Transgender woman gets new vagina made from fish skin
A trans woman had a vagina constructed using the skin of a tilapia fish after her genitals began to shrink and close up following botched surgery.

When you think you heard it all you think it's from infowars ut then realize WTF this makes infowars look like CSPAN wonder if that fish will give it a real fish stink LOL..

Just thinking that screwing that thing would be like screwing a bucket of corn cobs. Or gravel.
Tilapia ! OUCH ! Trust me. I know Tilapia. Hope they chose a pink instead of the gray .
Woman. At least this one won't need perfume. Tarter sauce should do the trick.:2up:

I'm just a country boy but if I was the surgeon I'd be lookin for me some catfish
( those of you who catfish will get it) :auiqs.jpg:
What I can't decide on is who I would label to be more sick, this person or those who are desperate enough to get their sex from the person.

God bless you always!!!

I'll never get used to the politically accepted but sometimes contradictory phrases used to describe people who choose self mutilation. A "trans-woman" is really a genetic man right? Anyway a human can't even tolerate organ transplant from another human without taking non-rejection drugs. How the hell are they going to deal with a groin full of fish scales?
I'm shocked at the disgusting jokes that rip roared through my mind...

Shocked I tells ya!

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