
Children not yet "changed" via surgery need to go to the restroom designed for their particular sex. And children usually don't go through the procedure to change back or change what they were born it's a moot point and should be simple to fix. If one FEELS they are a boy but are in actuality BODY WISE a girl....then said person should use the girl bathroom. Once surgery is done....then it's a done deal it's a legit situation. Otherwise, how does anyone know if the guy that says he feels like a girl is just pulling some legs because he is a perv and wants to watch girls pee?

How many 5 year olds give a shit?

It's not about 5 year olds giving a shit! It's where they take a shit that's the question.

They don't take it, they leave it.
Well of course it's not going to "go away". However the likelihood of your children dealing with this issue in their school is rare.

I agree. Why worry about something that is most likely never going to affect you or your children? It seems like someone who gets worked up about something like this has an obsession with things in this world that do not fit their personal vision of how everything should be. IMO there is no one right way of living or being or seeing and understanding the world. Once you realize that that, you understand that getting all worked up over things beyond yourself and your control is foolish.

There are certain things to me that are universal wrongs, like murder, child molestation and rape. But most other things are not universal rights and wrongs for me to judge or try to control or get all worked up about because it is not a part of my personal reality.

And, has been noted: in places, like some places in Europe, if you go to the lavatory of a cafe or even a rest stop on the highway, you may find it is not gender specific. Live and let live.
Love and peace and harmony is fine but modern science tells us that the DNA you are born with indicates the gender you are assigned to for freaking life. The greatest most tolerant Country in the world allows freakazoids to get tattoos that obliterate the basic human image and you can live as a mammal of your choice as long as you can make a living. No matter how many democrats you can get to support the crazy self image you have in your mind or the operations you endure, you hairy nut cases will never have the right to use the ladies room.
we are living in a topsy-turvy world... I am hating every single minute of it.

and I know I am not the only one hating it....

I do hope the madness will be stopped .... and soon.... people can not stomach this for much longer.
You are correct about that, apologies.

But the point that I was making is that it's not as simple as "XX or XY" - not to mention that 1 or 2 people out of everything 1000 are born intersex.

But it is not intersex.. it is an extra chromosome... not changing the male or female aspect (the y chromosome brings about the male, whether it is xy, xyy, or the incredibly rare xyyy)...

There is no genetic link to homosexuality or 'transgender' feelings... and if it is not genetic, it has to be choice, learned behavior, or a result of environment (something outside the genes making the abnormality)

Look.. I am not against gay people or people who want to live as the opposite sex or whatever... I am against these arguments that try and put the issue as something it is not

If the child is a male, use the male bathroom.. if the child is a female, use the female bathroom.. and it does not mean what they or someone else FEELS they are... you can feel that you are a cheetah deep down inside, it does not change reality though

To some extent, I agree with you - at least in terms of public bathrooms, which is truly the single stupidest issue about transgenders that people could discuss.

The point that I was making (although I am aware that they are different), the frequency of XYY and XXY occuring in humans is the same frequency of people who are born intersex.

Claiming that everyone is born either a boy or a girl is not correct - around 0.2% of humans are born "intersex" and require surgery to make them either a "boy" or a "girl".

They don't require surgery, they just get it because that is the way the medical community has always treated them.
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Did someone say, "Transgendered?"
To some extent, I agree with you - at least in terms of public bathrooms, which is truly the single stupidest issue about transgenders that people could discuss.

The point that I was making (although I am aware that they are different), the frequency of XYY and XXY occuring in humans is the same frequency of people who are born intersex.

Claiming that everyone is born either a boy or a girl is not correct - around 0.2% of humans are born "intersex" and require surgery to make them either a "boy" or a "girl".

Ahh.. the hermaphrodite issue... I thought you were stating xyy or xxx was intersex.. my bad

But the hermaphrodite is usually a mutation of another gene.. a genetic test usually shows a normal xx or xy

the 'extra' genitalia is usually taken care of before a child goes to school

And I really don't want to go into the chimeras.. where some cells can be xx and some xy, which (if I am not mistaken... I have not read on this in a while) is sometimes theorized to be the fusion of 2 twins in the womb or the absorption of a twin by another.. but this does not change the sex of the human either, in reality

Actually, it's usually "taken care of" before the child goes home from the hospital.

The point that I'm trying to get to (and I'm not an "expert" in this sort of thing at all) is that the doctor is the one "choosing" whether an intersex baby should be a "boy" or a "girl".

What if the doctor chose wrong?

What if they don't chose?

66-Year-Old Chinese Man Discovers He is ?Woman? after Medical Check-Up - International Business Times
omg........ spare us.....

who gives a fig.... who....who....
Transgendered children and adults should have to use the facilities associated with their genitalia. Especially children. What right do they have to display their male parts to girl children? Or their female parts to male children?

Don't like it? To damn bad, the parts you have are what matters in the bathroom. I would sue any school that allowed a transgendered student to use the bathroom of the sex they want to be AS A VIOLATION OF MY CHILD'S RIGHTS AND EDUCATION.

Telling the totalitarianism exhibited by most on the right, their fear of dissent, their disdain for diversity, their disregard for individual liberty and the right to self-determination.

Conservatives, for the most part, are once again on the wrong side of history and the Constitution, as was the case during segregation, during voting rights litigation, and when interracial couples sought to marry.

They’re on the wrong side of history and the Constitution today as same-sex couples fight for their equal protection rights.

And conservatives will continue their long tradition of being wrong as transgender persons fight for their civil rights.

You projecting again?

How is it possible to be on the wrong side of history? Isn't history simply everything that has ever happened? Do these totalitarian conservatives have time travel, and jump into the future instead of doing it like the rest of us?

What if we find out that the reason people are confused about their gender is that they are the victims of intensive brainwashing that convinces them that nature got it wrong? Wouldn't that make people who try to accommodate them no different than the other institutions that cohere to hide child abuse?
Transgendered children and adults should have to use the facilities associated with their genitalia. Especially children. What right do they have to display their male parts to girl children? Or their female parts to male children?

Don't like it? To damn bad, the parts you have are what matters in the bathroom. I would sue any school that allowed a transgendered student to use the bathroom of the sex they want to be AS A VIOLATION OF MY CHILD'S RIGHTS AND EDUCATION.

Learn about what transgenderism actually is, and maybe you will understand the difficulties these people face.

Transgenderism is a political movement, transgenders suffer a delusional belief that they are a different gender than the one they manifest physically.
I want to vomit.

What am I going to see

this or that?

i want to see this and I will get that?

I want to vomit.

My Lord..... life is ugly nowadays :(
Well of course it's not going to "go away". However the likelihood of your children dealing with this issue in their school is rare.

I agree. Why worry about something that is most likely never going to affect you or your children? It seems like someone who gets worked up about something like this has an obsession with things in this world that do not fit their personal vision of how everything should be. IMO there is no one right way of living or being or seeing and understanding the world. Once you realize that that, you understand that getting all worked up over things beyond yourself and your control is foolish.

There are certain things to me that are universal wrongs, like murder, child molestation and rape. But most other things are not universal rights and wrongs for me to judge or try to control or get all worked up about because it is not a part of my personal reality.

And, has been noted: in places, like some places in Europe, if you go to the lavatory of a cafe or even a rest stop on the highway, you may find it is not gender specific. Live and let live.

Do you have any idea what the odds of being the victim of terrorism is? You have a better chance of being hit by a meteor and being struck by lightning simultaneously, yet the government justifies invading my privacy on the off chance someone might get hurt.

In other words, what the fuck is your point?

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