Transgender Mom commercial.................

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
I never said that anyone is forcing me to do that. Should people be allowed to cut off their arms and legs so they can be a paraplegic?

Are you going to stop people who are that motivated to do so? But what a strange example. Where do you people get this stuff?
I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!
I never said that, but there is no way I should be excepting of that lifestyle if I don't believe in it.

Don't accept it. But you have no right to stop others.
I never said stop others, but I do have a right to stop others influencing my kids.
Like i said collectivism is evil

You have that right.

Look! We agree!
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
I never said that anyone is forcing me to do that. Should people be allowed to cut off their arms and legs so they can be a paraplegic?

Are you going to stop people who are that motivated to do so? But what a strange example. Where do you people get this stuff?
Yes I would stop him........................... Have you whacked off your penis yet?
I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
I never said that anyone is forcing me to do that. Should people be allowed to cut off their arms and legs so they can be a paraplegic?
I read about a guy a couple years ago that thought he was a rabbit... he started having surgery to make himself look like a rabbit. Guess what…
No matter what he is not a rabbit
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.

We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???

"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.

Well that's awesome!
You keep up the good work..thanks to super smart people like you with your twisted ideologies the DNC has nearly lost everything in D.C. as real, legit American's have reunited having been pushed back together by none other than the freak-shows themselves. Thanks for that...Much appreciated!
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
I never said that anyone is forcing me to do that. Should people be allowed to cut off their arms and legs so they can be a paraplegic?
I read about a guy a couple years ago that thought he was a rabbit... he started having surgery to make himself look like a rabbit. Guess what…
No matter what he is not a rabbit
This woman thinks she is a this I dare everyone

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
I never said that anyone is forcing me to do that. Should people be allowed to cut off their arms and legs so they can be a paraplegic?

Are you going to stop people who are that motivated to do so? But what a strange example. Where do you people get this stuff?
Yes I would stop him........................... Have you whacked off your penis yet?

Are you gay?
We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???

"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.

Well that's awesome!
You keep up the good work..thanks to super smart people like you with your twisted ideologies the DNC has nearly lost everything in D.C. as real, legit American's have reunited having been pushed back together by none other than the freak-shows themselves. Thanks for that...Much appreciated!

I'm a real, legit American.

I will keep up thinking for myself. You keep "leading with the leaders." :thewave:
No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
I never said that anyone is forcing me to do that. Should people be allowed to cut off their arms and legs so they can be a paraplegic?
I read about a guy a couple years ago that thought he was a rabbit... he started having surgery to make himself look like a rabbit. Guess what…
No matter what he is not a rabbit
This woman thinks she is a this I dare everyone

I guess to each their own, but when you start dragging others peoples adolescences into it... thats collectivism.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
I never said that anyone is forcing me to do that. Should people be allowed to cut off their arms and legs so they can be a paraplegic?
I read about a guy a couple years ago that thought he was a rabbit... he started having surgery to make himself look like a rabbit. Guess what…
No matter what he is not a rabbit

Were people lobbying for that "rabbit" to have the right to shit next to 13 year old little girls?
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.
No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
I never said that anyone is forcing me to do that. Should people be allowed to cut off their arms and legs so they can be a paraplegic?
I read about a guy a couple years ago that thought he was a rabbit... he started having surgery to make himself look like a rabbit. Guess what…
No matter what he is not a rabbit

Were people lobbying for that "rabbit" to have the right to shit next to 13 year old little girls?
Well, that's what collectivism does it forces people in the stuff they want absolutely nothing to do with…
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.
Why don't transgender and the like just keep it to themselves?
There should be no teaching/social acceptance of those lifestyles in the schools filled with adolescents... they are not mature enough to understand the consequences of such thinking.
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.
How does a person who wants to shoot heroin effect me................

Your brains ability to think logically does not exist
"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.

Well that's awesome!
You keep up the good work..thanks to super smart people like you with your twisted ideologies the DNC has nearly lost everything in D.C. as real, legit American's have reunited having been pushed back together by none other than the freak-shows themselves. Thanks for that...Much appreciated!

I'm a real, legit American.

I will keep up thinking for myself. You keep "leading with the leaders." :thewave:

Will do...and again, thanks a bunch for waking up and motivating our highest grade to finally take action against the chaotic whack-jobs.
I have a firm belief that had the DNC not aligned the party with Regressives we would be deep shit with yet another nutless turd as President.
Don't ad hom me, answer the question as honestly as you can. How does a transgender person affect your world, your life?

/---- freaks try and pass as normal so their perversion can be accepted in mainstream society. It undermines our culture. That's what hurts us.
Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why is the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

/---- you perverts want the government to force your twisted lifestyle on our children.
When there are transgender teachers in every first grade, because retards like you require it, everyone is effected.

You'd need a lot of transgenders for that to happen.

I would certainly not require that.

And no, still no one is affected.
The fact that you can not see that this would effect the normal YEA I SAID NORMAL kids in these classes and their parents as well, shows that you are a retarded transsexual or just a fool who cares about no one but yourself.

PS. Hillary Cliton lost because of views like yours


How would another person's chosen gender affect you?

"Chosen" gender....say no more. You peeps are batshit crazy for that statement alone.

So? Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I wear stripes and polka dots in the same outfit.

How does this affect your life?

/----- you equate perversion with stripes and poka dots?
See that's the difference between conservativism/libertarianism and progressivism, conservativism/libertarianism wants to be left alone And progressivism does not want to leave anyone alone… They want everyone in the collective whether they want to be or not. Fact

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