"Transgender" Target Stores: Prepare To Be Sued.

I go to a dress shop that has unisex toilets. The rooms are still multi stall but the door has an electric lock. An employee has to hit their unlock button at the same time someone is at the door to depress the lever. Only one person is allowed in at a time.
That's never gonna happen .
If you are that paranoid you'd never use a public restroom anyway.
Fantasy much?

Which restroom would this person use????? :boobies:
Target shall now be known as the store for sick sexual perverts. Simply stay out, and keep your innocent children out, of Target. They will soon shut down and be a distant memory.
The above is an example of what actual transgender people look like
Don't you see? this is where the legal problems for Target will arise. How dare you say I don't look female enough to use the little girls room...Bingo! Cha Ching!
Target shall now be known as the store for sick sexual perverts. Simply stay out, and keep your innocent children out, of Target. They will soon shut down and be a distant memory.
Only in your masturbation fantasy.
You are welcome to go into Target to buy your boys underwear and lurk around the girls restrooms. Everybody else stay out.
I go to a dress shop that has unisex toilets. The rooms are still multi stall but the door has an electric lock. An employee has to hit their unlock button at the same time someone is at the door to depress the lever. Only one person is allowed in at a time.
That's never gonna happen .
If you are that paranoid you'd never use a public restroom anyway.
Fantasy much?
What do you mean it's never going to happen. It's happened already.
Target shall now be known as the store for sick sexual perverts. Simply stay out, and keep your innocent children out, of Target. They will soon shut down and be a distant memory.
Only in your masturbation fantasy.
You are welcome to go into Target to buy your boys underwear and lurk around the girls restrooms. Everybody else stay out.
You sound like an expert in lurking around girls restrooms.
Target just caved to pressure from the Obama administration and liberal activists. They have announced that any “transgendered” person can use the bathroom in their stores, according to the gender they associate with.



Now in Target stores, men are allowed to use the restroom next to your daughter. Once called perverted, this is now a “civil right.” BREAKING: Target Stores Make MASSIVE Announcement... Parents ARE FURIOUS!

Invasion of privacy is a legal cause of action in most states for a civil suit. I suggest quite simply that women start suing their municipalities or businesses who are brazen enough to allow men in their private retreats for personal hygiene.. Emotional distress is also a cause of action. Willful negligence or intentional negligence are also causes of action. There are probably a half dozen more that result from the allowing of men in a women's bathroom.

And rest assured, under examination for facts, the men in question will be asked to lift their skirts so the jury can *see* if the case has merit...

Sue 'em... If it's good enough for the gays, it's good enough for the straights...

Time to start building third bathrooms in each and every store across the nation and in every public building, or get your asses sued off. Hmm, economic stress might actually cause a confrontation of the farce of self-diagnosed "transgenders". This is where the rubber meets the road folks. :popcorn:


Hm. No more target for me.
Only in your masturbation fantasy
At first I thought hey that's an awful big word for daws to use and spell correctly but then I realized that you are well aware of that particular big word.
I go to a dress shop that has unisex toilets. The rooms are still multi stall but the door has an electric lock. An employee has to hit their unlock button at the same time someone is at the door to depress the lever. Only one person is allowed in at a time.
That's never gonna happen .
If you are that paranoid you'd never use a public restroom anyway.
Fantasy much?
What do you mean it's never going to happen. It's happened already.
Not the way you discribe.
Just goes to show ya.....small loud groups can move mountains when our nation and our corporations are led by cowards. If you are a man and I find you in the women's room while my grand daughter is in there you will not walk out. PERIOD!
OK...listen up...prevailing laws already cover some guy coming into the women's restroom....but a transgender who looks female? How are YOU going to determine if he is genetically a man or not? Are you willing to become a Peeping Tom to keep the Transpeople out?

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