Transgender Biden official Rachel Levine says hormones can help kids 'going through the wrong puberty'

May I remind you that you said it was only a few hundred??? Where's your apology or even acknowledgement how wrong you were?

I'm sorry you are an idiot who doesn't understand numbers. Most people on puberty blockers are not taking them for Gender Dysphoria, but for early onset puberty, because our kids are so fat and full of hormones in their foods they are growing racks at 9.

And you didn't read far enough down into the article to see how many MINORS have finished puberty blockers (as minors!) and are now taking hormones to stay the wrong gender. That would be another 15,000. There's another 800 or so girls who have had mastectomies.

A lot of people taking hormones for gender affirming care didn't get to start on puberty blockers.

What is with you lefties who don't have a clue what you're talking about?????? This is a problem that is getting bigger and your head is buried deeply. Inform yourself for gawd's sake.

What is it with you wingnuts that you need to stick your noses in everyone else's business?

No shit. Her story is the same one repeated over and over and over again by idiot and sick proponents of gender dysphoria who reside exclusively on the left.

She should have been sent for in depth and long term counseling, not a mastectomy and puberty blockers. This is a mental illness and should be treated as such, not by mutilating her and causing her lifelong mental and physical problems.

Thanks so much for making my point for me.
You didn't have a point.

She was the one who insisted on the mascectory after a boy in her class groped her titties. Now she has regrets. Medical professionals can only do so much, they have to rely on what the patient tells them.

Chloe Brockman is a seriously messed up individual. Maybe the doctors got it wrong. Maybe they didn't.

99% of people who do transition are happy with their decision.
More RW misinformation and Fear Mongering

Childrens genitals are not being mutilated
We are talking puberty blockers and hormone therapy before they are 18
The ultimate goal involves mutilating their genitals.

Again, you attempt this ruse where anybody who does not share your desire for castration is "right wing".

You live in an extremely simple minded world and so imagine everybody who wishes to protect children from you ghouls is your polar opposite.
To give you my precious time, yes.

Thanks for your time, precious. May I call you precious?


There’s nothing in “sound science”, as opposed to regular science, that recognizes men getting pregnant or chromosomes magically rearranging to change men into women or vice versa.

What we’re seeing with Dems / Marxists is a rush to groom young children, 5 and 6 years old, and to literally persuade them to question their biological sex.

An APA Report (p.4) concludes that there is no consensus at all regarding treatment of children with gender identity disorder, now called Gender Dysphoria (GD), and identifies three approaches to working with children with GD.

Strangely, nothing in the APA report recommends immediately doping children with drugs and pushing them toward mutilating surgeries.
The ultimate goal involves mutilating their genitals.

Again, you attempt this ruse where anybody who does not share your desire for castration is "right wing".

You live in an extremely simple minded world and so imagine everybody who wishes to protect children from you ghouls is your polar opposite.

Actually, most Transgenders keep their genitals
Castration of children is a RW myth
What is wrong with you people this is madness at the highest level! If you support this, you support child abuse and probably praised the Movie Cuties, and chastised the Sound of Freedom!
Thanks for your time, precious. May I call you precious?


There’s nothing in “sound science”, as opposed to regular science, that recognizes men getting pregnant or chromosomes magically rearranging to change men into women or vice versa.

What we’re seeing with Dems / Marxists is a rush to groom young children, 5 and 6 years old, and to literally persuade them to question their biological sex.

An APA Report (p.4) concludes that there is no consensus at all regarding treatment of children with gender identity disorder, now called Gender Dysphoria (GD), and identifies three approaches to working with children with GD.

Strangely, nothing in the APA report recommends immediately doping children with drugs and pushing them toward mutilating surgeries.
The mere fact that cases of gender confusion have doubled in just a few years shows that this is a social phenomenon, not biological.

It is really more a case of children with various cluster b personality disorders encountering adults who reinforce such notions responsible for the surge.

Take one boy or girl with an histrionic personality disorder, lavish them with attention and support, reinforce ideas that they are members of the opposite sex, make the attention you give them contingent upon the transsexuality and voila'
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Democrats are leaving the decision to family members and medical professionals

Republicans who have never met the kid want to make tge decision for them
Yup. Like drinking, smoking, face tattoos. There are some decisions that a child should not be making.
I'm sorry you are an idiot who doesn't understand numbers. Most people on puberty blockers are not taking them for Gender Dysphoria, but for early onset puberty, because our kids are so fat and full of hormones in their foods they are growing racks at 9.
Um, look in the mirror. There's the idiot.

I agree that American kids are fat and experiencing early puberty. But you're going to have to link your contention as it sounds full of shit. Puberty blockers are absolutely not harmless.

You also failed to actually read the link:

Over the last five years, there were at least 4,780 adolescents who started on puberty blockers and had a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis.

This tally and others in the Komodo analysis are likely an undercount because they didn’t include treatment that wasn’t covered by insurance and were limited to pediatric patients with a gender dysphoria diagnosis.
Practitioners may not log this diagnosis when prescribing treatment.

She was the one who insisted on the mascectory after a boy in her class groped her titties. Now she has regrets. Medical professionals can only do so much, they have to rely on what the patient tells them.
Medical professionals should have sent her for treatment to address her obvious mental illness, not cut off her breasts and prescribe puberty blockers. You keep making my point for me.

Chloe Brockman is a seriously messed up individual. Maybe the doctors got it wrong. Maybe they didn't.
And certainly they didn't do their job in addressing her issues. Now she has no breasts and a seriously fucked up body in addition to the obvious mental illness. Again, thanks for making my point.

99% of people who do transition are happy with their decision.
Link, please.

Do you have any idea how to link your opinions? Or are you just another leftie that thinks their opinions are the same as facts? There's an epidemic of that in these parts.
The mere fact that cases of gender confusion have doubled in just a few years shows that this is a social phenomenon, not biological.

It is really more a case of children with various cluster b personality disorders encountering adults who reinforce such notions responsible for the surge.

Take one boy or girl with an histrionic personality distorted, lavish them with attention and support, reinforce ideas that they are members of the opposite sex, make the attention you give them contingent upon the transsexuality and voila'
That’s a great description.

A segment of society has made it trendy for youngsters to believe they are the opposite sex. Impressionable youngsters are coerced with group and peer pressure and wanting to be accepted by their group and peers will do what is necessary to fit in.
Thanks for
are you still talking to the wall?

The mere fact that cases of gender confusion have doubled in just a few years shows that this is a social phenomenon, not biological.

No, it just shows that we are getting better at identifying it now.

Check out this chart. This chart shows what percentage of the population identifies as left handed over the years. because initially, you wrote with your "right" hand, and the other hand was the one that was "left". So if teachers caught you favoring your left hand, they tried to force you into using your right. Then they realized that being left handed was nothing wrong, and stopped doing that. So the number of left handed people jumped from 3% to 12%, and that's where it's been since 1960 or so.


It is really more a case of children with various cluster b personality disorders encountering adults who reinforce such notions responsible for the surge.

Um, wow, it almost sounded like you said something smart, until you didn't.

Take one boy or girl with an histrionic personality distorted, lavish them with attention and support, reinforce ideas that they are members of the opposite sex, make the attention you give them contingent upon the transsexuality and voila'
Except... no one is doing that.
The mere fact that cases of gender confusion have doubled in just a few years shows that this is a social phenomenon, not biological.
They haven't doubled in the US, they've tripled between 2017 and 2021.

Abigail Shrier calls it a social contagion. I can't think of a better description.

Amazon product ASIN 1684510317
You hit the nail on the head with that post, thank you.
They want prettier tranny porn stars, and these porn addicts think starting them young will work better than what they do now re mutilations. Yes, they are insane.
A large number of supporters of puberty blockers are interested in exactly that, though no one on this board, praise Allah.

The only passable transwomen are actually very young "transgirls," who have had their puberties blocked to keep them from developing natural secondary sex characteristics, and then been given female hormones to induce them to develp unnatural secondary sex characteristics.

Some men think of them as "girls with something extra."
No transition takes place you idiot they are simply cosmetically different! I pray you have no kids and if so no grandkids
Good point.

For the supporters of this insanity, what does a child, or an adult who gets gender affirming care transition into? They transistion from what to what, exactly?
They haven't doubled in the US, they've tripled between 2017 and 2021.

Abigail Shrier calls it a social contagion. I can't think of a better description.

Or they are just better at identifying it now.
Because they are prohibiting transition counseling, puberty blockers and hormone therapy
What states have prohibited mental health care for children? Please provide a link with the actual language of the law. I'll wait.
What states have prohibited mental health care for children? Please provide a link with the actual language of the law. I'll wait.
You may be waiting for a long, long time, Rawley. That one isn't capable of linking his/her really off the wall opinions. This place is full of XO's.

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