
Yes, well, I am old fashioned..... my mom and dad.... taught me things you know?

A man is a man ... a woman is a woman...and there is nothing in between.

And I am thankful for my parents lessons,
Transgendered children and adults should have to use the facilities associated with their genitalia. Especially children. What right do they have to display their male parts to girl children? Or their female parts to male children?

Don't like it? To damn bad, the parts you have are what matters in the bathroom. I would sue any school that allowed a transgendered student to use the bathroom of the sex they want to be AS A VIOLATION OF MY CHILD'S RIGHTS AND EDUCATION.

Learn about what transgenderism actually is, and maybe you will understand the difficulties these people face.

I fully explained what gender is and what this transgenderism is not.. with the science.. you know, that stuff you liberals claim to know more about

Yes, well, I am old fashioned..... my mom and dad.... taught me things you know?

A man is a man ... a woman is a woman...and there is nothing in between.

And I am thankful for my parents lessons,

If there is nothing in between, what happens when a child is born with a penis, and ovaries?
Male or female?
Good God! Even the Lord takes his out to piss, no matter where or when. He told me their is nothing wrong with what he created and the issue is way over exaggerated.
We can't let kids see genitals of humans doing their business, but kids get to see dogs, cats and other mammals genitals and nothing is wrong.

If those who believe in a god also believed "there is nothing wrong with what he created", they wouldn't circumcise boy babies.

I do agree this is much ado about nothing. It harkens back to the bathroom hangups that some people apparently still have. Reading the threads concerning homosexuality, transgenderism, oral sex ... some people are still very repressed and ignorant and incredibly judgmental.

Homosexuals and transgender people harm no one. As long as that is true and as long as their sexual lives include only consenting adults, mind your own business. Leave them alone to live their lives.

And, you homophobic and sexually repressed froot cakes, do your kids a favor: don't teach them the same nutty ideas you have.
1 in 10,000 children struggle with gender identity.

Thats how rare this is. Why are you so worried about your kids encountering this issue? Odds are it will never happen.

That is a hellva minority you liberals pander to.
Transgendered children and adults should have to use the facilities associated with their genitalia. Especially children. What right do they have to display their male parts to girl children? Or their female parts to male children?

Don't like it? To damn bad, the parts you have are what matters in the bathroom. I would sue any school that allowed a transgendered student to use the bathroom of the sex they want to be AS A VIOLATION OF MY CHILD'S RIGHTS AND EDUCATION.

Learn about what transgenderism actually is, and maybe you will understand the difficulties these people face.

I fully explained what gender is and what this transgenderism is not.. with the science.. you know, that stuff you liberals claim to know more about


Explaining science.

Yer a hoot. Dumb as your shoe but very funny.

Really, you're just as ignorant as skye's parents were.
1 in 10,000 children struggle with gender identity.

Thats how rare this is. Why are you so worried about your kids encountering this issue? Odds are it will never happen.

That is a hellva minority you liberals pander to.

Why are some so afraid of this minority?

Like it or not, they have just as much right to "pursue happiness" as anyone else.
Learn about what transgenderism actually is, and maybe you will understand the difficulties these people face.

I fully explained what gender is and what this transgenderism is not.. with the science.. you know, that stuff you liberals claim to know more about


Explaining science.

Yer a hoot. Dumb as your shoe but very funny.

Really, you're just as ignorant as skye's parents were.

Yeah... since I have studied within various aspects of science all these years, since I am a conservative and registered REP, I must know nothing about science :rolleyes:

I showed SPECIFICALLY the genetic make up of gender... you have shown NOTHING... you, troll, lose.. yet again
Yes, well, I am old fashioned..... my mom and dad.... taught me things you know?

A man is a man ... a woman is a woman...and there is nothing in between.

And I am thankful for my parents lessons,

If there is nothing in between, what happens when a child is born with a penis, and ovaries?
Male or female?
Hermaphrodites aren't trannies
Can't these freaks use both bathrooms if they get their way? They'll still be able to use the real same sex on as well. So how is this equality?
1 in 10,000 children struggle with gender identity.

Thats how rare this is. Why are you so worried about your kids encountering this issue? Odds are it will never happen.

That is a hellva minority you liberals pander to.

Why are some so afraid of this minority?

Like it or not, they have just as much right to "pursue happiness" as anyone else.

Pursuing happiness in terms of which bathroom to use seems to be lowering the whole "happiness" bar to me.
If you have a dick you should use the mens room, just saying.

But they feel the Dick should've been a a pussy, and insist on wearing womens dresses and panties, and want to use the womens bathroom. Are you going to deny these freaks?!.
What happened to your white ass kissing liberal stance and agenda?
Aren't you for these fags and trannie freaks?
This country will never be truly equal till we have a third restroom for hermaphrodites! Oh wait! And a fourth bathroom for non sexual masturbators. Oh wait! We need a fifth bathroom for metrosexuals. Oh wait! We need a sixth bathroom for people who are only gay in jail. Oh wait! We need a seventh bathroom for lesbian cross dressing asian dominatrix Star Trek fans. Oh wait! We need an eighth bathroom for gay polish men who are straight. Oh wait! We need n ninth bathroom for...
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This country will never be truly equal till we have a third restroom for hermaphrodites! Oh wait! And a fourth bathroom for non sexual masturbators. Oh wait! We need a fifth bathroom for metrosexuals. Oh wait! We need a sixth bathroom for people who are only gay in jail. Oh wait! We need a seventh bathroom for lesbian cross dressing asian dominatrix Star Trek fans. Oh wait! We need an eighth bathroom for gay polish men who are straight. Oh wait! We need n ninth bathroom for...

We need two bathrooms only, one for Men and one for Women. All the other Fags and
lesbians needs to be removed from the society and imprisioned once and for all.
This will be the solution to this problem.
This country will never be truly equal till we have a third restroom for hermaphrodites! Oh wait! And a fourth bathroom for non sexual masturbators. Oh wait! We need a fifth bathroom for metrosexuals. Oh wait! We need a sixth bathroom for people who are only gay in jail. Oh wait! We need a seventh bathroom for lesbian cross dressing asian dominatrix Star Trek fans. Oh wait! We need an eighth bathroom for gay polish men who are straight. Oh wait! We need n ninth bathroom for...

We need two bathrooms only, one for Men and one for Women. All the other Fags and
lesbians needs to be removed from the society and imprisioned once and for all.
This will be the solution to this problem.

You're an idiot.
Yes, well, I am old fashioned..... my mom and dad.... taught me things you know?

A man is a man ... a woman is a woman...and there is nothing in between.

And I am thankful for my parents lessons,

If there is nothing in between, what happens when a child is born with a penis, and ovaries?
Male or female?

I already posted a story about that one. Apparently, if you don't confuse it, it turns out male.
This country will never be truly equal till we have a third restroom for hermaphrodites! Oh wait! And a fourth bathroom for non sexual masturbators. Oh wait! We need a fifth bathroom for metrosexuals. Oh wait! We need a sixth bathroom for people who are only gay in jail. Oh wait! We need a seventh bathroom for lesbian cross dressing asian dominatrix Star Trek fans. Oh wait! We need an eighth bathroom for gay polish men who are straight. Oh wait! We need n ninth bathroom for...

We need two bathrooms only, one for Men and one for Women. All the other Fags and
lesbians needs to be removed from the society and imprisioned once and for all.
This will be the solution to this problem.

You're an idiot.

LOL. Your post above his is even worse!
Transgendered children and adults should have to use the facilities associated with their genitalia. Especially children. What right do they have to display their male parts to girl children? Or their female parts to male children?

Don't like it? To damn bad, the parts you have are what matters in the bathroom. I would sue any school that allowed a transgendered student to use the bathroom of the sex they want to be AS A VIOLATION OF MY CHILD'S RIGHTS AND EDUCATION.

Hey gunny, remember that time you were in the Philippines and you swore that was a woman.

That was a fun night for ya, wasnt it? :doubt:
Yes, well, I am old fashioned..... my mom and dad.... taught me things you know?

A man is a man ... a woman is a woman...and there is nothing in between.

And I am thankful for my parents lessons,

did they also reminisce about the good ol days when blacks couldn't vote? Gays had to stay on the closet, women couldn't vote etc etc?

Luckily the old bigots are dying off.

Hows your health by the way?

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