Transgender Day

All I know is that you somehow are offended by a day to recognize transgendered individuals.

And that’s definitely not consistent with your claim to not care about their identities.

Probably because you say one thing and do another.
In case you didn’t know, this is a forum where opinions are expressed daily. So, you’re trying hard to make me out to be some kind of bigot because my opinion doesn’t match yours.

If you want conformity of opinion, then I suggest you find a left wing board to post on…
In case you didn’t know, this is a forum where opinions are expressed daily. So, you’re trying hard to make me out to be some kind of bigot because my opinion doesn’t match yours.

If you want conformity of opinion, then I suggest you find a left wing board to post on…
I’m just observing that you contradict yourself.

You don’t want people to mindlessly attack others, but that’s what you do here.

Practice what you preach, is that so hard?
It is proven by the fact that they have determined depravity, and lies to be science!
That's not a fact you dumb Bingo. Depravity is inherently subjective. You don't even know the fucking difference between facts and opinions. You're a moron. Go sit in a corner before you embarrass yourself further.
I’m just observing that you contradict yourself.

You don’t want people to mindlessly attack others, but that’s what you do here.

Practice what you preach, is that so hard?
So, disagreement is now “attack”?
It was highlighted to purposefully to rub Christians face in it
It’s been pointed out to you that the day has been March 31st for like a decade. It just so happens that Easter falls on March 31st this year.

Youre just wrong and refuse to acknowledge it.
/----/ XX and XY chromosomes. You can pretend to change, but can't really do it. That's the science.
Now trust the dictionary: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
gender /jĕn′dər/


  1. A grammatical category, often designated as male, female, or neuter, used in the classification of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and, in some languages, verbs that may be arbitrary or based on characteristics such as sex or animacy and that determines agreement with or selection of modifiers, referents, or grammatical forms.
  2. The fact of being classified as belonging to such a category.
    "agreement in gender, number, and case."
  3. Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, by which most organisms are classified on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions; sex.

If you've got a Y you're a male. That's science
365 days in a year and they choose Easter? Really? This transgender crap needs to stop. They're a small minority and receiving far far too much attention.

Virginia county declares Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter this year

CHECK your facts. Trans day March 31 2009
Trans NOT set up on Easter
Just people looking to promote HATE, with out checking for facts.
CHECK your facts. Trans day March 31 2009
Trans NOT set up on Easter
Just people looking to promote HATE, with out checking for facts.

I said you didn't know it until Pedo Potato decided to push it.

Now sit down. You're bothersome
Which is?
That is a journey you need to take yourself.

I can offer you my prayers but the rest is up to you. Many don't have the strength or fortitude but for those willing, it is well worth the journey.

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