Trans man dies after elective hysterectomy

Very courageous man.
When I grew up "courage" was a soldier storming an enemy machine gun nest, a fireman rescuing a child from a burning building, or a policeman pulling a crash victim out of a burning car.

Now the word "courage" has devolved into a term of praise for any transgender freakazoid who publicly furthers their perverted agenda. ... :cuckoo:
They were thinking it was their brave new world but it is rapidly slipping away and all reality is lost for them.
Stay in line, do not question the system, makes folks very nervous.
Celebrate death, it's very american.
Its a new beginning; possibly that poor soul may get it right next trip around.
I'm sure god will have them check in with you on that.
Or maybe he will just burn in hell.

Well the notion was "next trip around" as those who follow the conversation will notice, but sure, if the idea of someone buring in hell makes you feel better, run with that.
Celebrate death, it's very american.
Its a new beginning; possibly that poor soul may get it right next trip around.
I'm sure god will have them check in with you on that.
Or maybe he will just burn in hell.

Well the notion was "next trip around" as those who follow the conversation will notice, but sure, if the idea of someone buring in hell makes you feel better, run with that.
There are those who think there will be another chance and those who do not. I think queers go to hell.
Very courageous man.
When I grew up "courage" was a soldier storming an enemy machine gun nest, a fireman rescuing a child from a burning building, or a policeman pulling a crash victim out of a burning car.

Now the word "courage" has devolved into a term of praise for any transgender freakazoid who publicly furthers their perverted agenda. ... :cuckoo:
Caitlyn Jenner Gets Arthur Ashe Courage Award, Noah Galloway Is Runner Up?
Caitlyn Jenner will receive the Arthur Ashe Courage Award from ESPN, but critics say others such as Noah Galloway or Lauren Hill should have been chosen instead.
ESPN cuts 300 jobs as subscriber fee growth slows
While still a highly profitable unit of Disney, ESPN has been under pressure to control costs as it no longer can depend on steady growth from its most reliable revenue stream: fees from cable and satellite subscribers.
Report: ESPN Losing 10,000 Subscribers a Day Over Its Political Left Turn - Breitbart
“A floundering ESPN, with rising costs and declining viewership, continued to sink Disney’s DIS, +0.24% financial results during its fiscal first quarter,” reported.
Caitlyn's Popularity as Baby Name Drops After Jenner Transition
Caitlyn's Popularity as Baby Name Drops After Jenner Transition
Celebrate death, it's very american.
Its a new beginning; possibly that poor soul may get it right next trip around.
I'm sure god will have them check in with you on that.
Or maybe he will just burn in hell.

Well the notion was "next trip around" as those who follow the conversation will notice, but sure, if the idea of someone buring in hell makes you feel better, run with that.
There are those who think there will be another chance and those who do not. I think queers go to hell.
OK, cool, whatever., something both muslim and christian extremists can agree on.
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Celebrate death, it's very american.

Most of these yahoos will also tell you they're "christian".

I believe it takes great courage to question the nature of one's sexuality, face it head on and then actually go through what it takes to make that massive change.

Most of us will never know what that's like.

Imagine what it was like before we could address nature's mistakes. There was no surgery, no drugs. Just a life of lying to ones self and to the rest of the world.
Most of these yahoos will also tell you they're "christian".
Every time a lib starts to feel attacked they resort to Rules for Radicals and have to use Jesus to try to shut the argument down. But, Christians don't turn away from God, and follow Lucifer either. Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Can we get a Bill Ayers name drop on the thread as well? Thanks.

They always resort to that same lie - that Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals.

He didn't but that doesn't stop them from lying about it.

And yeppers, they do love them some Ayers lies.

Its a new beginning; possibly that poor soul may get it right next trip around.
I'm sure god will have them check in with you on that.
Or maybe he will just burn in hell.

Well the notion was "next trip around" as those who follow the conversation will notice, but sure, if the idea of someone buring in hell makes you feel better, run with that.
There are those who think there will be another chance and those who do not. I think queers go to hell.
OK, cool, whatever., something both muslim and christian extremists can agree on.

I have no doubt that these phony christians would love nothing more than murdering LGBT.
I'm sure god will have them check in with you on that.
Or maybe he will just burn in hell.

Well the notion was "next trip around" as those who follow the conversation will notice, but sure, if the idea of someone buring in hell makes you feel better, run with that.
There are those who think there will be another chance and those who do not. I think queers go to hell.
OK, cool, whatever., something both muslim and christian extremists can agree on.

I have no doubt that these phony christians would love nothing more than murdering LGBT.
Celebrate death, it's very american.

Most of these yahoos will also tell you they're "christian".

I believe it takes great courage to question the nature of one's sexuality, face it head on and then actually go through what it takes to make that massive change.

Most of us will never know what that's like.

Imagine what it was like before we could address nature's mistakes. There was no surgery, no drugs. Just a life of lying to ones self and to the rest of the world.

Shouldn't take much to imagine, sounds like marriage...
Or maybe he will just burn in hell.

Well the notion was "next trip around" as those who follow the conversation will notice, but sure, if the idea of someone buring in hell makes you feel better, run with that.
There are those who think there will be another chance and those who do not. I think queers go to hell.
OK, cool, whatever., something both muslim and christian extremists can agree on.

I have no doubt that these phony christians would love nothing more than murdering LGBT.

Phony christians have become nothing more than hate groups. I always wonder how you got to be so bitter that you go out of your way to attack people you don't even know.

I don't care that you call yourself "christian" but I do wonder why you don't try to live what Jesus taught.

And then you attack atheists who actually do live as Jesus taught.

DarkFury Your sad little lies about your IQ and being a friend of one of the most vile human beings monsters every to take up space just proves you're a failure at life. If you were not, you would not have to tell such pathetic lies.

Why not just leave people alone? Live and let live? MYOB

Hmmmm ??
I believe it takes great courage to question the nature of one's sexuality, face it head on and then actually go through what it takes to make that massive change.

Most of us will never know what that's like.

Imagine what it was like before we could address nature's mistakes. There was no surgery, no drugs. Just a life of lying to ones self and to the rest of the world.

Courage is running into a burning building and rescuing somebody. Dressing up like the opposite gender and having body parts lopped off isn't courage, it's insanity, but hey, it's a free country, so to each their own.
I'm sure god will have them check in with you on that.
Or maybe he will just burn in hell.

Well the notion was "next trip around" as those who follow the conversation will notice, but sure, if the idea of someone buring in hell makes you feel better, run with that.
There are those who think there will be another chance and those who do not. I think queers go to hell.
OK, cool, whatever., something both muslim and christian extremists can agree on.

I have no doubt that these phony christians would love nothing more than murdering LGBT.
Yep, Nazis.
Celebrate death, it's very american.
Its a new beginning; possibly that poor soul may get it right next trip around.
I'm sure god will have them check in with you on that.
Have you not heard she stays at home, counts and sorts the spoils?
No, do go on ....
I'm sure you have a copy of the Bible and apparently you can read.
I believe it takes great courage to question the nature of one's sexuality, face it head on and then actually go through what it takes to make that massive change.

Most of us will never know what that's like.

Imagine what it was like before we could address nature's mistakes. There was no surgery, no drugs. Just a life of lying to ones self and to the rest of the world.

Courage is running into a burning building and rescuing somebody. Dressing up like the opposite gender and having body parts lopped off isn't courage, it's insanity, but hey, it's a free country, so to each their own.

Not even close to comparable.

I'm glad we're past the ignorance of the dark ages when people who are simply different were chained to walls of nightmare institutions and worse.

I don't understand the intolerance, hate, fear but yes, to each their own.

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