Transgender Teenage Couple, Transition Together

While there does exist genuine hatred by some, there are also those who perceive any opinion or argument different from theirs to be hatred as well.

If you state that mutilating the penis and turning it into a vagina is unnatural and doesn't make you a woman, some will call you a hateful, evil bigot. That is absurd. The natural vagina is able to engorge and moisten itself in order to facilitate natural procreation. No matter how skilled the surgeon's hand, you cannot make a penis do that. Sometimes hard facts must be reconciled, and those who resort to emotional attacks must be ignored for the sake of meaningful conversation.
As of right now, the He that thinks she is a SHE, is still a HE with all his parts intact. The She that thinks he's a HE still has all her parts intact. I guarantee you that when she kisses him, HE gets an erection.
As of right now, the He that thinks she is a SHE, is still a HE with all his parts intact. The She that thinks he's a HE still has all her parts intact. I guarantee you that when she kisses him, HE gets an erection.


Where is Youtube when we need it?

It is sad but at least they found a way to deal with their problems and someone to share them with. I would call this a best of a fucked up situation but certainly not ‘adorable.’ I have no idea why you would call self-mutilation on that scale adorable. Would you say the same if 2 people suffering from Body integrity identity disorder were to find each other and practice their particular dysfunction with each other? I am willing to bet that no one here would call that ‘adorable.’

There is no way these two can have a normal sexual relationship. They can't give a female who becomes male a working penis.

Actually, they can.

Only to an extent. Their sexual relationship will not be normal, that is a fact.

But that doesn't matter - it is their sexual relationship, no one else's, and no one needs to be concerned or interested in how they will have sex. It is for them to work out.
It is sad but at least they found a way to deal with their problems and someone to share them with. I would call this a best of a fucked up situation but certainly not ‘adorable.’ I have no idea why you would call self-mutilation on that scale adorable. Would you say the same if 2 people suffering from Body integrity identity disorder were to find each other and practice their particular dysfunction with each other? I am willing to bet that no one here would call that ‘adorable.’

Actually, they can.

Only to an extent. Their sexual relationship will not be normal, that is a fact.

But that doesn't matter - it is their sexual relationship, no one else's, and no one needs to be concerned or interested in how they will have sex. It is for them to work out.

Sure, it does not really matter, just pointing out the simple fact.

A lot of people like to think (and you seem to have suggested that yourself) that these people can actually switch genders and to be frank, they can’t. There are things that they are never going to be able to do or experience that a person that has not mutilated themselves can. That mutilation is between them though and none of our business. There are those that view tattoos in the same light – self mutilation.

I would not call what they have done ‘wrong.’ That misses the point entirely. They have done something that they wanted to without harming others. Such is perfectly fine but I do not see any difference ion what they have done and those that are sexually inflicted with Body integrity identity disorder. Again, their right to do as they please but it sure is not ‘adorable’ or ‘beautiful.’ It is far closer to very sad.
As of right now, the He that thinks she is a SHE, is still a HE with all his parts intact. The She that thinks he's a HE still has all her parts intact. I guarantee you that when she kisses him, HE gets an erection.

Why are you so fascinated with the sex lives of others?
17 is too young to have informed consent.

This is a trainwreck waiting to happen.

There's a reason why gender modification is outlawed for those under 18 even in Thailand.

It might be the right move for them but it's too young in my opinion.
The amount of hatred for people who are not like you is always astounding. Life is a second and yet people spend it hating each other. Make up a name, label the name, now you can hate the person. I wonder if this hatred of the other is so inbred that even in say five thousand years people will still label and hate?

"Start with an empty canvas
Sketch in broad outline the forms of
men, women, and children.

Dip into the unconsciousness well of your own
disowned darkness
with a wide brush and
stain the strangers with the sinister hue
of the shadow.

Trace onto the face of the enemy the greed,
hatred, carelessness you dare not claim as
your own.

Obscure the sweet individuality of each face.

Erase all hints of the myriad loves, hopes,
fears that play through the kaleidoscope of
every infinite heart.

Twist the smile until it forms the downward
arc of cruelty.

Strip flesh from bone until only the
abstract skeleton of death remains.

Exaggerate each feature until man is
metamorphasized into beast, vermin, insect.

Fill in the background with malignant
figures from ancient nightmares – devils,
demons, myrmidons of evil.

When your icon of the enemy is complete
you will be able to kill without guilt,
slaughter without shame.

The thing you destroy will have become
merely an enemy of God, an impediment
to the sacred dialectic of history."

Sam Keen

Its a brain flosser to be sure.

But, just as amazing to me is that so many people are experts in this area. I really had no idea we had such well qualified MD's and especially sexual surgery professionals posting here.
The amount of hatred for people who are not like you is always astounding.


Where is that hatred? Care to identify who is hating in this thread? I think that this hatred you are referring to is what you expect and see because it is expected because so far I have seen no one express any hatred here at all.

Dissent is hatred.
It is sad but at least they found a way to deal with their problems and someone to share them with. I would call this a best of a fucked up situation but certainly not ‘adorable.’ I have no idea why you would call self-mutilation on that scale adorable. Would you say the same if 2 people suffering from Body integrity identity disorder were to find each other and practice their particular dysfunction with each other? I am willing to bet that no one here would call that ‘adorable.’

Actually, they can.

Only to an extent. Their sexual relationship will not be normal, that is a fact.

But that doesn't matter - it is their sexual relationship, no one else's, and no one needs to be concerned or interested in how they will have sex. It is for them to work out.

Then why are we subjected to how "adorable" their sexual relationship is?
It is sad but at least they found a way to deal with their problems and someone to share them with. I would call this a best of a fucked up situation but certainly not ‘adorable.’ I have no idea why you would call self-mutilation on that scale adorable. Would you say the same if 2 people suffering from Body integrity identity disorder were to find each other and practice their particular dysfunction with each other? I am willing to bet that no one here would call that ‘adorable.’

Only to an extent. Their sexual relationship will not be normal, that is a fact.

But that doesn't matter - it is their sexual relationship, no one else's, and no one needs to be concerned or interested in how they will have sex. It is for them to work out.

Then why are we subjected to how "adorable" their sexual relationship is?

Don't look.
What noomi said --
But that doesn't matter - it is their sexual relationship, no one else's, and no one needs to be concerned or interested in how they will have sex. It is for them to work out.

That's really the crux of it.

What consenting adults do together is their business and no one elses.

Those who believe they should be able to have some degree of legal control over the private lives of others ... Surely, they would not want any one to be peeking in their bedroom windows. Why can't they just leave others alone? Just butt out.
What noomi said --
But that doesn't matter - it is their sexual relationship, no one else's, and no one needs to be concerned or interested in how they will have sex. It is for them to work out.

That's really the crux of it.

What consenting adults do together is their business and no one elses.

Those who believe they should be able to have some degree of legal control over the private lives of others ... Surely, they would not want any one to be peeking in their bedroom windows. Why can't they just leave others alone? Just butt out.

Funny that you feel the need to say such things when virtually no one is saying that they don’t or butting in. You are fabricating a position to attack here. Not a whole lot different than mid fabricating hate so he can attack that.
The amount of hatred for people who are not like you is always astounding.


Where is that hatred? Care to identify who is hating in this thread? I think that this hatred you are referring to is what you expect and see because it is expected because so far I have seen no one express any hatred here at all.

Dissent is hatred.

This is one point I'd like to adress in a future thread on transgenderism. What can be infuriorating is the absurd notion that having dissent regarding the notion of transgenderism is hatred. That sentiment merits a lot of criticism.
What noomi said --
But that doesn't matter - it is their sexual relationship, no one else's, and no one needs to be concerned or interested in how they will have sex. It is for them to work out.

That's really the crux of it.

What consenting adults do together is their business and no one elses.

Those who believe they should be able to have some degree of legal control over the private lives of others ... Surely, they would not want any one to be peeking in their bedroom windows. Why can't they just leave others alone? Just butt out.

Funny that you feel the need to say such things when virtually no one is saying that they don’t or butting in. You are fabricating a position to attack here. Not a whole lot different than mid fabricating hate so he can attack that.

Are you serious?

I posted this in this forum so it couldn't be attacked.

And, its pretty much universally hated by the Republicans. Maybe you know of a Repub who doesn't rail against anyone and everyone who isn't straight.

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