Transgender Mom commercial.................

Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.
Don't ad hom me, answer the question as honestly as you can. How does a transgender person affect your world, your life?

/---- freaks try and pass as normal so their perversion can be accepted in mainstream society. It undermines our culture. That's what hurts us.

Thanks for the answer. You had the guts to just say it.

Ahh, culture! The catch-all answer, only second to, "what about the children?????"

Our culture is very wrapped up in heterosexual norms. I would say cis- gendered norms, too, but simply using that phrase would cause some heads to explode.

However, cultures change. Constantly.
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?
Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why is the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

/---- you perverts want the government to force your twisted lifestyle on our children.
Force. You're not the first Right Winger to use that word. Your ideology traffics in force.

And now the government is using soap commercials to "force" a lifestyle upon you and your oppressive outlook. Maybe the point of the commercial is actually 'buy soap, wash yourself'.
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?

This has nothing to do with aggression....don't start to spin and frame now.
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?
There are a lot worse things than physical harm, you do realize that?
Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why is the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

/---- you perverts want the government to force your twisted lifestyle on our children.
Force. You're not the first Right Winger to use that word. Your ideology traffics in force.

And now the government is using soap commercials to "force" a lifestyle upon you and your oppressive outlook. Maybe the point of the commercial is actually 'buy soap, wash yourself'.
You do realize that's a politically correct commercial inspired by a collectivism attitude? LOL
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?

This has nothing to do with aggression....don't start to spin and frame now.

Ok. You had the aggressive dog example.

What in a transgender' behavior makes you believe that they are bad for society? Better, snowflake?
Don't ad hom me, answer the question as honestly as you can. How does a transgender person affect your world, your life?

/---- freaks try and pass as normal so their perversion can be accepted in mainstream society. It undermines our culture. That's what hurts us.

Thanks for the answer. You had the guts to just say it.

Ahh, culture! The catch-all answer, only second to, "what about the children?????"

Our culture is very wrapped up in heterosexual norms. I would say cis- gendered norms, too, but simply using that phrase would cause some heads to explode.

However, cultures change. Constantly.
Let adults decide their behavior, but adolescences are far too immature to understand the consequences of such things.
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?
There are a lot worse things than physical harm, you do realize that?

Apparently being subject to seeing a transgender on tv once in a while is worse than physical harm.
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?

Let's get real elementary here....since you're struggling to wrap your head around things.
You do understand that nothing has an affect on you until it does...right?
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?

Let's get real elementary here....since you're struggling to wrap your head around things.
You do understand that nothing has an affect on you until it does...right?

If this is a lesson about how a butterfly fart in LA can cause a monsoon in Tawain, save it.

We don't get to cut off peoples' rights because of long term "maybe" damage.
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?
There are a lot worse things than physical harm, you do realize that?

Apparently being subject to seeing a transgender on tv once in a while is worse than physical harm.
You're missing the point Einstein, just because something is politically correct does not make it morally right... in fact most times the opposite is true...
I really don't give two shits about the commercial, it's the concept that that's acceptable to all Americans… That's a load of shit
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?
There are a lot worse things than physical harm, you do realize that?

Apparently being subject to seeing a transgender on tv once in a while is worse than physical harm.
You're missing the point Einstein, just because something is politically correct does not make it morally right... in fact most times the opposite is true...
I really don't give two shits about the commercial, it's the concept that that's acceptable to all Americans… That's a load of shit

It's the concept that it's acceptable, or tolerable to enough Americans that Dove won't lose money.
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?

Let's get real elementary here....since you're struggling to wrap your head around things.
You do understand that nothing has an affect on you until it does...right?

If this is a lesson about how a butterfly fart in LA can cause a monsoon in Tawain, save it.

We don't get to cut off peoples' rights because of long term "maybe" damage.

Thank you!
You just confirmed that many of us have wasted time we'll never get back trying to reason with the unreasonable....It just can't be done.
Baseman, in an attempt to deflect from the simple question, yet again, will find all sorts of examples of people who want to be animals. People that don't affect his life one way or another, except produce an uncomfortable feeling when he deliberately seeks out these videos and pictures.

It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?

Let's get real elementary here....since you're struggling to wrap your head around things.
You do understand that nothing has an affect on you until it does...right?

If this is a lesson about how a butterfly fart in LA can cause a monsoon in Tawain, save it.

We don't get to cut off peoples' rights because of long term "maybe" damage.

Thank you!
You just confirmed that many of us have wasted time we'll never get back trying to reason with the unreasonable....It just can't be done.

I've answered every single question posed here, explained every single position of mine several times. I didn't appeal to emotion.

Unreasonable, you might want to look in the mirror.
It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?

Let's get real elementary here....since you're struggling to wrap your head around things.
You do understand that nothing has an affect on you until it does...right?

If this is a lesson about how a butterfly fart in LA can cause a monsoon in Tawain, save it.

We don't get to cut off peoples' rights because of long term "maybe" damage.

Thank you!
You just confirmed that many of us have wasted time we'll never get back trying to reason with the unreasonable....It just can't be done.

I've answered every single question posed here, explained every single position of mine several times. I didn't appeal to emotion.

Unreasonable, you might want to look in the mirror.

"I've answered every single question posed here, explained every single position of mine several times. I didn't appeal to emotion."

That true, we asked you what 2+2 was and you did in fact answer with 7.
Just because you answered questions doesn't make you less twisted, lost and confused.
That's pretty cool that you believe it does though....You're definitely "UNIQUE".
Last edited:
It's actually quite fascinating that you have found such comfort hiding behind this cloak of delusion. You can't even understand that a Loony could say; "how does his or her choices affect you." and apply it to just about anything.
You see, almost nothing has any affect on you...UNTIL IT DOES.
We normal folk view the world and people through a much wider scope....this allows us to better forecast and act as we prefer to be proactive when possible. Look up the definition of proactive as that word does not exist for Liberals.
Your hispanic neighbor has 10 rabid pit bulls always going ape-shit crazy at the fence line....does it affect you? Of course it doesn't...not until they breach the fence and shred your little poodle or worse your 3 year old child. See, just because something may not affect you today doesn't mean it won't or can't have direct or indirect effects at a point. Some of us are intuitive enough to look ahead.

It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?
There are a lot worse things than physical harm, you do realize that?

Apparently being subject to seeing a transgender on tv once in a while is worse than physical harm.
You're missing the point Einstein, just because something is politically correct does not make it morally right... in fact most times the opposite is true...
I really don't give two shits about the commercial, it's the concept that that's acceptable to all Americans… That's a load of shit

It's the concept that it's acceptable, or tolerable to enough Americans that Dove won't lose money.
Dove can do what they want, like I said I don't give two shits. But showing some sorry ass sob story of some transgender want-to-be is not the right thing for the traditional family to except.
It's obvious the transgender/gays/whatever want to force their way of life into the traditional American's way of life, sounds like an insecurity to me. Why don't transgender's/gays just keep to their own?
It's a reasonable jump to conclude that those dogs may become dangerous because they exhibit aggressive behavior.

So what aggressive behavior does a transgender exhibit that leads you to believe that you will be hurt by them someday?
There are a lot worse things than physical harm, you do realize that?

Apparently being subject to seeing a transgender on tv once in a while is worse than physical harm.
You're missing the point Einstein, just because something is politically correct does not make it morally right... in fact most times the opposite is true...
I really don't give two shits about the commercial, it's the concept that that's acceptable to all Americans… That's a load of shit

It's the concept that it's acceptable, or tolerable to enough Americans that Dove won't lose money.
Dove can do what they want, like I said I don't give two shits. But showing some sorry ass sob story of some transgender want-to-be is not the right thing for the traditional family to except.
It's obvious the transgender/gays/whatever want to force their way of life into the traditional American's way of life, sounds like an insecurity to me. Why don't transgender's/gays just keep to their own?

Make your outrage known to Dove. It's not like transgenders held an heiress hostage until they put out a transgender-friendly commercial.

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