Transgender Mom commercial.................

So you could not afford your Obamacare premium and or could not keep your doctor and you dropped your coverage

Why are you digging for personal details?


I am pointing out since you called yourself batshit crazy, that there is help out there, if you choose to look for it.

But being batshit crazy as you put it all you see is paranoia
Who are you? A director of social services?

No but this person described themselves as batshit crazy. The thing about such a person is that because of their condition they may not know that help exist....................

Again I did not call this person crazy, they did

This is concern? How sweet. You should go back and reread the thread.

So you forgot your own question..............................

This could be early onset altzheimers
He takes issue with the transgender being called a "Mom" (as if that affects him).

I wonder how he feels about adoptive Moms. They didn't give birth, either.
Political correctness is never a reality…
Really? That was a ham-fisted segue, and disingenuous.

So you could not afford your Obamacare premium and or could not keep your doctor and you dropped your coverage

Why are you digging for personal details?


I am pointing out since you called yourself batshit crazy, that there is help out there, if you choose to look for it.

But being batshit crazy as you put it all you see is paranoia

Did you miss the qualifier, "even if"?

But you're still deflecting from the original question, which isn't about me:

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

What question?

How does a transgender person hurt our society?
Don't ad hom me, answer the question as honestly as you can. How does a transgender person affect your world, your life?
In a lot of cases it does not, but keep them the fuck away from my kids…
Once you start accepting transgender as "normal"

It leads to this:

Facebook's 71 gender options come to UK users


Female to male trans man

Female to male transgender man

Female to male transsexual man


Gender neutral


Intersex man

Intersex person

Intersex woman

Male to female trans woman

Male to female transgender woman

Male to female transsexual woman




T* man

T* woman

Two* person

Two-spirit person


The list of the 50 previous gender options






Cis Female

Cis Male

Cis Man

Cis Woman


Cisgender Female

Cisgender Male

Cisgender Man

Cisgender Woman

Female to Male


Gender Fluid

Gender Nonconforming

Gender Questioning

Gender Variant



Male to Female








Trans Female

Trans Male

Trans Man

Trans Person







Transexual Female

Transexual Male

Transexual Man

Transexual Person

Transexual Woman

Transgender Female

Transgender Person




In reality, people are either man or woman, with one out of about 2200 being a bit of both.

As you can see from the list it gets crazy real fast.

Are you similarly flustered by Baskin Robbins 31 flavors?

So only friend people on Facebook who choose between male and female.

I'm as liberal as they come (don't be shocked!), and I haven't had any problems with gender or pronoun use on Facebook.

:ack-1: I'm shocked to the core I tell you! /sarcasm :badgrin:

I prefer my women to be women flavored. ;)

Heels, makeup, skirts, vacuuming in pearls, the whole 9 yards?


Not all women are Donna Reed. I have no doubt she was a real woman, though. Reowr! hehe.

So you could not afford your Obamacare premium and or could not keep your doctor and you dropped your coverage

Why are you digging for personal details?


I am pointing out since you called yourself batshit crazy, that there is help out there, if you choose to look for it.

But being batshit crazy as you put it all you see is paranoia

Did you miss the qualifier, "even if"?

But you're still deflecting from the original question, which isn't about me:

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

What question?

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

The question is nonsense as you are equating that all transgender are effecting society the same way. Some transgenders are invisible and others are molesting children.

A better question is how are transgenders benefitting society
In the end, they's both men dressing up like womens.

Transgender= Man dressing as a woman or woman as a man

Transvestic fetishism= Man dressing as a woman or woman as a man

They be looking mighty alike to me. :tongue-44:

Transgenderism = wanting to be the opposite gender. It involves more than clothes.

Transvestitism = playing dress up for gratification.

They're still both men dressing up like women, regardless of the particular way their brain is scrambled.

It's a matter of degrees.

If I wear a man's t-shirt, am I a transvestite? Which means I am transgender?

No. I am just comfortable.

Still, it doesn't hurt anyone.

If you are so sure that what you are doing is not hurting anyone, why are you having this conversation. You already know that you are not going to change our opinions. That said you are trying to prove to yourself that you are not knucking futz, and you can't do it

Actually, even if I'm absolutely fucking batshit crazy, it's none of your business, because it doesn't affect you.

I am absolutely sure that what I'm doing is not hurting anyone. This is all mental gymnastics.
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.
So you could not afford your Obamacare premium and or could not keep your doctor and you dropped your coverage

Why are you digging for personal details?


I am pointing out since you called yourself batshit crazy, that there is help out there, if you choose to look for it.

But being batshit crazy as you put it all you see is paranoia

Did you miss the qualifier, "even if"?

But you're still deflecting from the original question, which isn't about me:

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

What question?

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

I have no problem with that, but when queers want to be able to wag their cock in my daughters bathroom with her in it. you go fucking down
The hate is palpable. I pity all of you that think this is something to "call in the Muslims" for.

Congratulations. You agree with the Muslim extremists on this one.

All religious believe in inserting this sort of mindless hatred into everyone elses life. This is why religion sucks.
Christianity is not a religion it is a faith....
Why are you digging for personal details?


I am pointing out since you called yourself batshit crazy, that there is help out there, if you choose to look for it.

But being batshit crazy as you put it all you see is paranoia

Did you miss the qualifier, "even if"?

But you're still deflecting from the original question, which isn't about me:

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

What question?

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

The question is nonsense as you are equating that all transgender are effecting society the same way. Some transgenders are invisible and others are molesting children.

A better question is how are transgenders benefitting society

Excellent point! So transgenders are all different kinds of people.

In that case, it isn't their transgenderism that's the problem. If one is molesting children, it's not because they are transgender, anymore than a heterosexual molesting children is because of being straight.

So the condition of transgenderism doesn't hurt society, any more than the condition of heterosexuality does.

Thank you!
Leave it to the Right Wing to be wrapped so tight that a soap commercial riles them into a lather! Why I said the Right so uptight about below the belt issues? Aren't they supposed to be champions of small, less intrusive government?

They want to shrink the scope and size of government. Make it just small enough to fit into a bedroom or restroom.

Yeah, yeah...those Righties are dare they expect any sort of standard upheld among society. The anything goes free for all is awesome...Shit, look how productive households are than follow that ideology...they turn out all kinds of positive contributors...You people blow my mind.
How did you get the job? Arbiter of Society. Gaudy title, but how did you get it? What powers, other than the power to tell people how to live their private lives, does the job come with? Can you censor what we see, read and listen to? Is there a copy of the Standards of Society I can peruse so I can know if I'm in accordance with your standards? How will I know when you've peeked under a skirt or into a fly on your pursuit of conformity, purity and production?

And on productivity, are only the poor and struggling middle class exclusively saddled with sexuality that you find icky, or are there LGBT "successful" people too? Do you use your template of acceptability to measure worth based on productivity? My 83 year old mother no longer enjoys a career. Does her worthiness decline because she no longer works? My eight year old grandson doesn't work either. No productivity at all. Is he a greater or lesser threat to you than transgender Moms?

Who the hell are you to judge anyone who is not a criminal or physical threat?
Transgender/gay lifestyles should never be forced into traditional family life…
Transgenderism = wanting to be the opposite gender. It involves more than clothes.

Transvestitism = playing dress up for gratification.

They're still both men dressing up like women, regardless of the particular way their brain is scrambled.

It's a matter of degrees.

If I wear a man's t-shirt, am I a transvestite? Which means I am transgender?

No. I am just comfortable.

Still, it doesn't hurt anyone.

If you are so sure that what you are doing is not hurting anyone, why are you having this conversation. You already know that you are not going to change our opinions. That said you are trying to prove to yourself that you are not knucking futz, and you can't do it

Actually, even if I'm absolutely fucking batshit crazy, it's none of your business, because it doesn't affect you.

I am absolutely sure that what I'm doing is not hurting anyone. This is all mental gymnastics.
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.

We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???
I am pointing out since you called yourself batshit crazy, that there is help out there, if you choose to look for it.

But being batshit crazy as you put it all you see is paranoia

Did you miss the qualifier, "even if"?

But you're still deflecting from the original question, which isn't about me:

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

What question?

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

The question is nonsense as you are equating that all transgender are effecting society the same way. Some transgenders are invisible and others are molesting children.

A better question is how are transgenders benefitting society

Excellent point! So transgenders are all different kinds of people.

In that case, it isn't their transgenderism that's the problem. If one is molesting children, it's not because they are transgender, anymore than a heterosexual molesting children is because of being straight.

So the condition of transgenderism doesn't hurt society, any more than the condition of heterosexuality does.

Thank you!

LOL so you know everything about why everyone does anything.

Now you are delusional and likely schizophrenic, which is slang for batshit crazy
They're still both men dressing up like women, regardless of the particular way their brain is scrambled.

It's a matter of degrees.

If I wear a man's t-shirt, am I a transvestite? Which means I am transgender?

No. I am just comfortable.

Still, it doesn't hurt anyone.

If you are so sure that what you are doing is not hurting anyone, why are you having this conversation. You already know that you are not going to change our opinions. That said you are trying to prove to yourself that you are not knucking futz, and you can't do it

Actually, even if I'm absolutely fucking batshit crazy, it's none of your business, because it doesn't affect you.

I am absolutely sure that what I'm doing is not hurting anyone. This is all mental gymnastics.
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.

We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???
Sure you do. If you have no problem with trangenders doing commercials then you are supporting its' normalization. We do have liberty, that's another strawman. We define society as a democratic people, we don't have individuals that make decisions for everybody else.
Why are you digging for personal details?


I am pointing out since you called yourself batshit crazy, that there is help out there, if you choose to look for it.

But being batshit crazy as you put it all you see is paranoia

Did you miss the qualifier, "even if"?

But you're still deflecting from the original question, which isn't about me:

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

What question?

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

I have no problem with that, but when queers want to be able to wag their cock in my daughters bathroom with her in it. you go fucking down

If anyone is wagging their genitals at your 12-year-old daughter, you have the absolute right to defend her against that. That isn't transgenderism; that is pedophilia or exhibitionism.
I am pointing out since you called yourself batshit crazy, that there is help out there, if you choose to look for it.

But being batshit crazy as you put it all you see is paranoia

Did you miss the qualifier, "even if"?

But you're still deflecting from the original question, which isn't about me:

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

What question?

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

I have no problem with that, but when queers want to be able to wag their cock in my daughters bathroom with her in it. you go fucking down

If anyone is wagging their genitals at your 12-year-old daughter, you have the absolute right to defend her against that. That isn't transgenderism; that is pedophilia or exhibitionism.

So you agree that Cuomo is batshit crazy then?

Did you miss the qualifier, "even if"?

But you're still deflecting from the original question, which isn't about me:

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

What question?

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

The question is nonsense as you are equating that all transgender are effecting society the same way. Some transgenders are invisible and others are molesting children.

A better question is how are transgenders benefitting society

Excellent point! So transgenders are all different kinds of people.

In that case, it isn't their transgenderism that's the problem. If one is molesting children, it's not because they are transgender, anymore than a heterosexual molesting children is because of being straight.

So the condition of transgenderism doesn't hurt society, any more than the condition of heterosexuality does.

Thank you!

LOL so you know everything about why everyone does anything.

Now you are delusional and likely schizophrenic, which is slang for batshit crazy

I know that words have meaning.

When you talk about molesting children, that is pedophilia. If only transgender people molested children, you'd have a point. But we know that isn't the case. Heterosexuals molest children, too.

Therefore, it's not that transgenderism is the problem.
What question?

How does a transgender person hurt our society?

The question is nonsense as you are equating that all transgender are effecting society the same way. Some transgenders are invisible and others are molesting children.

A better question is how are transgenders benefitting society

Excellent point! So transgenders are all different kinds of people.

In that case, it isn't their transgenderism that's the problem. If one is molesting children, it's not because they are transgender, anymore than a heterosexual molesting children is because of being straight.

So the condition of transgenderism doesn't hurt society, any more than the condition of heterosexuality does.

Thank you!

LOL so you know everything about why everyone does anything.

Now you are delusional and likely schizophrenic, which is slang for batshit crazy

I know that words have meaning.

When you talk about molesting children, that is pedophilia. If only transgender people molested children, you'd have a point. But we know that isn't the case. Heterosexuals molest children, too.

Therefore, it's not that transgenderism is the problem.
It's a matter of degrees.

If I wear a man's t-shirt, am I a transvestite? Which means I am transgender?

No. I am just comfortable.

Still, it doesn't hurt anyone.

If you are so sure that what you are doing is not hurting anyone, why are you having this conversation. You already know that you are not going to change our opinions. That said you are trying to prove to yourself that you are not knucking futz, and you can't do it

Actually, even if I'm absolutely fucking batshit crazy, it's none of your business, because it doesn't affect you.

I am absolutely sure that what I'm doing is not hurting anyone. This is all mental gymnastics.
Erecting strawmen is your favorite hobby. You support the normalisation of trangenderism and gender confusion. If it happens it will affect society and kids. To come here and take your position then claim you aren't really hurting anyone is beyond stupid, the issue is how we define society not how much hurt you or someone else may or may not inflict.

We've had this discussion. I don't support "normalization" of any kind.

I fail to see how it's a straw man argument. "How we define our society"? How about we define it using liberty as the standard? And your rights end where they begin to impede on my rights. I thought this was a common conservative ideal???
Sure you do. If you have no problem with trangenders doing commercials then you are supporting its' normalization. We do have liberty, that's another strawman. We define society as a democratic people, we don't have individuals that make decisions for everybody else.

So what do you propose to do about the commercial? I support the company's right to put it out there. I support the transgender's right to be in it? Would you legislate either of those rights away?

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