Trans-Gender Politics May Turn Real Women Away from Democrats

Who is she?
Not a man, men can't get pregnant idiot

Probably just a man with a fat belly. It happens. Some overweight men put on fat primarily on the belly, making them look “pregnant”. Colloquially known as a “beer belly” or “pot belly”. That is the most likely explanation for this image.

Alternative possibilities would include it being Photoshopped, or it's a “trans man”—a woman mutilated to appear masculine, but with her reproductive system still functional.

One thing that it absolutely is not, is a pregnant man.

Googling the image does not quickly bring up any useful information about the origin of this image, nor the identity of the person depicted therein.
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Everything the Democratic Party is doing is to bring the US down and prepare us for being controlled. Our enemies have literally infiltrated our government by raising a generation of indoctrinated people who have turned against the ideals that made the US the greatest country in the world, in fact, many no longer even recognize the fact they do live in the greatest country in the world. Very smart plan by our Cold War enemies to slow play us into destroying ourselves from within.

Regarding the topic of this thread, we have a large group of people who truly believe that a man can be a real woman and vice versa. That is just how deep many have been indoctrinated.
:abgg2q.jpg: :206::boo_hoo14::boo_hoo14::boo_hoo14:

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