Transgender Biden official Rachel Levine says hormones can help kids 'going through the wrong puberty'

Young children can't drink a beer or get a tattoo, but they can somehow be wise enough to decide whether to take life altering hormones and obtain surgical mutilation?

You shitlibs are criminally insane.

They want prettier tranny porn stars, and these porn addicts think starting them young will work better than what they do now re mutilations. Yes, they are insane.
So, your “solution” is to turn a victim into a freak, who might otherwise have had a chance to develop into normality.

Only way to increase the available pool for them. Before the so-called 'mental health professionals' sold out, all the studies showed most faggots were raped as children by other faggots. Now they dreamed up the 'born that way' scam, and of course credulous hippie dopers buy it.
Some of you people on here should be arrested or locked in a padded room. Seriously.
So, your “solution” is to turn a victim into a freak, who might otherwise have had a chance to develop into normality.

No, that child would never meet your definition of normal
In your world a persons sexuality is defined by their sexual organs not by their psychological preference

Republicans will always mock that person as a “freak”

That is why we need the decision to be made by parents, the child and medical professionals instead of allowing Republicans to make the decision for them
No, that child would never meet your definition of normal
In your world a persons sexuality is defined by their sexual organs not by their physiology.
Their physiology also determines sex, you fucking sub-moron.

The female pelvic girdle is built for child birth, where the male's is not.

Harley is right....You freaks should be locked in a padded room or otherwise permanently removed from sane society.
No, that child would never meet your definition of normal
In your world a persons sexuality is defined by their sexual organs not by their psychological preference

Republicans will always mock that person as a “freak”

That is why we need the decision to be made by parents, the child and medical professionals instead of allowing Republicans to make the decision for them

The vast majority of children who experience gender confusion grow out of it, and go on to live normal lives as normal people, unless they are manipulated to reinforce that confusion. And these days, much of the gender confusion experienced by youngsters in the first place is artificially-induced by the influence of abusive pedophiles filling their heads with this fucked-up bullshit in the first place.
What's amusing is that you guys get upset about the few hundred transgender kids getting hormone therapy, but don't bat an eye about hundreds of thousands of kids being turned into little Zombies with SSRI's.
Your numbers are way off. There are millions of kids on SSRI's and many thousands of minors are being given hormone therapy and mutilation surgeries.

Not long ago I heard an interview with one of these sex change doctors that now claim cross sex hormones and puberty blockers be given to all children until they decide which gender they want to be as adults. A child is too young to choose to be heterosexual.
More proof of why we need the decision made by parents, the child and medical professionals instead of hysterical Republicans who hate Transexuals.
Why do you advocate allowing children to make lifelong changes to their physical and mental health?
So, what can we expect of the lifelong condition of a man who had had a crucial part of his development stunted from before puberty until he reaches eighteen or older; who has reached adulthood while still having the body of a preadolescent child?

Do you seriously want to claim that that is reversible, or that his life won't be left fucked up as a result?

According to the Republican playbook, Transexual children decide one day they want to be a woman and parents rush out to chop their penis off.

The reality is more complex. The child shows signs of associating with the opposite gender well before puberty.
The child goes through psychological and medical counseling well in advance of any transition therapy.
Before any replacement therapy, the child must assume a new name and dress and function in their new gender.
If successful, as determined by medical professionals, only then would puberty blockers be administered
After that a child would be eligible to hormone therapy
Surgery is almost never performed until the child is 18…. If ever
Why do you advocate allowing children to make lifelong changes to their physical and mental health?

I don’t
The child, along with parents and medical professionals will arrive at that decision.

Why should we allow Republicans, who have never met the child, make the decision for them?

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