? You are really dialed into the important stuff..

Steve -- how come you do?

By the way ------ after all this.......... you're telling us now you don't know the difference between a tranny and a crossdresser?

What the fuck did you think you were talking about in all those other threads? Borg-Warner gearboxes?
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Noomi, how come you always show up on these tranny threads?

Steve -- how come you do?

By the way ------ after all this.......... you're telling us now you don't know the difference between a tranny and a crossdresser?

What the fuck did you think you were talking about in all those other threads? Borg-Warner gearboxes?
WTF are you talking about? Are you off your meds again?
Noomi, how come you always show up on these tranny threads?

Steve -- how come you do?

By the way ------ after all this.......... you're telling us now you don't know the difference between a tranny and a crossdresser?

What the fuck did you think you were talking about in all those other threads? Borg-Warner gearboxes?
WTF are you talking about? Are you off your meds again?

You didn't bother to read the OP's article then --- which would have told you it has nothing in the world to do with "trannies"?

Why am I not surprised...
Steve -- how come you do?

By the way ------ after all this.......... you're telling us now you don't know the difference between a tranny and a crossdresser?

What the fuck did you think you were talking about in all those other threads? Borg-Warner gearboxes?
WTF are you talking about? Are you off your meds again?

You didn't bother to read the OP's article then --- which would have told you it has nothing in the world to do with "trannies"?

Why am I not surprised...
Gee, I'm so sorry I didn't know the difference between the two types of perverts, pogostick. Sorry I upset you, I know how you faggots are more emotional than normal people so I offer my sincerest apology. BTW, which one are you, a tranny or a crossdresser?
If you're too fucking illiterate to read a simple article, you'll never get through a post, post turtle boy.

Maybe you should stick to audience demographics where you can whine "dat's wacist!"
If you're too fucking illiterate to read a simple article, you'll never get through a post, post turtle boy.

Maybe you should stick to audience demographics where you can whine "dat's wacist!"
I'm truly sorry if I hurt your feelings. It's just that I'm not up to speed on all the fag stuff like you are. I know things are a lot different in the gay community but try to understand that not all of us are as well versed as you are in the homosexual lifestyle. I'll try to be more sensitive to your "orientation" in the future, ok?
Maybe you should just quit butting into posts that weren't addressed to you in the first place, troll.

Maybe you should just quit butting into posts that weren't addressed to you in the first place, troll.

Ooh, another neg! Let's see now, that makes what, 30? Looks like I struck yet another nerve with little pogostickuphisass. How old did you say you were? BTW, how's that investigation into George Bush being on the grassy knoll going? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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