Trans-identified biological male daycare worker charged with sexual abuse of infant in Kentucky

I could post stories of preachers doing the same sick crap all day long. Should we ban and possibly kill everyone that is religious because of them? No. Neither should you do the same with me or people like me. I mean wtf? Throw this bastard in the chair and cook his ass but don't blame millions of people for what he did.
That is a dude, and who the hell thought in their right mind a person like that should be around children?

The guy has the crazy in his eyes for cripes sake.
Yeah --- he does have some crazy eyes. I'm fascinated by that look, the wild madness in the eyes you see with many psychotics. Well, I guess they were desperate for someone to hire! I quit going to a grocery store here which four times when I went in had no cashiers. And two out of three restaurants we went to in the evening this year didn't have enough staff. We are just going out for breakfast or lunch until the situation recovers, if it ever does. Business are desperate for employees, and so they took the wrong one.

And hiring a tranny is always, always going to be a wrong decision! They are one and all psychotic. Bad move.
I could post stories of preachers doing the same sick crap all day long. Should we ban and possible kill everyone that is religious because of them? No. Neither should you do the same with me or people like me. I mean wtf?

You DO post this crap all day long, are you a Trans we should worry about?
Something's not right...
Wouldn't you like to kick this fuckers ass and take a bat to him?.... I would pay $10,000 for the opportunity...
He's heading for a wigsplitting if he rolls up on a yard with this kind of paperwork. A lot of cons don't really appreciate Baby Rapers.
Nope. Red state...that means everyone there believes the same thing.

At least that is the same standard you guys apply to anything terrible that happens in a blue state.

If you want to use that "logic", it's a blue country right now, so...yup...this is Biden's fault.
Nope. Red state...that means everyone there believes the same thing.

At least that is the same standard you guys apply to anything terrible that happens in a blue state.

You know the governor of Kentucky is a democrat, right?

Probably not. It's a good thing you're shameless.
But they're not interested in children....REALLY!
Nobody cared about drag queens till they started perving on kids.

Watching democrats gas light and lie about the grooming happening in schools is just pathetic.

Those who support and enable child abusers will burn along side them in hell.

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