Transgender Biden official Rachel Levine says hormones can help kids 'going through the wrong puberty'

No child is forced into the transition against their will

Republicans, who have never met the child, are overruling the decision made by the child, medical professionals and the parents
I strongly suggest you take the time to listen to this kid. If not this, look her up, Chloe Cole. She is exactly the story you refuse to pay attention to.

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So if a child wants to drink a beer you're good with that?
Bed wetters are comfortable with any sort of delinquency taught to other people's kids. Their objective is the collapse of the entire country as it is, so society is naturally being targeted for ruin as well. That's what the push for all this freakishly repulsive faggotry is about. It was never about "tolerance", it was about warping young minds and forcing people to accept disgusting behavior as "normal". It's not enough that we don't give a shit, if we aren't cheering at their godless parades and turning out sons into eunuchs then we are to be condemned.
Actually someone who understands the difficulty of this decision and wants it made by family members and medical professionals……NOT Republicans making the decision based on prejudice and bigotry towards the transgendered
I know people I wouldn't let pick up the dog poop in my back yard let alone trust making these decisions for kids! Any medical professional going along with this, should have their license stripped and put in jail for child abuse
This hormone therapy irreversibly fucks kids up for life, as does every other aspect of this “gender-affirming” bullshit.

Gee, I can't imagine why anyone would be opposed to that, can you?

You mean people who can't overcome their own bigotries... Honestly, it sounds like your problem, not the kid's.

I can't say that I know enough about this use of SSRI drugs, but surely, whatever down side there is to that use of them cannot be nearly as harmful nor without benefit as the whole “transgender” madness certainly is, when inflicted on young people.

You see, I think that there are kids who would actually benefit from SSRI's. And there are kids who get them because their parents and teachers can't really handle them.

I would trust medical professionals over religious fanatics.
What's amusing is that you guys get upset about the few hundred transgender kids getting hormone therapy, but don't bat an eye about hundreds of thousands of kids being turned into little Zombies with SSRI's.
What's concerning is the full throttle program of child grooming and exploitation being undertaken by the Dems / Marxists. Sexual orientation being a matter of intervention by "minor attracted people", trannies, coercive school teachers and Dem / Marxist school boards is completely improper. Those groomers identified above should be be the subject of police reports when they try to coerce and intimidate children.
More children drown in pools than commit suicide due to being denied puberty blockers. Yet, which does the left focus on?

945 kids drown in ALL bodies of water. From bathtubs to lakes.

I suspect the number of Trans kids who take their own lives is higher.

Your numbers are way off. There are millions of kids on SSRI's and many thousands of minors are being given hormone therapy and mutilation surgeries.

Actually, only about 5000 kids are getting puberty blockers, and a lot of those are kids who are suffering early onset puberty. (I.e. going through puberty when their age is still in single digits.)
You mean people who can't overcome their own bigotries... Honestly, it sounds like your problem, not the kid's.

You see, I think that there are kids who would actually benefit from SSRI's. And there are kids who get them because their parents and teachers can't really handle them.

I would trust medical professionals over religious fanatics.

Says the Mormons in particular, Religious people in general hating bigot.

Adults can do whatever the fuck they want up to the point of requiring me to play along with their delusions.

Stop fucking with the kids with drugs and surgeries and "the only option is gay/trans" mental help.
I strongly suggest you take the time to listen to this kid. If not this, look her up, Chloe Cole. She is exactly the story you refuse to pay attention to.

Uh, her story is a lot more complicated than that.

First, she is the one who kept insisting on getting gender affirming care, and when her first set of doctors turned her down, she insisted that her parents get a new set.

She also suffered from a whole host of other issues, such as ADHD, bulimia, depression.

What's concerning is t
Wow, Chatbot is going off the rails again.
Says the Mormons in particular, Religious people in general hating bigot.
Actually, I don't go to a hospital for religion, and I don't go to church for medical advice.
In 20 years, most of the Churches will be pretending they had nothing to do with anti-LGBTQ hate. Like they all try to pretend they had nothing to do with segregation now.

Adults can do whatever the fuck they want up to the point of requiring me to play along with their delusions.
I honestly hope that if you work with a transgender person, you take that attitude. Have a nice trip to HR
Stop fucking with the kids with drugs and surgeries and "the only option is gay/trans" mental help.

In some cases, that is the best option. In fact, very few trans kids are getting gender affirming care.
Uh, her story is a lot more complicated than that.

First, she is the one who kept insisting on getting gender affirming care, and when her first set of doctors turned her down, she insisted that her parents get a new set.

She also suffered from a whole host of other issues, such as ADHD, bulimia, depression.

Wow, Chatbot is going off the rails again.
Oops. Chatbot is unable to defend child grooming. Making excuses for child abuse is among the more debilitating illnesses affecting the Dems / Marxists.
An inability to understand human biology and their need to indoctrinate children with skewed views on adolescence and sexuality results in children being coerced into beliefs they need to somehow "change" their gender via drugs and surgery.

Is our Dem / Marxist Chatbot confused about basic biology? Does Chatbot believe men can get pregnant? Some basic concepts of human biology seem to escape Chatbot.
Levine is just an ugly boy and man that could never attract a female so he decided to be gay instead... and then he crossed the Rubicon into mental disability... and he wants to take your kids with him for the trip....

Actually, he was married for a quarter of a century and fathered two children in that marriage.

“Transitioning to a woman” surely is what doomed that marriage.
You see, I think that there are kids who would actually benefit from SSRI's. And there are kids who get them because their parents and teachers can't really handle them.

I would trust medical professionals over religious fanatics.
The "medical professionals" who get big kickbacks from BigPharm for over-prescribing SSRi's and other meds.

Talk about fanatics.
You mean people who can't overcome their own bigotries... Honestly, it sounds like your problem, not the kid's.

You define it as “bigotry” to give greater credence to sound science than to he insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases.

It is no insult at all to be called a “bigot” by your fucked-up kind. If anything, it would be an insult to be accused, by you, of not being a bigot.

You see, I think that there are kids who would actually benefit from SSRI's. And there are kids who get them because their parents and teachers can't really handle them.

Again, I can't claim any expertise with regard to what is or is not appropriate use of such drugs.

I can say, however, that there is no evidence if them being anywhere near as harmful as the crazy, fucked-up shit that you are defending in this thread.

I would trust medical professionals over religious fanatics.

Josef Mengele was a medical professional. He likely would have fully supported, and been very fascinated with, the sort of fucked-up shit that you are defending. This would be right up his alley.

Given your Nazi heritage, I guess it should not be surprising to see you aligning to this degree with Mengele and his kind.
You mean people who can't overcome their own bigotries... Honestly, it sounds like your problem, not the kid's.

You see, I think that there are kids who would actually benefit from SSRI's. And there are kids who get them because their parents and teachers can't really handle them.

I would trust medical professionals over religious fanatics.
Another false dichotomy.

Religious people are not the only ones opposing this fad of adults transitioning children.
Actually, I don't go to a hospital for religion, and I don't go to church for medical advice.
In 20 years, most of the Churches will be pretending they had nothing to do with anti-LGBTQ hate. Like they all try to pretend they had nothing to do with segregation now.

I honestly hope that if you work with a transgender person, you take that attitude. Have a nice trip to HR

In some cases, that is the best option. In fact, very few trans kids are getting gender affirming care.

Again equating racial issues and sexuality/gender bullshit in an attempt to ignore the fact they are different.

Not many in Engineering because Engineers deal in reality, not made up social "science" bullshit.

"gender affirming care", same wordplay as "final solution"
Again equating racial issues and sexuality/gender bullshit in an attempt to ignore the fact they are different.

Not many in Engineering because Engineers deal in reality, not made up social "science" bullshit.

"gender affirming care", same wordplay as "final solution"
Shue is beating the strawman of religion to a pulp isn't he?....That despite the fact that most religious sects have been flying the homo flag in June anyway,
Shue is beating the strawman of religion to a pulp isn't he?....That despite the fact that most religious sects have been flying the homo flag in June anyway,

Some of them, which is causing schisms in many of the more loosely organized groups like Baptists.

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