Transgender MMA fighter breaks female opponents skull is it now ok for a man to hit a woman


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Transgender MMA fighter breaks female opponent's skull. Is it now OK for a man to hit a woman? · Caldron Pool
In 2014, Fallon Fox, a transgender MMA fighter, beat his female opponent, Tamika Brents, so severely, that she suffered a broken skull and concussion before being TKO’d.

Well the trendy's wanted to show their love and tolerance lmfao, now you get to fk your kids over too as men win the " womens" bike championship, wrestling etc, now you stupid fks get to fk your kids over blow back is so grand when you pathetic idots were warned this would happen, Say bye bye to those scholarships hehehe.
Lets be honest about the realities of feminism. They want equality? Then it can not be wrong to hit a women.

Women want to act like men and do male professions like MMA, Going to war, and becoming police officers, etc. Friend, You either for tradition or you're for feminism. If you're for feminism you can NOT bitch about men hitting a women. period. They don't want tradition and not hitting them is sexist to feminist doctrine.
Another reality of "equality" in the mold of feminism is I expect in the future feminist will want sports to be integrated. So women better be reality for the reality that they will be stomped the fuck out of the elite of their own sport as men will rule it with a iron fist. Why? Because men are vastly superior in strength, speed and power. This is what happens when an entire belief system is based on lies and bs.
Funny how a bunch of women beat all the men to win the MR340 with upper body arm strength & endurance!!!
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Yeah transgender wrestlers are a significant number in the population to justify making this a topic for general discussion. :113:
Funny how a bunch of women beat all the men to win the MR340 with upper body arm strength & endurance!!!

Really ? In the Army women have to do less push ups than men because they don't have comparable upper body strength and endurance. The way those women are paddling in the video they are not amateurs.

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