Transgender Mom commercial.................

Has someone forced you to have a transgender live with you???

If so, you're the victim of a scam.
You're misunderstanding, it should not be acceptable to the traditional family if they don't want it to be.

So don't accept it. Tell your family that they may not be transgender. Avoided contact with those you deem undesirable. There's no forced association here.
Actually there is, schools along with other social places want to force that on adolescences. When they are far too young and immature to decide on their own.

What's being forced on them?
Something other than the traditional family, went outside forces should have no say in such matters.

I still don't know specifically what you're talking about. Forced friendships? Making your kids out on opposite sex clothes? What?
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.

If you are so sure that what you are doing is not hurting anyone, why are you having this conversation. You already know that you are not going to change our opinions. That said you are trying to prove to yourself that you are not knucking futz, and you can't do it

Actually, even if I'm absolutely fucking batshit crazy, it's none of your business, because it doesn't affect you.

I am absolutely sure that what I'm doing is not hurting anyone. This is all mental gymnastics.
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.

We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???

"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Let's not start the semantics.
When one works toward and aspires to be productive, normal and positive contributing you can hardly call that following. You're simply leading with the leaders.
You're misunderstanding, it should not be acceptable to the traditional family if they don't want it to be.

So don't accept it. Tell your family that they may not be transgender. Avoided contact with those you deem undesirable. There's no forced association here.
Actually there is, schools along with other social places want to force that on adolescences. When they are far too young and immature to decide on their own.

What's being forced on them?
Something other than the traditional family, went outside forces should have no say in such matters.

I still don't know specifically what you're talking about. Forced friendships? Making your kids out on opposite sex clothes? What?
Basically social places like school should only teach the basics like reading writing and arithmetic…
A traditional family's kids should never be exposed to things the family disagrees with. When the kids Mature they will have plenty of time and exposure to do what they want. Till then it should be off-limits for the social collective to get their maniacal hands into business that is not theirs.
We have allowed our movement to be taken over by the forces of identity politics and political correctness. Every perceived slight is grounds for snowflake-like bleating.

All we need is a story about how a white student didn't get into Harvard but a black student with lower GPA did and we whine for days. All we need is a story about how downtrodden white men are and how blacks have all the advantages (I'm a white man and I have never in my long life been denied an opportunity that I wanted by my race --- I go after what I want and stand up for myself).

All we need is a story about how a liberal college professor said something mean about white people and we whine for days. All we need is a story about people exercising their First Amendment rights in protest and we whine for days.

What happened to us? We used to be the Marlboro Men. Now we are whiny bitches. And as far as political correctness, it has taken over our movement. Say something even remotely critical about President Trump and you are excoriated by your fellow Republicans, the fair and balance media and talk radio. Say something that advocates thought instead of mindless jingoistic sloganeering and you are dubbed a "libtard" or whatever.

What has happened to us? Can't we leave the whining behind and stand on our own two feet? Why do we need something to whine about? Is it just tribal? Do we have a psychological need to simply be part of a group, just like in high school?

As our President might say: Sad!

Rugged individualism founded this country. We all should follow that model.

Actually, even if I'm absolutely fucking batshit crazy, it's none of your business, because it doesn't affect you.

I am absolutely sure that what I'm doing is not hurting anyone. This is all mental gymnastics.
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.

We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???

"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Let's not start the semantics.
When one works toward and aspires to be productive, normal and positive contributing you can hardly call that following. You're simply leading with the leaders.

It's not semantics.

You're not leading with the leaders, KellyAnne Conway. You're following a herd. And when someone breaks from the herd, you're not content to just let them go; you want to hunt them down and kill them. To protect herd solidarity.
So don't accept it. Tell your family that they may not be transgender. Avoided contact with those you deem undesirable. There's no forced association here.
Actually there is, schools along with other social places want to force that on adolescences. When they are far too young and immature to decide on their own.

What's being forced on them?
Something other than the traditional family, went outside forces should have no say in such matters.

I still don't know specifically what you're talking about. Forced friendships? Making your kids out on opposite sex clothes? What?
Basically social places like school should only teach the basics like reading writing and arithmetic…
A traditional family's kids should never be exposed to things the family disagrees with. When the kids Mature they will have plenty of time and exposure to do what they want. Till then it should be off-limits for the social collective to get their maniacal hands into business that is not theirs.

Ok. So opt your kids out of those situations..... or choose another school.
If you are so sure that what you are doing is not hurting anyone, why are you having this conversation. You already know that you are not going to change our opinions. That said you are trying to prove to yourself that you are not knucking futz, and you can't do it

Actually, even if I'm absolutely fucking batshit crazy, it's none of your business, because it doesn't affect you.

I am absolutely sure that what I'm doing is not hurting anyone. This is all mental gymnastics.
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.

We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???

"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.
You're misunderstanding, it should not be acceptable to the traditional family if they don't want it to be.

So don't accept it. Tell your family that they may not be transgender. Avoided contact with those you deem undesirable. There's no forced association here.
Actually there is, schools along with other social places want to force that on adolescences. When they are far too young and immature to decide on their own.

What's being forced on them?
Something other than the traditional family, went outside forces should have no say in such matters.

I still don't know specifically what you're talking about. Forced friendships? Making your kids out on opposite sex clothes? What?

Close. Most schools don't have forced friendships. Friendship is discouraged. Some schools prohibit the entire idea of having best friends. Many schools do have days where students are required to wear the clothing of the opposite sex. My step grandaughter's school has resolved the clothing issue by having a uniform where all students wear the same boy pants and blue polo shirts.

The military has marches where the men and women are all required to wear red high heel shoes.

Clearly accepting insanity as normal behavior has harmful and toxic effects.
Actually there is, schools along with other social places want to force that on adolescences. When they are far too young and immature to decide on their own.

What's being forced on them?
Something other than the traditional family, went outside forces should have no say in such matters.

I still don't know specifically what you're talking about. Forced friendships? Making your kids out on opposite sex clothes? What?
Basically social places like school should only teach the basics like reading writing and arithmetic…
A traditional family's kids should never be exposed to things the family disagrees with. When the kids Mature they will have plenty of time and exposure to do what they want. Till then it should be off-limits for the social collective to get their maniacal hands into business that is not theirs.

Ok. So opt your kids out of those situations..... or choose another school.
I'm not talking about my own kids, I happened to be well enough off were I can homeschool my kids. I'm talking about families that can't do such things.
Adolescences should not be exposed to such things at such an young age… That's Indoctrination.
Actually, even if I'm absolutely fucking batshit crazy, it's none of your business, because it doesn't affect you.

I am absolutely sure that what I'm doing is not hurting anyone. This is all mental gymnastics.
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.

We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???

"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.

We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???

"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…
We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???

"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!
"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves
"We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind."
Having said that, herein lies the problem.
You seek no normalcy among your fellow're extremely unique and like the tranny you are genetically flawed. You see no issue with a society made up of weirdos...Normal people view trannys as unstable and mentally ill. No normal person wants themselves and or their children interacting with the unstable and mentally ill. (This will really want to make you roll up in the fetal position) Like animals in the animal kingdom we humans seek likeminded humans either consciously or subconsciously, it's actually instinctive and embedded within our genetic makeup. You see this issue as a matter of opinion while us normal folks without the genetic challenges see it as just plain ole human nature.

You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!
I never said that, but there is no way I should be excepting of that lifestyle if I don't believe in it.
You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!
I never said that, but there is no way I should be excepting of that lifestyle if I don't believe in it.
Like I said getting along is way overrated
You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves
DNA does not lie
You said you were taught to be a leader, but you are either a case study in following the herd OR you want to lead with your definition of "normality," so no one else gets a choice.

Which is it?

Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!
I never said that, but there is no way I should be excepting of that lifestyle if I don't believe in it.

Don't accept it. But you have no right to stop others.
Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!

No one has ever changed their gender, all people can do is cross dress and mutilate themselves

Well, no one is forcing you to do that, either!
I never said that anyone is forcing me to do that. Should people be allowed to cut off their arms and legs so they can be a paraplegic?
Oh I get it're one of those. You take great pride in separation and differentials. Anyone normal is a sheep and normalcy is weird to you. This is typical ass backward thinking that comes from Liberals.

I take great pride in thinking for myself.

Hey, there's nothing wrong with following something you genuinely believe in. I'm not a contrarian. But when you use the herd to try to impose your will on others, I have a problem with that.
Bingo, why do liberals/progressives want to force their views on everyone else? Such as transgender, man-made climate change, collectivism…

No one is forcing you to change your gender!
I never said that, but there is no way I should be excepting of that lifestyle if I don't believe in it.

Don't accept it. But you have no right to stop others.
I never said stop others, but I do have a right to stop others influencing my kids.
Like i said collectivism is evil

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