Transgender Biden official Rachel Levine says hormones can help kids 'going through the wrong puberty'

You may be waiting for a long, long time, Rawley. That one isn't capable of linking his/her really off the wall opinions. This place is full of XO's.
At least he didn't use the bullshit phrase "gender affirming care" that most of them fall back on. He got specific.
At least he didn't use the bullshit phrase "gender affirming care" that most of them fall back on. He got specific.
He did because he's not very smart and predictably a leftie. My guess is he'll start using it now. :laugh:
are you still talking to the wall?

I was responding to your post, precious. Are you sure it's ok to call you precious?

According to the diagnostic tool of the American Psychiatric Assoc., (DSM-5), approximately 1/100 of one percent of the population experiences so- called gender dysphoria.

It seems that while the statistics indicate less than one person in 10,000 has this condition, Dem / Marxist politicians, their mutley cabal of “minor attracted persons”, the leftist NEA, the media,, and the gaggle of leftist loons in tow would have us think that at least five percent of young people are actually transgender. As you’re math limited, that suggests a disparity by a factor of 500. Remarkable, no, that in just the last few years, there are 500 times more transgender individuals than there were only a few years ago.
I don’t
The child, along with parents and medical professionals will arrive at that decision.

Why should we allow Republicans, who have never met the child, make the decision for them?

Because conservative are capable of making decisions based on facts, science, reason and common sense. You leftist are not.
You mean people who can't overcome their own bigotries... Honestly, it sounds like your problem, not the kid's.

You see, I think that there are kids who would actually benefit from SSRI's. And there are kids who get them because their parents and teachers can't really handle them.

I would trust medical professionals over religious fanatics.

Nope. The Religious fanatics thingy won’t work when it comes to the nations children.
Nope. The Religious fanatics thingy won’t work when it comes to the nations children.
They try to marginalize the attempt to save children, by saying it's a religious thing, as a Christian, yes I am very much against it, but it is not the only reason, it's a lie!
talking to the wall, have fun.
Nope. The Religious fanatics thingy won’t work when it comes to the nations children.

You guys keep trying to create these fake panics, but people aren't falling for it. You couldn't trans panic your way to a victory in 2022, and it won't work in 2024.

The funny thing is - these idiots are more fanatical about their woke religion than all but the most extreme christians.
By "Woke", you mean treating everyone with the same privileges you enjoy as a white, cisgendered male?
Actually, I don't go to a hospital for religion, and I don't go to church for medical advice.
In 20 years, most of the Churches will be pretending they had nothing to do with anti-LGBTQ hate. Like they all try to pretend they had nothing to do with segregation now.

I honestly hope that if you work with a transgender person, you take that attitude. Have a nice trip to HR

In some cases, that is the best option. In fact, very few trans kids are getting gender affirming care.
And I bet you will say exactly the same fucked up thing when pedophiles get their special rights. You and the rest of you diseased Commies support all manner of sexual perversion and look down on people who want to honor G-d by remaining virgins until marriage, the way sex is supposed to be.

Government sanctioned insanity.

Time is here.

It finally made it to the highest levels through the most corrupt incompetent administration in this nation's history. Nothing top's it. Biden will be the most disrespected President of the USA in the world now, and one that the world has ever known.

There's even honor in war, but there's no honor in any of this president's pandering do anything for a vote antics. None.

The fact that we can't even use the constitution to stop something like we are seeing now, IMO is a huge flaw in the constitution. Then again it's probably not the constitution, but man's inability to hold up the constitution to the letter instead.
And I bet you will say exactly the same fucked up thing when pedophiles get their special rights. You and the rest of you diseased Commies support all manner of sexual perversion and look down on people who want to honor G-d by remaining virgins until marriage, the way sex is supposed to be.

Sex with a child is illegal, so, um, no.

And yes, I look down on religious prudes who want to dictate my sex life, thank you very much. Mind your own fucking business.

Oh, yeah, there is no God. Hate to break it to you.
talking to the wall, have fun.

You're too negative about your abilities, limited though they are.. "Brick" might be a better description of your abilities.

In one of those bastions of uber-leftist, Gender Studies addled leftwing universities, "trendy" is taken to new levels of absurdity.

Stockholm Syndrome, no doubt.

Forty percent of Brown University students say they are LGBT, suggesting social contagion
More proof of why we need the decision made by parents, the child and medical professionals instead of hysterical Republicans who hate Transexuals.

Young children are given puberty blockers to prevent their body from assuming the physical characteristics of the gender they have rejected.
Then, if the child is adapting to their new gender, hormones are provided to allow the teen to assume physical characteristics of their new gender.
Surgery is rarely performed until 18
Shame on you RW
I didn't think you would go this far just to do more cheerleading.
Real young people have had their lived ruined over this. Puberty blockers have sterilized some kids who took hormones at the same time, and many do.
You cannot just "pause" puberty without dramatic consequences.
It lowers your bone density permanently.
It stops genital growth, permanently altering their sex organs.
Because a 12 year old thinks they know what they want???

Bad show RW.... this is very low for you.
You're repeating yourself. The decision is still the child's. Hopefully, it was the child who instigated the need for a decision and they're not being pushed into it from the parents or the docs. (This is not the case in a good number of kids who have sought to detransition. What they are saying about being pushed to transition by "doctors" is horrifying.)

Why allow a child to make lifelong decisions that will have extreme effects on his/her mental and physical health for the rest of their lives???????
The people engaging in transitioning children should be LOCKED up immediately, and charged with child endangerment, child abuse, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
What is wrong with you people this is madness at the highest level! If you support this, you support child abuse and probably praised the Movie Cuties, and chastised the Sound of Freedom!

'Puberty Blockers, giving male children boobs (& mutilating their genitals) can help kids going through puberty'?
Sex with a child is illegal, so, um, no.

And yes, I look down on religious prudes who want to dictate my sex life, thank you very much. Mind your own fucking business.

Oh, yeah, there is no God. Hate to break it to you.
David has a word that describes you. Psalm 14:1 " The fool in his heart says 'there is no G-d'".

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