Transgender Biden official Rachel Levine says hormones can help kids 'going through the wrong puberty'

What is wrong with you people this is madness at the highest level! If you support this, you support child abuse and probably praised the Movie Cuties, and chastised the Sound of Freedom!
Levine is a dirty Pervert.
You mean people who can't overcome their own bigotries... Honestly, it sounds like your problem, not the kid's.

You see, I think that there are kids who would actually benefit from SSRI's. And there are kids who get them because their parents and teachers can't really handle them.

I would trust medical professionals over religious fanatics.
Follow the science then arsehole not transition occurs, good to know the type of person, (and I use that term loosely) support this mutilation if childhood
More children drown in pools than commit suicide due to being denied puberty blockers. Yet, which does the left focus on?

What a hilarious example of white wing logic. You know, if Republicans started a fearmongering campaign to try and deny liberal parents the ability to put fences around their pools to protect their children from drowning you'd probably hear about that too.

What a hilarious example of white wing logic. You know, if Republicans started a fearmongering campaign to try and deny liberal parents the ability to put fences around their pools to protect their children from drowning you'd probably hear about that too.
You win idiot of the internet today, for such a blithering idiot post!

What a hilarious example of white wing logic. You know, if Republicans started a fearmongering campaign to try and deny liberal parents the ability to put fences around their pools to protect their children from drowning you'd probably hear about that too.
This has nothing to do with race. There is no such thing as a white wing party.
You [Curried Goats] win idiot of the internet today, for such a blithering idiot post!

They day is still young, and this thread has already been graced by the presence and participation of others whose idiocy is on a similar scale. Don't be so hasty to hand out that award just yet.
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945 kids drown in ALL bodies of water. From bathtubs to lakes.

I suspect the number of Trans kids who take their own lives is higher.
Suicide rate among trans people of all ages is shockingly high as with many other mental disorders. But there are no documented cases that I know of in which a "trans child" committed suicide due to being denied puberty blockers.

Gender specialists lie when they tell parents that puberty blockers prevent suicide.
Actually someone who understands the difficulty of this decision and wants it made by family members and medical professionals……NOT Republicans making the decision based on prejudice and bigotry towards the transgendered
And yet Democrats are FORCING this garbage on society. Republicans are at least stepping up to protect children from you.
And yet Democrats are FORCING this garbage on society. Republicans are at least stepping up to protect children from you.
Democrats are leaving the decision to family members and medical professionals

Republicans who have never met the kid want to make tge decision for them
Actually, only about 5000 kids are getting puberty blockers, and a lot of those are kids who are suffering early onset puberty. (I.e. going through puberty when their age is still in single digits.)
May I remind you that you said it was only a few hundred??? Where's your apology or even acknowledgement how wrong you were?

And you didn't read far enough down into the article to see how many MINORS have finished puberty blockers (as minors!) and are now taking hormones to stay the wrong gender. That would be another 15,000. There's another 800 or so girls who have had mastectomies.

What is with you lefties who don't have a clue what you're talking about?????? This is a problem that is getting bigger and your head is buried deeply. Inform yourself for gawd's sake.
Uh, her story is a lot more complicated than that.

First, she is the one who kept insisting on getting gender affirming care, and when her first set of doctors turned her down, she insisted that her parents get a new set.

She also suffered from a whole host of other issues, such as ADHD, bulimia, depression.
No shit. Her story is the same one repeated over and over and over again by idiot and sick proponents of gender dysphoria who reside exclusively on the left.

She should have been sent for in depth and long term counseling, not a mastectomy and puberty blockers. This is a mental illness and should be treated as such, not by mutilating her and causing her lifelong mental and physical problems.

Thanks so much for making my point for me.
Actually, he was married for a quarter of a century and fathered two children in that marriage.

“Transitioning to a woman” surely is what doomed that marriage.
He sure found a great way to work his way up the Stalinist chain of command, too.

The only thing better would be if he could have turned himself black, as well.
Oops. Chatbot is unable
To give you my precious time, yes.
You define it as “bigotry” to give greater credence to sound science than to he insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases.

It is no insult at all to be called a “bigot” by your fucked-up kind. If anything, it would be an insult to be accused, by you, of not being a bigot.

Sound science recognizes Gender Dysphoria as a real thing and that transitioning is a legitimate treatment.

You really haven't made an argument of why transgenders are "Fuck up Mental cases" other than you don't like it.

Again, I can't claim any expertise with regard to what is or is not appropriate use of such drugs.

I can say, however, that there is no evidence if them being anywhere near as harmful as the crazy, fucked-up shit that you are defending in this thread.

Actually, there's quite a lot... do some research.

Josef Mengele was a medical professional. He likely would have fully supported, and been very fascinated with, the sort of fucked-up shit that you are defending. This would be right up his alley.

Given your Nazi heritage, I guess it should not be surprising to see you aligning to this degree with Mengele and his kind.

I wasn't aware anyone asked Mengele to do what he did. Trans people are asking for this treatment.
Again equating racial issues and sexuality/gender bullshit in an attempt to ignore the fact they are different.

Not many in Engineering because Engineers deal in reality, not made up social "science" bullshit.

"gender affirming care", same wordplay as "final solution"

Um, no, it's an accurate description of the treatment. The problem is that it makes YOU uncomfortable. Just like souther bigots were uncomfortable when black people drank out of the same water fountains.

Engineering degrees aren't an immunity to stupid. I worked with one engineer who told me that dinosaurs co-existed with men. Another went on a rant about how 9/11 is an inside job.

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