Trans-Gender Politics May Turn Real Women Away from Democrats

So you're fine with giving up. Just piss everyone off and then continue to lose. Gotcha.

By the way, you never did explain why red states have higher child mortality rates than blue states. Is that another attempt to piss off voters or are you just terrible at protecting children?
Because gays can’t procreate.
The trans-gender issue may break the Democrats' advantage among women voters. Most women are starting to understand that trans-gender men>women pose a threat to women's competitive achievements, as well as their personal safety. In essence, it is an attack on every protection afforded to women in our society. Those who ignore this issue may or may not live to regret it.
I doubt it.
The trans-gender issue may break the Democrats' advantage among women voters. Most women are starting to understand that trans-gender men>women pose a threat to women's competitive achievements, as well as their personal safety. In essence, it is an attack on every protection afforded to women in our society. Those who ignore this issue may or may not live to regret it.

I'm sure that most people are turned away from both Reps and Dems's policies but really have no other viable choice because the system is so SHIT.
It went to the states. We used to be a republic, remember that?

It went to chaos and disaster. Some states have banned abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. Women can't even get proper care for ectopic pregnancies or partial miscarriages. 0B/GYN's are packing their practices and moving to states where treating a miscarriage patient won't land them in prison.

5 Texas women - all "pro-life", who were unable to get care for their miscarriages, and some of whom nearly died as a result, have sued the state over the "heartbeat" bill. The woman with the ectopic pregnancy, nearly died because her tube burst, and she was bleeding out, but the fetus still had a heartbeat.

Idaho's last 0B/GYN is leaving the state. Children, as young as 12 who are raped are being told they have to give birth, because they're too young to decide they want an abortion.

The SC is supposed to consider the impact of any decision to reverse a precedent. They did not. Trump's appointees had a job to do and they lied their way onto the court to overturn Roe.

80% of American want women to have access to safe and LEGAL abortions. Women will never vote Republicans so long as Republicans don't respect women's rights.
It went to chaos and disaster. Some states have banned abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. Women can't even get proper care for ectopic pregnancies or partial miscarriages. 0B/GYN's are packing their practices and moving to states where treating a miscarriage patient won't land them in prison.

5 Texas women - all "pro-life", who were unable to get care for their miscarriages, and some of whom nearly died as a result, have sued the state over the "heartbeat" bill. The woman with the ectopic pregnancy, nearly died because her tube burst, and she was bleeding out, but the fetus still had a heartbeat.

Idaho's last 0B/GYN is leaving the state. Children, as young as 12 who are raped are being told they have to give birth, because they're too young to decide they want an abortion.

The SC is supposed to consider the impact of any decision to reverse a precedent. They did not. Trump's appointees had a job to do and they lied their way onto the court to overturn Roe.

80% of American want women to have access to safe and LEGAL abortions. Women will never vote Republicans so long as Republicans don't respect women's rights.

You spout a lot of outright lies. Let's see you back one up. Just one. Provide proof that Idaho has ONE Ob-gyn left, and that doctor is leaving.

It went to chaos and disaster. Some states have banned abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother. Women can't even get proper care for ectopic pregnancies or partial miscarriages. 0B/GYN's are packing their practices and moving to states where treating a miscarriage patient won't land them in prison.

5 Texas women - all "pro-life", who were unable to get care for their miscarriages, and some of whom nearly died as a result, have sued the state over the "heartbeat" bill. The woman with the ectopic pregnancy, nearly died because her tube burst, and she was bleeding out, but the fetus still had a heartbeat.

Idaho's last 0B/GYN is leaving the state. Children, as young as 12 who are raped are being told they have to give birth, because they're too young to decide they want an abortion.

The SC is supposed to consider the impact of any decision to reverse a precedent. They did not. Trump's appointees had a job to do and they lied their way onto the court to overturn Roe.

80% of American want women to have access to safe and LEGAL abortions. Women will never vote Republicans so long as Republicans don't respect women's rights.

I mean here is a list of 25 Ob-gyn who practice in Boise ALONE, and it's only a partial list.

What is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind completely? That is a serious question.

I mean here is a list of 25 Ob-gyn who practice in Boise ALONE, and it's only a partial list.

What is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind completely? That is a serious question.

What is wrong with Y0U?????? As long as the cities have services. I guess women outside Boise don't matter.

What is wrong with Y0U?????? As long as the cities have services. I guess women outside Boise don't matter.

You said "the last Ob/gyn IN IDAHO". The entire state. Patently, obviously not true.
Trans stuff is merely a tactic being employed by the neo-Marxist revolutionaries to destroy western values and institutions so that they can infiltrate and reform reform the body politic to one of authoritarianism. The communists did the same thing in the Weimar Republic.

Everything the Democratic Party is doing is to bring the US down and prepare us for being controlled. Our enemies have literally infiltrated our government by raising a generation of indoctrinated people who have turned against the ideals that made the US the greatest country in the world, in fact, many no longer even recognize the fact they do live in the greatest country in the world. Very smart plan by our Cold War enemies to slow play us into destroying ourselves from within.

Regarding the topic of this thread, we have a large group of people who truly believe that a man can be a real woman and vice versa. That is just how deep many have been indoctrinated.

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