Transgender Biden official Rachel Levine says hormones can help kids 'going through the wrong puberty'

lol Joseph Mengele was a 'medical professional'. Why these dumbasses keep using that term as if it means something is hilarious. 'Medical professionals' also remove organs from prisoners and sell them on the organ markets around the world. Many of them will kill babies and sexually mutilate people for money.
No child is forced into the transition against their will

Manipulating someone of limited capacity into choices that are self-destructive is not much different than the use of outright force to the same destructive end.

That's the same principle behind “statutory rape”. A minor is presumed not to have the capacity to fully understand the implications of sexual intimacy, and to give informed consent thereto; thus, taking advantage of a vulnerable, impressionable minor in order to engage in sexual behavior therewith is treated as comparable to engaging in that sexual behavior by the use of physical force.
Manipulating someone of limited capacity into choices that are self-destructive is not much different than the use of outright force to the same destructive end.

That's the same principle behind “statutory rape”. A minor is presumed not to have the capacity to fully understand the implications of sexual intimacy, and to give informed consent thereto; thus, taking advantage of a vulnerable, impressionable minor in order to engage in sexual behavior therewith is treated as comparable to engaging in that sexual behavior by the use of physical force.
That is why a child is not allowed to make a gender transition decision on its own.
But they do have a Dog in the Fight and can’t be forced into a transition they do not want
No transition takes place you idiot they are simply cosmetically different!

To put it that way greatly understates the true impact.

Most of the victims will be left sterile, incapable of ever enjoying normal sexual intimacy, and in a deformed state that will cause them to be regarded as freaks, and left marginalized by mainstream society.
What is wrong with you people this is madness at the highest level! If you support this, you support child abuse and probably praised the Movie Cuties, and chastised the Sound of Freedom!
Maybe Rocky will recommend hetero porn hub to "normies"
What is wrong with those in this forum who support this shit is that they are not sentient individuals who form their views around values and principles, but merely obedient proles of a hive mind that demands they conform.
Actually someone who understands the difficulty of this decision and wants it made by family members and medical professionals……NOT Republicans making the decision based on prejudice and bigotry towards the transgendered
Actually someone who understands the difficulty of this decision and wants it made by family members and medical professionals……NOT Republicans making the decision based on prejudice and bigotry towards the transgendered
Your calling the rejection of this madness a republican thing only empathizes my point about your mindless conformity. None of you idiots were championing this shit ten years ago

It isn't a case of prejudice and bigotry even though you think you are earning virtue points by calling it such. It is simply a matter of viewing irreversible, life-altering decisions like this as the sort of thing that is best left to a time when the person involved has achieved full cognitive development.
What is wrong with you people this is madness at the highest level! If you support this, you support child abuse and probably praised the Movie Cuties, and chastised the Sound of Freedom!
Who is determining what is wrong puberty? What science is being used to objectively determine the outcome of "wrong puberty?" Feelings?
More proof of why we need the decision made by parents, the child and medical professionals instead of hysterical Republicans who hate Transexuals.

Young children are given puberty blockers to prevent their body from assuming the physical characteristics of the gender they have rejected.
Then, if the child is adapting to their new gender, hormones are provided to allow the teen to assume physical characteristics of their new gender.
Surgery is rarely performed until 18
So if a child wants to drink a beer you're good with that?
Actually someone who understands the difficulty of this decision and wants it made by family members and medical professionals……NOT Republicans making the decision based on prejudice and bigotry towards the transgendered
The difficulty? Feelings? What science says feeling like a different sex makes you so?
As stupid and perverse as Mike Levin is, it is actually an "intellectual" in the realm of bed wetting leftist parasites. Almost all of them are even more f***in retarded.
That is why a child is not allowed to make a gender transition decision on its own.
But they do have a Dog in the Fight and can’t be forced into a transition they do not want
If the child can't make the decision .. how does consent from a parent / legal guardian align with any objective science? Parents / guardians are making decisions of gender for those unable to consent?
What's amusing is that you guys get upset about the few hundred transgender kids getting hormone therapy, but don't bat an eye about hundreds of thousands of kids being turned into little Zombies with SSRI's.
Oh, I’ve been a vocal opponent of SSRI’s for decades now.

Escalated violence and murder everywhere. Now there are generations who grew up on these meds. Agitation or nervousness are possible side effects.
Democrats are not involved in the decision
Family members and medical professionals are

Republicans who are on the record for despising Transexuals should stay out of it.
Then why is California becoming a sanctuary state for transitioning minors. They're trying to make it so if a kid wants to transition but the parents say no. As long as the kid makes it to California. The parents loose their child.

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