Transgender Politics: What about Trans Christian Viewpoints


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Ex-Ex-Trans - Transgender Christians

Here's an interesting website with some more perspectives
on transgender politics.

While there are still Christian advocacy groups arguing that many gay
and transgender people can be healed and cured of unwanted orientation,
this author points out many of these "ex" gay/transgender later went back
and retracted their positions and returned to reclaim gay/transgender identity.

This does not negate my continuing stance, that the issue of sexual orientation and gender identity is a "spiritual" determination and process. So it can possibly change, as can someone change their religious or spiritual affiliation from Christian to Buddhist or Muslim and back to Christian.

I don't believe govt should be abused to penalize or discriminate based on someone's BELIEFS about sexual orientation or gender identity, because these are faith based. I believe that people's beliefs, either way, should be protected from infringement or discrimination; and defend the right of individuals to work out issues and resolve conflicts on local levels, instead of imposing policies through state or federal govt that violate the beliefs and equal protection of one side or another. Both should be equally protected by law, and conflict resolution on a local level, as directly as possible at the source, is still the most effective way I can see to protect, include and represent all beliefs and interests EQUALLY as required by laws.
I have to say that I am puzzled—in connection with a number of issues, of which this is one—that the side of a particular issue which seems to me to be the only obviously ethical, moral, and rational side, is often associated with Christianity, to the point that those who hold the opposing view tend to characterize the view of their adversaries as being religion-based.

The distinction between male and female is a matter of objective, observable, provable, scientific facts, based on genetics, morphology, and reproductive roles. This has nothing to do with Christianity. This has nothing to do with religion.

A man who thinks he's a woman is wrong; not because any religion says so, but because his view is in direct and irreconcilable opposition to provable science.
I have to say that I am puzzled—in connection with a number of issues, of which this is one—that the side of a particular issue which seems to me to be the only obviously ethical, moral, and rational side, is often associated with Christianity, to the point that those who hold the opposing view tend to characterize the view of their adversaries as being religion-based.

The distinction between male and female is a matter of objective, observable, provable, scientific facts, based on genetics, morphology, and reproductive roles. This has nothing to do with Christianity. This has nothing to do with religion.

A man who thinks he's a woman is wrong; not because any religion says so, but because his view is in direct and irreconcilable opposition to provable science.

Dear Bob Blaylock

I agree that "gender IDENTITY" is different from physical gender,
(Physical gender is a genetically determined factor, which CAN be equated with race as genetically determined.)

What the issues (of LGBT beliefs and expression and
Christian beliefs and expression) have in common is how these are treated by govt and public policy.
If we are to be CONSISTENT about people's personal choice and beliefs,
then neither can Christianity nor LGBT practices be either
"established or prohibited" by govt; and neither should be
PENALIZED or discriminated by govt policy either.

The common issue is about EXPRESSION and BELIEF
(regardless if a creed or practice is viewed as right or wrong, choice or inherent spiritual
belief that people cannot help or may or may not be able to change or choose).

Neither can someone's beliefs that are "faith based"
be IMPOSED by govt especially not to the point of PENALIZING people for not sharing these beliefs;
NOR can they be denied and discriminated against.
BOTH standards should be met, and not pit one against the other.

NOTE: While LGBT orientation/identity is NOT something necessarily determined by "genetics,"
this could yet be shown to be caused at birth, such as by hormonal or chemical
conditions in the womb that could cause people to affiliate with
the opposite gender identity or sexual orientation.

So although it may not be genetic as race, the issue of gender IDENTITY could be either framed as
"spiritual" affiliation and identity (which is someone's personal choice or belief,
REGARDLESS if other people view this as wrong, similar to religions that other people reject)
or could be found to be caused (at least in SOME cases) by conditions in the womb
that affect prenatal and neural development, similar to being born with a disability
that is not that person's choice or especially not their fault.

Since cases may VARY, it remains FAITH BASED which cases are
natural and which are unnatural, which can change as a choice of behavior,
and which cannot.

To try to DETERMINE which case applies to which people
would invade their privacy, and thus cause due process issues.
Likewise, to discriminate against people whose beliefs are in conflict
with LGBT beliefs and practices isn't fair either, since pushing policy
through govt would force either one side or the other to have to
compromise or change their beliefs.

The best solution I have found is to support NEUTRAL bathroom
and shower facilities so that NEITHER group of people has to change their
beliefs to accommodate the other.

As for businesses and business owners that run into conflicts with beliefs
about LGBT marriage and relationships, I recommend "mediation waivers"
similar to arbitration waivers, where clients and businesses sign agreements
in advance to resolve any conflicts by mediation and consensus, and if
resolution isn't possible, both parties agree to refrain from conducting business
in order to avoid legal action and expenses. This would prevent punishing either
side for their conflicting beliefs, so neither is imposed on the other party.
If it has a c@nt, then bend it over, thrust and grunt;
But add a cock and balls, and it's time to end it all.
How are transgendered people discriminated against? Are we supposed to know that by osmosis? If it's a restroom problem just keep your business to yourself and no one will know.

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