Tranny Young Adult books up for awards

Communist Takeover Goal #26:
Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
I don't know why you idiots think your gonna' beat this. We're so far ahead that by the time you become aware you'll already be in front of the firing squad.

No sit down, shut up, have a beer and watch some TV. Preferably MSNBC.
Mark Twain is gone too.
Mark Twain?s Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: The NewSouth Edition | Dr. Alan Gribben, Scholar and Editor

If you really want your children to read, get them the books yourself. Schools are abandoning education as fast as they can.

Very typical of the attitude on the right that they have no responsibility for their child's reading.

And, if they don't, or can't read, its the fault of the school.

No wonder they're called the Party of STUPID.
Mark Twain is gone too.
Mark Twain?s Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: The NewSouth Edition | Dr. Alan Gribben, Scholar and Editor

If you really want your children to read, get them the books yourself. Schools are abandoning education as fast as they can.

WoW this blows my mind, my Elementry school was named mark twain and they wont get to read his works now?

You can thank the radical right for the growing list of banned books. The dangerous left believes education is a good thing while the right is terrified of it.
Then the left will lead the way in homeschooling. Right? They will stop opposing it.
This is shocking!!! Transgender books are up for Lambda awards!!! Who would ever think awards geared towards works about LGBT's would consider such books for an award?
This is shocking!!! Transgender books are up for Lambda awards!!! Who would ever think awards geared towards works about LGBT's would consider such books for an award?

It depends. Are they books geared toward satisfying LGBT's need for aggrandizement or are they Great Books. If they are great books they deserve the award, if they are the homosexual equivalent of Debbie Does Dallas, they shouldn't be treated like Lady Chatterly's Lover.
This is shocking!!! Transgender books are up for Lambda awards!!! Who would ever think awards geared towards works about LGBT's would consider such books for an award?

It depends. Are they books geared toward satisfying LGBT's need for aggrandizement or are they Great Books. If they are great books they deserve the award, if they are the homosexual equivalent of Debbie Does Dallas, they shouldn't be treated like Lady Chatterly's Lover.

When you are on the board of the LAMBDA awards you can make such a decision, I have not read these books nor will I, and I have no interest in these awards so they can give them to who ever they want to. The only time in my life these books or these awards ever entered my life was in this thread.
Two transgender YA fiction titles by Minnesotans up for Lambdas |

Let me take a wild guess that schools will stop having students read Catcher in the Rye and Shakespeare and replace it with this reality denying bullshit to help indoctrinate kids into denying realityh and accepting liberal mental disease as reality.
Let me remind you that it was not liberals who have fought for over 40 years to ban Catcher in the Rye from schools for blasphemy and undermining of family values.

Here is a summer recommended reading list from my granddaughters high school. Notice that both Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird are recommend.

http://clevelandhs.seattleschools.o.../cms/1708828/File/Summer Reading CHS 2013.pdf
The LAMBDA award is specifically for LBGT literature. No matter who wrote any book, it could not possibly be up for a LAMBDA award unless it was gay literature. What made this award newsworthy is because the books were from two Minnesotans. Romeo and Juliet wouldn't even make their reading list.
Catcher in the rye calls gays flits. Libs hate that
I think you'll find the profanity, sexual situation, and disparaging remarks about growing up in America has prompted conservative christian to work toward banning the book in schools.
Two transgender YA fiction titles by Minnesotans up for Lambdas |

Let me take a wild guess that schools will stop having students read Catcher in the Rye and Shakespeare and replace it with this reality denying bullshit to help indoctrinate kids into denying realityh and accepting liberal mental disease as reality.

STFU. Its a book written by someone who has nominated for an award, therefore it can't be that bad.

Just because you couldn't write a bestseller.
Catcher in the Rye was taken off the reading list a long time ago. So has To Kill a Mockingbird.

Catcher in the Rye dropped from US school curriculum - Telegraph

Social engineers are intent on making a new normal and turning the normal into a treatable pathology.

To be fair, having had to read both those books... they kinda suck. I always thought Catcher was pretty trashy for its time, and Mockingbird to be seemed to be about life in the South and nothing else. Considering I live in the South, I don't need a book to remind me of that.

That said, I think required reading lists in general are dumb. If a kid doesn't want to read, you can't make them read. They'll suffer through it and then forget everything about it. If you want kids to read, you gotta introduce it to them early and find something that takes hold of them.

Mark Twain is gone too.
Mark Twain?s Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: The NewSouth Edition | Dr. Alan Gribben, Scholar and Editor

If you really want your children to read, get them the books yourself. Schools are abandoning education as fast as they can.

Five bucks says it has something to do with the "colorful" language some of his books used.

Back on topic, though. I think its great that someone is getting an award for writing a good book, despite it having zero appeal for me, thus I'll probably never read it.

Kinda like Twilight.
If you look at the topic on trannies and genderqueers on dating sites, demanding new genders being added, the advocate for the changes is saying there are more gay youths now than ever.

Is that an admission that they are trying to recruit? How can you have more gay people than ever? If it's "natural" than unless there is some environmental cause, the levels would remain the same. He didn't say more are coming out of the closet, he just said "more".
Catcher in the Rye was taken off the reading list a long time ago. So has To Kill a Mockingbird.

Catcher in the Rye dropped from US school curriculum - Telegraph

Social engineers are intent on making a new normal and turning the normal into a treatable pathology.

To be fair, having had to read both those books... they kinda suck. I always thought Catcher was pretty trashy for its time, and Mockingbird to be seemed to be about life in the South and nothing else. Considering I live in the South, I don't need a book to remind me of that.

That said, I think required reading lists in general are dumb. If a kid doesn't want to read, you can't make them read. They'll suffer through it and then forget everything about it. If you want kids to read, you gotta introduce it to them early and find something that takes hold of them.

Mark Twain is gone too.
Mark Twain?s Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn: The NewSouth Edition | Dr. Alan Gribben, Scholar and Editor

If you really want your children to read, get them the books yourself. Schools are abandoning education as fast as they can.

Five bucks says it has something to do with the "colorful" language some of his books used.

Back on topic, though. I think its great that someone is getting an award for writing a good book, despite it having zero appeal for me, thus I'll probably never read it.

Kinda like Twilight.
Schools that I am familiar with have very few books that are required reading. They have long lists of recommended reading and advanced classes with often assigned reading off the recommended list.

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