CDZ Transgender propaganda

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It’s clear that everyone has his rights, I don’t want to argue. But transgender propaganda makes me sick. It’s definitely someone’s political agenda. I don’t want to know anything about Jenner and other transgender celebrities but I see this news here and there. The question is: why do they want everyone to know about transgendering? To attract more transgender-wannabes? And why there’re no regretful transgenders showed? I heard that sex change regret is real.

Its no biggie. The folks who were persecuted are stretching their wings a bit.

I'm going to bring up something uncomfortable in a somewhat joking manner. This is all going to be a moot point once but hole transplants become mainstream. Imagine when guys want to have relations that don't result in pregnancy with their wives who hat but hole transplants and they find out the but hole came from a guy and is the same as one from a girl.
Being a mentally ill sex fetishist isn't a political issue, period; it's a mental health issue. Discriminating against crazy people is just common sense, especially when they're catalysts for all kinds of disease epidemics and have very close and endemic affinities for raping children. It is not a 'minority' in the political or legal sense; they have the same rights as anybody else and aren't in need of any protections and special exemptions from the same laws everyone must be held to. It's ridiculous to pretend they are 'special cases'; they're just mentally ill fetishists.

And, with these freaks referred to in the OP, their sex is not being changed, not one bit, so let's quit pretending it is. They're just being pumped full of hormones and going through extreme mutilations, not 'sex changes'. Taht's another ludicrous fiction being passed off as ' normalizing' this sort of sicko stuff.
There is no such thing as a 'transgender'; it's a made up nonsense word. There are some extremely mentally ill people who are being encouraged in their extreme sexual mutilation compulsions by other sickos and sociopaths.

Extreme sexual mutilation? As opposed to the moderate circumcision of little boys that is required by modern medical practice? Do tell.

they're catalysts for all kinds of disease epidemics

Without the ability to actually have sexual intercourse? You really need to stop patronizing that strip club down the street. You fellows have a nasty case of jock itch.

and have very close and endemic affinities for raping children

You're getting it wrong. Adults (with all the right organs in the right place) have sexual intercourse with each other first, and then they have children. Not the other way around.
Being a mentally ill sex fetishist isn't a political issue, period; it's a mental health issue. Discriminating against crazy people is just common sense, especially when they're catalysts for all kinds of disease epidemics and have very close and endemic affinities for raping children. It is not a 'minority' in the political or legal sense; they have the same rights as anybody else and aren't in need of any protections and special exemptions from the same laws everyone must be held to. It's ridiculous to pretend they are 'special cases'; they're just mentally ill fetishists.

And, with these freaks referred to in the OP, their sex is not being changed, not one bit, so let's quit pretending it is. They're just being pumped full of hormones and going through extreme mutilations, not 'sex changes'. Taht's another ludicrous fiction being passed off as ' normalizing' this sort of sicko stuff.

I don't want to start drawing lines in the sand here. Spilling your seed for purposes other than procreation has been frowned upon in the past. To stick on my previous point, I'm a small government hippie. I don't want Donald or Bill Clinton paying attention to what I do with my pointy objects and other people's holes, not that I expect Donald or Bill would care much unless they were interested in watching or joining in.

So as I'm all for small government I'm all against regulating your holes and points or the use there of. If you want to turn them inside out, fine, pay your perverted money to some doctor and go for it.

I'm also thinking the government should get out of the bathroom game. Go small government!

Now a corporation is an artificial entity created and enforced by the powers of big government to encourage economic risk taking / shield the risk takers from financial and legal liabilities. If someone wants to create a corporation in partnership with big government they are obligated to serve the masses evenly. If Bob wants to bake cakes in his home for his friends, small government and I just don't care.
Why so much time & energy is given to the lives of the a few thousand people

Because so much time and energy has been spent on elevating their condition to a matter of utmost political importance. You focus on the reaction rather than the original action here.

Authoritarian Leftists have turned the situation of an EXTREMELY tiny minority into their latest cause celebre, and in doing so, have ignored the wishes of the vast majority. Precious few parents are comfortable with the idea of their female children sharing a bathroom with a man, yet their wishes are being ignored simply because that man claims to feel like a woman.

This is a case of tyranny of the minority here.
I see. So you are irrational, unintelligent and have a vivid imagination.

Thanks for making that so clear.

German Nazi propaganda? Like "we" are only a few thousand or so, and "you" already have your cattle prods out to run "us" off to the concentration camps in the cattle cars on your bloody railroad.

My family in the old days never did see eye to eye with the railroad because in our eyes some of the things they did were not quite kosher.
I see. So you are irrational, unintelligent and have a vivid imagination.

Thanks for making that so clear.

German Nazi propaganda? Like "we" are only a few thousand or so, and "you" already have your cattle prods out to run "us" off to the concentration camps in the cattle cars on your bloody railroad.

My family in the old days never did see eye to eye with the railroad because in our eyes some of the things they did were not quite kosher.

That wasn't really an invitation to double down on the crazy shit, child.
That wasn't really an invitation to double down on the crazy shit, child.

A bit of a military situation "brewing" like that German beer, isn't there?

We need to move on from infant to infantry to see what's going on here.

It doesn't exactly involve alcoholic beer.
I don't think that transgender is an illness or a propaganda they didn't choose to want to be a girl or boy there personality is what decides if they are a female or male just because you have a xx or xy chromosome doesn't decide your gender.`

I'm sorry, but what does "they didn't choose" have to do with whether or not something is an illness/disorder? My mother didn't choose to be schizophrenic; my cousin didn't choose to have Down's Syndrome. What's your point?
I believe that if you are a transgender, to keep it to yourself and not all over the web, social media, etc. It should not be blasted on every social media website because it is irrelevant to make as big of a deal as we already are. It is just someone's choice/way of life.

Honestly, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I mean, if they really want to be thought of as the opposite sex, why do they go out of their way to tell people otherwise?
A bit of a military situation "brewing" like that German beer, isn't there?

We need to move on from infant to infantry to see what's going on here.

It doesn't exactly involve alcoholic beer.
Being a mentally ill sex fetishist isn't a political issue, period; it's a mental health issue. Discriminating against crazy people is just common sense, especially when they're catalysts for all kinds of disease epidemics and have very close and endemic affinities for raping children. It is not a 'minority' in the political or legal sense; they have the same rights as anybody else and aren't in need of any protections and special exemptions from the same laws everyone must be held to. It's ridiculous to pretend they are 'special cases'; they're just mentally ill fetishists.

And, with these freaks referred to in the OP, their sex is not being changed, not one bit, so let's quit pretending it is. They're just being pumped full of hormones and going through extreme mutilations, not 'sex changes'. Taht's another ludicrous fiction being passed off as ' normalizing' this sort of sicko stuff.

I don't want to start drawing lines in the sand here.

So take it up with the 'Kulture Warriors'; it's their very loud and noisy agenda, and they also demand access to your children.

Spilling your seed for purposes other than procreation has been frowned upon in the past.

I suppose this is supposed to be an indication that only those silly religious people' can possibly be opposed to this sort of insanity, and people who aren't 'religious' should therefore support it and be all kewl with it n stuff .... Well, you would be wrong about that, too.

To stick on my previous point, I'm a small government hippie. I don't want Donald or Bill Clinton paying attention to what I do with my pointy objects and other people's holes, not that I expect Donald or Bill would care much unless they were interested in watching or joining in.

So what? 'Libertarians' smoke way too much pot and aren't really a serious political ideology; most of what they 'support' has the exact opposite results they claim they will have.

So as I'm all for small government I'm all against regulating your holes and points or the use there of. If you want to turn them inside out, fine, pay your perverted money to some doctor and go for it.

So you're fine with the mentally ill doing whatever they want to do, then? Okay ... so you aren't going to mind when 'The Sons Of Charles Manson' move in next door to your hippie commune there and tell you to hand over your wimmen? You going to do what? 'Defend Yourself'? lol lol lol watch a a lot of westerns, do you?

I'm also thinking the government should get out of the bathroom game. Go small government!

Hell Yeah who the fuck needs bathrooms! Just go where ever you happen to feel like going!

Now a corporation is an artificial entity created and enforced by the powers of big government to encourage economic risk taking / shield the risk takers from financial and legal liabilities. If someone wants to create a corporation in partnership with big government they are obligated to serve the masses evenly. If Bob wants to bake cakes in his home for his friends, small government and I just don't care.

Yes, this has a whole lot to do with allowing lunatics to amputate parts of their body. It's the same exact thing, really.
Being a mentally ill sex fetishist isn't a political issue, period; it's a mental health issue. Discriminating against crazy people is just common sense, especially when they're catalysts for all kinds of disease epidemics and have very close and endemic affinities for raping children. It is not a 'minority' in the political or legal sense; they have the same rights as anybody else and aren't in need of any protections and special exemptions from the same laws everyone must be held to. It's ridiculous to pretend they are 'special cases'; they're just mentally ill fetishists.

And, with these freaks referred to in the OP, their sex is not being changed, not one bit, so let's quit pretending it is. They're just being pumped full of hormones and going through extreme mutilations, not 'sex changes'. Taht's another ludicrous fiction being passed off as ' normalizing' this sort of sicko stuff.

I don't want to start drawing lines in the sand here.

So take it up with the 'Kulture Warriors'; it's their very loud and noisy agenda, and they also demand access to your children.

Spilling your seed for purposes other than procreation has been frowned upon in the past.

I suppose this is supposed to be an indication that only those silly religious people' can possibly be opposed to this sort of insanity, and people who aren't 'religious' should therefore support it and be all kewl with it n stuff .... Well, you would be wrong about that, too.

To stick on my previous point, I'm a small government hippie. I don't want Donald or Bill Clinton paying attention to what I do with my pointy objects and other people's holes, not that I expect Donald or Bill would care much unless they were interested in watching or joining in.

So what? 'Libertarians' smoke way too much pot and aren't really a serious political ideology; most of what they 'support' has the exact opposite results they claim they will have.

So as I'm all for small government I'm all against regulating your holes and points or the use there of. If you want to turn them inside out, fine, pay your perverted money to some doctor and go for it.

So you're fine with the mentally ill doing whatever they want to do, then? Okay ... so you aren't going to mind when 'The Sons Of Charles Manson' move in next door to your hippie commune there and tell you to hand over your wimmen? You going to do what? 'Defend Yourself'? lol lol lol watch a a lot of westerns, do you?

I'm also thinking the government should get out of the bathroom game. Go small government!

Hell Yeah who the fuck needs bathrooms! Just go where ever you happen to feel like going!

Now a corporation is an artificial entity created and enforced by the powers of big government to encourage economic risk taking / shield the risk takers from financial and legal liabilities. If someone wants to create a corporation in partnership with big government they are obligated to serve the masses evenly. If Bob wants to bake cakes in his home for his friends, small government and I just don't care.

Yes, this has a whole lot to do with allowing lunatics to amputate parts of their body. It's the same exact thing, really.

Mentally ill doing whatever they want....

Without being silly, we obviously need laws to keep the Priests off the little boys.

We just don't need laws regulating consenting adults and masturbation or what they do with their sticks and holes.

Remember, small government here. Unless you are a danger to others you aren't going to some big government religious funny farm.
Being a mentally ill sex fetishist isn't a political issue, period; it's a mental health issue. Discriminating against crazy people is just common sense, especially when they're catalysts for all kinds of disease epidemics and have very close and endemic affinities for raping children. It is not a 'minority' in the political or legal sense; they have the same rights as anybody else and aren't in need of any protections and special exemptions from the same laws everyone must be held to. It's ridiculous to pretend they are 'special cases'; they're just mentally ill fetishists.

And, with these freaks referred to in the OP, their sex is not being changed, not one bit, so let's quit pretending it is. They're just being pumped full of hormones and going through extreme mutilations, not 'sex changes'. Taht's another ludicrous fiction being passed off as ' normalizing' this sort of sicko stuff.

I don't want to start drawing lines in the sand here.

So take it up with the 'Kulture Warriors'; it's their very loud and noisy agenda, and they also demand access to your children.

Spilling your seed for purposes other than procreation has been frowned upon in the past.

I suppose this is supposed to be an indication that only those silly religious people' can possibly be opposed to this sort of insanity, and people who aren't 'religious' should therefore support it and be all kewl with it n stuff .... Well, you would be wrong about that, too.

To stick on my previous point, I'm a small government hippie. I don't want Donald or Bill Clinton paying attention to what I do with my pointy objects and other people's holes, not that I expect Donald or Bill would care much unless they were interested in watching or joining in.

So what? 'Libertarians' smoke way too much pot and aren't really a serious political ideology; most of what they 'support' has the exact opposite results they claim they will have.

So as I'm all for small government I'm all against regulating your holes and points or the use there of. If you want to turn them inside out, fine, pay your perverted money to some doctor and go for it.

So you're fine with the mentally ill doing whatever they want to do, then? Okay ... so you aren't going to mind when 'The Sons Of Charles Manson' move in next door to your hippie commune there and tell you to hand over your wimmen? You going to do what? 'Defend Yourself'? lol lol lol watch a a lot of westerns, do you?

I'm also thinking the government should get out of the bathroom game. Go small government!

Hell Yeah who the fuck needs bathrooms! Just go where ever you happen to feel like going!

Now a corporation is an artificial entity created and enforced by the powers of big government to encourage economic risk taking / shield the risk takers from financial and legal liabilities. If someone wants to create a corporation in partnership with big government they are obligated to serve the masses evenly. If Bob wants to bake cakes in his home for his friends, small government and I just don't care.

Yes, this has a whole lot to do with allowing lunatics to amputate parts of their body. It's the same exact thing, really.

"Yes, this has a whole lot to do with allowing lunatics to amputate parts of their body. It's the same exact thing, really."

Once again, small government. If a competent adult wants breast enlargement or a sex change or hair implants and they can pay, I don't care. We can get into a debate about if Trump can regulate insurance companies to cover or not to cover it. Small government here. You don't want me deciding what you can't do at 4:30 because you have to lay prostrate and pray to Toronado D.C.
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